A talk with Grindelwald and War

I went to a in 'New York' bar to have a drink but i found (Gellert Grindelwald) disguise as Percival Graves drinking some whiskey alone so I approached him and sat beside him before saying : " Hello Mister Grindelwald..Let's talk.." I look at his shock and full of vigilance face looking around and readying to use wand and I just watch him and continue saying : " Can we talk now... Don't worry nobody can hear us " I once again use my grinning smile at him.

Percival Graves(Gellert Grindelwald) spoke slowly :" What do you want to talk?.." I grinned again and ask :" What is your aim about this revolution? of yours"


Gellert Grindelwald (GG) POV

I Gellert Grindelwald one of the most powerful wizard of this generation decided to infiltrate the MACUSA ( Magical Congress of the United States of America)as Lord Percival Graves the Head of the 'Department of Magical Law Enforcement'.

All is well in the past but i suddenly got a glimpse or vision of the future I saw some shadow of a man talking to me in a Bar asking for something then before blurring and soon saw extraordinarily powerful Obscurus Terrorizing New York. I know i had to go to New York because i may found a weapon to defeat Dumbledore. Then as i was looking for the Obscurus i saw a bar of muggle that look like in my vision i walk and have a drink then suddenly a boy or handsome youngman walk to me smilling and said :" Hello Mister Grindelwald..Let's talk.." I was shocked because how he found my perfect disguise even Dumbledore can't recognize me i suddenly got tense readying my wand for a fight and escape but he suddenly said :"Can we talk now... Don't worry nobody can hear us" I saw the surrounding became quiet only the sound of our breathing can be heard so i maintain my vigilance to any threat and ask what he wants to talk about.

He said :" What is your aim about this revolution? of yours" So he knows about my revolution so I explain to him my views about the muggle out of control that they needed to be manage otherwise they will doomed us all Magical folk. He suddenly laugh at me looking me with interest. I was about to get angry but i held it in i feel danger around him my instinct is telling me not to fight him or otherwise I'll die immediately my instincts save me many times at a battle so I decided to listen. Luckily i listen he mark me unknowingly I one of the most powerful wizard does not even know when the 3 claw mark on my shoulder appear, after saying it was his gift for amusing him of my ambition and view to the Bigots and sheep of Wizarding World .

He said Goodbye and open a Portal then dissapear leaving only the few words of 'Goodluck and We'll see again Gellert ' then the noise of the bar return I was shock because he open a portal wandless and no incantation it requires astronomical amount of Magical energy even using wand to open spacial gate and needed special material to stabilize it, no one use's spacial gate nowadays because wizard cannot afford the amount of Mana needed only portkey or apparation are available and commonly use, but 'He' just wave his have and a portal open ready to use. How strong is 'that' person i feel my back soaked with bullets of sweat.

I went back to look for the information about 'him' but none showed up even in the history of the most powerful wizard in the last 500 years. So I gave up I'll just ask if we met again now i need to find the Obscurus and prepare for my plan.



After talking to Gellert i went to rest at my penthouse thinking what to do should i join the fight or just observe as a bystander

Day's, Week's, and Months pass by as I watch in the shadow adventure of Newt and his confrontation with Gellert.

Gellert where caught by MACUSA and as he was transforted to the Ministry of Magic he escape just like the canon. I'm preparing my self to travel in britain for vacation and maybe register a household name in the Ministry of Magic...

Then the Gellert Grindelwald declared open war upon the world, leading to the eventual ousting of Minister for Magic Hector Fawley...