Chapter 91: A Calm Night


Young Master's Bedroom.

Ryan had immersed himself in his work, as he continued to type on his laptop, responding to some work emails and finalizing some proposals.

The moon shone brightly and peaked through the slits of the blinds that covered the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The noise coming from the tv filled the room. In the dim setting of the light, the main source of blinding brightness was the tv.

Pausing his work, Ryan turned to look at Soo Min, who was fast-asleep on the long navy blue chaise. She slept like a carefree with her arms and legs hanging off the bed.

He placed his laptop aside, and got off the bed without making much noise as possible, before walking towards her.

Ryan stopped before the sleeping figure of the young woman and slightly bent down. He just looked at Park Soo Min for a long time without moving a muscle.

His finger brushed over her dark brown hair. He enjoyed the feel of her silky hair against his calloused fingertips. The hair lock slipped his

fingers and fell on the suede material of the blue chaise.

"I must say there's never been a woman who hasn't succumbed to my charms. Usually, they run behind me but you…" His eyes brushed over her petite face. With his wide arms, he gingerly scooped her within his arms. "It's like you're completely immune. Making me do all the chasing here, huh?" He said softly as he carried her to the bed like she was a newborn that needed to be carried gently and carefully.

He then put her on the bed and covered the lower half of her body with the silk sheets. His eyes then landed on the black remote that her fingers tightly clutched around, making him break into a smile.

Crouching down next to the bed, he leaned over and cautiously released her grip around the remote.

"Even now, I want to kiss you… but even more than that, I want to adore you." He slowly stood up, placing the remote near the tv stand after turning the tv off. Turning back to face her, he smiled, "That's why I'm willing to wait for you."

Just as he turned to leave, he felt a clumsy yet strong pair of hands yank him back, making him stumble in the process.

Within a split second, he found himself laying on the bed next to her. While he was eventually going to sleep here, he hadn't considered being this… close.

It took him a few minutes to realize that the woman who had orchestrated all this, was still lost in the depths of dreamland, unaware of the desires brewing inside him.

"Ice Statue, don't leave." Soo Min whispered groggily in her sleep.

Surprised to hear her speak, he watched her face as she furrowed her eyebrows hinting some discomfort. Placing his arms on her slim waist, he pulled her closer, worried she would feel cold.

"I won't."

As he spoke, his hot breath hit her face, and somehow, it also ended up in her ears that it felt like he was whispering through her ears.

Hearing his answer, Soo Min smiled subconsciously.

Little did Ryan know, what she was really dreaming of, was him serving his master (Soo Min) as a slave. As she saved his life countless times, she chose this as a way for him to pay her back and revenge.

A subtle scent of mint and perfumed musk entered her nose, smelling astonishingly good. His embrace was comforting.

The coldness of the night melted away with the warmth of the couple. One of the most peaceful nights ever to come, before the chaos.