Chapter 104: Bromance?

Noodles & Co.

Seoul, a city renowned for its vibrant culinary scene, harbored a hidden gem—the spiciest restaurant in town.

Stepping inside, the air buzzed with anticipation. Flames danced atop sizzling pans, releasing tantalizing aromas. A cozy interior embraced guests, adorned with crimson accents, dimmed lighting, and wooden tables that whispered stories of countless fiery encounters.

Soo Min and Ryan entered the bustling restaurant, their fingers intertwined. A waiter approached them, bowing respectfully, ready to guide them to their table.

"Welcome to our restaurant. Right this way, please." The waiter said, politely.

Soo Min exictedly spoke "I can't believe after all these years i'm finally here again. They have the best food here and the spiciest!" Raising her eyebrows in a challenging manner, she smirked "You sure you can handle it?"

Ryan grinned and whispered in her ear "Well, I know you can handle the heat, sweetheart but I think i'll be able to keep up."

With every word he spoke, he noticed the way her ears turned redder by the second. Soo Min cleared her throat and forged straight ahead ignoring the constant teasing of her man.

They followed the waiter through the maze of tables, until they reached a corner where their table awaited. Soo Min's smile grew as she spotted Noah, sitting there, wearing a mischievous grin.

Ryan's expression tensed, an unmistakable flicker of annoyance crossing his face.

"Well, well, look who finally decided to grace us with their presence." Noah smirked.

"Drop the antics, drama queen and pass me the menu. I am starving." Soo Min smiled and circled over to the other end of the table as Noah pulled out a chair for her right next to his.

Before Soo Min could even sit down, Ryan swiftly passed by her and sat down in her spot. Noah scowled at him but Ryan sweetly smiled at his fiance and patted the chair next to him, indicating her to sit over there.

Soo Min rolled her eyes, slowly taking her seat, amused by Ryan's possesive nature.

In a sweet, mocking tone, she said "I didn't know you wanted to sit next to Noah so bad."

"I don't want any man sitting next to you except me, Soo Min." Pulling her closer, he whispered.

"Please for the love of god, there's a single man over here." Noah dramatically sighed.

"If you feel so left out, why don't you get the memo and get out of here." Ryan spoke nonchalantly.


"What about me?"

"As much as I hate to interrupt your daily dose of bromance, I think I'm ready to order." Soo Min said with a fake, threatening smile.

"Hello, may I get your ord-." The waiter interrupts.

"ITS NOT BROMANCE!" The two men yelled in unison, startling the innocent waiter right next to them.

"Or maybe I can just come back later." He trembled, wiping beads of sweat of his forehead.

"Oh no no. Just ignore them and take my order." Soo Min smiled at the waiter, while pinching Ryan's leg from underneath the table.