As i woke up from my 'Meditation' i saw a man or young man perse looking at me weirdly and curiously so i ask :" Stop looking at me I've got no interest in men" He was shock that i can speak of course i forgot I'm at my 3rd form a wolf-like creature with 500 meter in length a gigantic creature in his view so i ask even though i already know who he is " Who are you?? and how did you find this place?" I growl at him which absolutely intimidated him and walk backwards then replied while raising the hand showing no hostility a friendly guy huh.
???? replied nervously : " I.. I'm Newton Scamander people call me.. Newt a.. a.. Magizoologist " He stutter as he talk hahaha yup truly a good guy i feel natural energy around him which attract Magical creature and understand them slightly
I replied looking at him saying : " So 'Newt' what are you doing in my place?? it's not good to enter someone's 'House's uninvited " I growl at Newt as i ask with a Questioning voice.
"I'm saving almost extinct magical creature to.. let them reproduce i just followed a unicorn here so i wander here looking around until i came here because i befriend some 'Creature' around here as i was leaving i ask if i could see the 'White Beast' they keep mentioning of " Newt replied nervously continuing said : " I didn't even really try to disturb your 'Sleep' please don't eat me... " he plead i think i know what he's thinking 500 meter gigantic powerful creature just awoken then hungry looking at him like a food nope my friend just evaluating you.
So i resize my self and transform into 5 meter version then morp to my human form i learn that transforming 'Big' 3rd form to human form is slower so i find a trick to resize in smaller form and just return to human form easily.
Well he was shock by me getting smaller of course few can do that and his mouth gaped when i transform to my original form(human form).
"So tell me Newt what's year is it and anything new to Wizarding World" I smile more like a grin looking at the shock and terrified Newt.
Newt POV
I Newton 'Newt' Scamander is travelling the world looking for nearly extinct magical creature to save and let them reproduce.
Now i was in Amazon Rain Forest that the muggle called nowadays to look and rescue magical creature before they are hunted by Wizards and Witch to become ingredients. I met some tribe of unicorn and save them from hunter and because i have the ability to read the emotion express by animals and magical creature I can slightly communicate with them we became friends Magical creature are pure and true to their selves.
The animals i met in the forest show me creature who live this part and i was shocked so many XXX, XXXX, and few XXXXX grade magical creatures like dragon they say they are depending this place or they are protected in this place a safe ground they call no Wizard, Witch, and Magical creature shall fight or kill here otherwise else they will die at the 'White Beast' fang and claw. I was intrigued so i ask who is this 'White Beast' and
all ask replied the same ("The Strongest") so i ask if i can see 'It' and they all shooked their head saying ("You are not worthy yet").
So i spent months try to befriend them all until i received a letter about 'Gellert Grindelwald' so i was planning to return and ask one last time to meet the 'White Beast' before leaving they hesitated before they all nodded saying ("He is a Friend").
Then they lead me to a underground cave they left me to a 'Big' entrance and said only i can proceed. So i pick my suitcase and brace my self to meet this 'White Beast'.
As I enter I saw it, magnificent creature. I was shocked to see it's size over 300 meters larger than a muggle could build. I almost shout ('What the FUCK!') it's so Fucking big, I feel the pressure around so suffocating I know this Creature is strong so strong no one could defeat even 'Merlin', 'Professor Albus Dumbledore', and 'Gellert Grindelwald' who's strength is almost at the peak of the Wizarding World hold no candle against this creature magical power from the size or presence alone you would lose the will to fight nothing could fight this Creature. This Creature is Huge no Gigantic or maybe Titanic in size I don't know what's it's capability but i know one thing 'No one want to Mess with it or else Death is written'.
As I amaze and terrified at the same time i knew now why the magical creature treat the surrounding a safe zone no one want to fight this Creature and who would have a death wish to do it. Then 'It' open it's eyes looking at me curiously but all i could feel was powerlessness one bite and I'm dead. The magical energy around became still as if they are controlled i even can no longer control any magical particle outside my body what a terrifying control on Magical energy. Looks like i disturb it's 'Sleep'. Then it stand it's even bigget when it's stand 'I hope it will not eat me' I thought then i was even amaze because it can speak I almost faint cold sweat keeps accumulating in by back 'It can FUCKING SPEAK!?!' i thought.
????: "Stop looking at me I've got no interest in men". He looks at me like a curious child then i could not reply because of my shock so he continues asking after growling saying: "Who are you?? and how did you find this place??." I was terrified so i walk backward i raised my arm to indicate i mean no harm
I replied nervously : " I.. I'm Newton Scamander people call me.. Newt a.. a.. Magizoologist " I stutter and try to regain my composure.
We talk a little bit I even plead for it not to ear me before he became small as 5 meters in size i was astonished and flabbergasted 'It can resize it's size 'What the FUCK' I thought. It's not spacial manipulation but it's size really became small more like compress I thought i would not be more shock by this but he transform again or morph to human like with Hair like Silver with dark red edges, eyes thar have Heterochromia with Lilac(Light purple) to the left eye and Light Silver color to the right. He's so handsome that i almost blused he look like 16 to 17 years old. I would just think that he's some hansome boy if i did not see the Wolf-like creature turned morph into this 'Kid'.
Then he introduced himself :" Hello Newt I'm Silver " Silver smile or grinned at me it looks devilish to me though ....
"Let's see the New World...." He grinned and look at me then we walk out of the cave.