Saving Leta and Nagini II

A day has pass since we went to Nicholas Flamel house But he still doesn't show up that guy is a genius in Alchemist I plan to ask some guide but he's nowhere to be found I can use my magic to locate him but i refrain , alchemy is just a branch of science that uses magic instead of technology.

So I plan to leave today after the so called gathering of wizard and witch in the graveyard, I already know where Grindelwald and his Acolytes are but I don't want to interfere much.

"So Tina house your life being an Auror again?? " I ask Tina snapping her out of her dazed she seems thinking of something

" Well it's the same but I'm looking for Credence that boy is in danger many have been looking for him the Ministry and Grindelwald" Tina sighed as she answered my questions. Queenie look into me seems asking the same think 'Well talk about this later on ' I said in her mind she seems shock she pouted but stayed quiet 'What an adorable face' I thought.

"So Newt what's your plan??" I ask Newt who seems busy talking to Jacob.

"Well I plan to go to France Ministry to look for Credence origin..." He said but interrupted by Tina "I'm coming along"

"But it's dangerous..." he replied "Well I'm an Auror and your not dangerous is part of my job" Tina replied strongly.

"'Sigh'....Ok but be careful.."Newt replied

but i interrupted him " Your the one to be careful your a wanted man and...Your getting married" I look at Tina and said jokingly.

She seems upset and down hearing that

" I already said it's my brother that's going to get married not me " he replied anxiously the look at Tina but still she ignored him.

"By the way what am I going to do with this??" Jacob ask anxiously showing the parasite that look like worm.

I snapped my finger and it got caught in fire "That will do..." Then I said " Were leaving after today Queenie and I will 'travel' some place so you might not contact us using owls but well send some letter"

"Where? " Tina seems worried for her sister going with me. " It's Okay Teenie and I'm already an adult so were you I already found the person I want to be with so was you " Queenie then look at Newt who seems busy talking to Jacob again.

"'Sigh.. ' Okay but write me a letter and Silver take good care of my Sister otherwise...." She threatened me with a fierce look " Of course I will take 'care' of her.... " I smile and look at Queenie who seems to be blushing and wink at her.

We separated from each other we left Jacob guarding the man who is still unconscious.

"Newt and Tina Goodluck.." I wave at them then walked with Queenie

"Write some letter Queenie!!" Tina yelled and wave her hand.

"Well meet again Teenie.. and Newt take care of her " she smile at Newt and wave her hand

"I Wi-ll..." Newt replied muttering.

I hold her hand and walked to the street's "Dont be sad dear will see them again.." I said and kiss her forehead "Okay... " she replied with a bit of tear in her eyes so I clean it with handkerchief.

"So.. where are we going??" she asked

"Well first were going to save some lives and look for 'companions'.." She frowned from my answer sensing something 'Really Womans intuition are sharp' I thought.

" Who? " she asked with an interrogating eyes with a bit of crazed ' Her craziness sure is high' I thought. I cast some 'notice me not charm' and Barrier "You see Queenie I'm not from this world I have the ability to travel around different dimensions" she was shocked to hear that but I continued " I'm basically immortal and I don't want to spend my Eternity alone so I gather or rather collect 'things' like Animals and Magical Creature".

Feeling my loneliness she hold my hand " Then I feel bored by just collecting them I want to share them to someone I like and loved so here we are... I'm being selfish Queenie I may have many Woman in the future but I want you to be with me Eternity is long so I want people to accompany me" I look at her eyes "Will you still follow me?"

She seems confused what to do by my words I sighed 'Seems I'll be alone for a while' I thought while waiting for her answer she kiss me instead " I love you Silver and it's rare but some powerful wizards have more wives so I can live with that... but Promise me I will be the first wife" she replied with a gentle smile "But I worried your immortal but I may grow older and Y-ou will leave me..... "

"Don't worry I have an Elixir of youth and have ways to make you stay beautiful and young with me.." I replied with a grin but when she heard stay 'Beautiful' and 'Young' her eyes glow 'Huh Woman does like to stay young and beautiful' I thought. She then look at me with a fierce look seems demanding something my lips twitch and handed her a bottle full with light green sap of World Tree I took from my echanted pouch.

Before I could say something she grab it with a fast hand and drank it all my lips keeps twitching and thought 'Woman...she first angry about me now happy.. I will teach you later at bed....'

She glowed Greenish then Golden luckily I cast some barrier otherwise it will be eye-catching..

I grab her and teleport to a nearby hotel Queenie molted her old skin and impurities in her body.

"Wow that's Wonderful I feel some of my ache vanish quick give me a mirror.." She demanded but replied "You should wash first" she look around to find black goo and old skin "Ahhhhh... " she screams and went to the bathroom I soon heard the water splashing I use magic to gather the goo and old skin and conjure some fire to burn it.

I waited 30 minutes for her to finished bathing she went out with a towel around her body. She look young like 18 to 20 years old, some of her flaws, like wrinkle vanished she have the mature and seductive aura around her Queenie looks more beautiful now compared before.

"I look so beautiful Silver...Thank you " Queenie said then jump into me she kiss me.

I was first surprised but soon the embrace her "You also look beautiful before.. " I replied with a smile.

She started taking of my clothes and pants 'A woman offered herseld who am I to reject' I thought and cast Silencing spell around the walls and 'Notice me not' Charm on the room.

She's taking the lead so I let her she throws the towel around her and grab my Dick who's already hard she forcefully plunged her pussy with it.

"Ahhhhh.. " We yelled in ecstasy 'It's so tight.. tighter than before' I thought.

Queenie ride me like a cowgirl non stop with her assault.. "Ahh.... hahh... OHHH M-MY G*******D..... " She panted with ecstasy and pleasure, her eyes is full of lust craze.

After a few hours of tossing and riding. She Orgasm and climax a few time Queenie finally settle down tiredly... I release my cum inside her then we fell both asleep..