Releasing sealed strength and A New World.

I woke up and saw Queenie, Leta and Nagini looking and smiling at me "What? Never seen a handsome man sleeping before? " I ask with chuckle. They blush at my comment. "What time is it Let's have breakfast.." I ask.

"It's 8 am..sure where just waiting for you to wake up" Queenie replied. I stand up and said " let me shower a bit.. wanna come with me? " Queenie and the other blush at my word. " No.. We already bathe" she replied stuttering. I chuckle and went to the bathroom and shower, After a few minutes

I walked out fresh and with a new formal suit along with black hat then I conjure a walking stick made of Vibranium coated with black color scheme and dragon(Zinogre+dragon) like head as a handle. "How do I look? handsome right? " I ask the three of them. The three of them were in dazed at my look then blush but nodded at my question. I chuckle and smile "Before that.. let me cast Illusions on Leta so that no one may recognize her.. " without waiting for Leta's reply I casted a spell which makes her features slightly different she still look sexy as hell but her hair color, and skin color change I also added a 'notice me not charm' on her for precautions. She seems shocked abour her new look so I said with a chuckle "It will only last for a day and when we leave it will be Gone.." She smiles and said "Thank You.. ".

I raise my arm to Queenie for her to grab and my other to Leta which she shyly hold then look at Nagini and said " I only have 2 arms maybe later on.." she blushed at my comment but nodded. We walked out of the room along with Nagini holding my cane. We walked past out the lobby with men looking at me with envious gaze. We went to the nearest Restaurant to have our breakfast.

After eating to our fill and payed for the bill we apparate into one of the vault owned by Billy Hill an Underworld figure in London. Nagini and Queenie already knew about paper money so they started putting them on their own storage ring I look at Leta when she is looking at the stacks of money laying around curiously " This is what no-maj use as currency, grab some so you can buy something at the place where going.." Leta nodded understanding what I said she also started to put the money on her own ring. I looked at the stack of money which almost 10 million pounds Billy Hill is still a small time Gang boss and this is his secret money Vault.

I stop them when the money around is almost 1 million pounds which he can use to pay some bills then I left a note written

[ Dear Mr. Billy

You let your money laying around.. so I pick them up don't worry I'll use them for good instead of laying around here...

Thanks S. ]

We apparated again to Charles "Derby" Sabini Secret money Vault. We did the same as Billy we borrowed his stash and 'put the money in good use' the money here is almost have 15 millions pounds we left the same 1 million pounds for his bills along with the same note

[ Dear Mr. Charles

You let your money laying around.. so I pick them up don't worry I'll use them for good instead of laying around here...

Thanks H. ]

After a 30 minutes of Money Heist on the two infamous Underworld Gang in london we went to the market or mall. I gave them some simple handbag to 'put' their money on as they shop. As money coming out of ring when they pay will gather a lot of attention and questions .

I also went shopping we seperated Leta and Queenie are together while I'm with Nagini. Queenie will teach Leta about using money and some worldly common knowledge of course they went off to buy clothes, jewelry and perfume. Nagini and I well went to but Juke box, Phonographs, Edison's new Phonograph, Guitar, 3 large piano, 18th and early 19th phonograph music recorder/CD. I also bought other musical instruments to play with I just compelled the seller that the big ass piano is already delivered as I secretly put it in my ring of course I payed for it.

Nagini and I then went buy alcohols like Red wine, white wine, Bourbon, Vodka, Rum, Beer, Whisky, Brandy, Jack Daniels and etc.. I simply bought all of the stocks put them in the ring, payed for the items and made he seller forgot about us luckily there is still no CCTV to monitor my way of buying.

After buying musical stuff I started to buy 5 Pool table, cook books, musical instruments instructions manual on how to use them. As Queenie and Leta are still shopping I left Nagini with them to buy some dangerous stuff for ordinary human.

When I was alone I started to visit weapon store buy some Pistols, Rifle, and Shotgun like Stevens M620, Springfield 1922 rifle, Ballester-Molina pistol, Pistol Browning Model 1922, Pistol Caliber .45, M1911 and etc.. around London secretly and stored them in the ring and walked out of the shop after buying large amounts of bullets, I also bought 3 Manual bullet Press for shotgun, rifle, and pistol 'handloading' or manual assembly of ammunition. I plan to upgrade the press using magic making it automated or let the Free elf create some bullets for me as their is a manual how to create one as for the material their is so many salt, pepper and etc. Which is the ingredients for creating gun powder in my pocket world so no issue there. I just want to practice using guns as I might use them later on.

I also found famous revolver like the colt I manage to buy, Colt Single Action Army Revolver, US Colt Single Action 1873 Cavalry Model, .45 Colt Single Action Army, serial No 5773 7th Cavalry issued 1877, The Colt Frontier Six-Shooter, some owners does not want to sell them but using some 'persuasion' or compulsion courtesy to my Vampire bloodline and large amounts of money I finally Acquired them along with their orignal case and large amount of bullet I plan to put these on my 'new armory' to display for later use.

I'am really thankful for the money Unknowingly Donated by the two gang lord in london from their secret vault. I saw a store selling different kinds of Juke box so I was entrigue it's not the advance one but the embryotic form of the jukebox I bought the 5 latest Jukebox which is slightly automated, I payed then stuff them in the ring compelled the owner to forgot what I did and return to Queenie, Nagini, and Leta. Who seems still quite busy buying coat and lingerie So I waved my arms.

They saw me waving so they also smile in return. I approached Queenie " So how's your 'shopping'?" I ask her. "Fine they have so many new clothing today." she replied. I nodded and look at Queenie,Leta and Nagini chuckle "Just buy them all if you want try them later on we still need to go to New York" I said.

They even forgot they have so much money on them as they look for clothes and stuff so I reminded them. After a few minutes the trio packed all the things they deemed beautiful and payed after we went out of the store they immediately put them in the ring.

We went to some deserted alley then I open a portal to New York. As we walked out of the portal We were again in a vault of unknown person they saw the same mountain of money Nagini look at me with confused look. "This is the currency use here so get some to spend here" I said I look at the stack of dollars almost 5 million well it's owned by some druglord so I don't feel pity for stealing his money. After they finished ransacking the whole vault I simply left a note written:

[The money is just Laying around so I put them to good use..

Thanks for the donation S. ]

I chuckle when imagining the look of his face when he found this note of course I left 100,000 dollars for his bills. I grab the three then apparated at some alley a few homeless people saw us appearing so I just Obliviate them all. We went to have lunch in some fancy restaurant then return shopping again.

Queenie became their tour guide even if Leta also visited America but she didn't spend so much time in the no-maj world unlike Queenie so she doesn't know where to go so they tag along with Queenie to shop again. I seperated from them to buy some Oreo Cookies,  Hydrox, wrapped chocolate Tastycakes, Lorna Doone, marshmallow fluff, Whitman Samplers, Nestlé milk chocolate bars, peppermint Life Savers, Eskimo Pies, Oh Henry! Bars, Chuckles, Baby Ruth, Cheez-It, Girl Scout Cookies, Gummi Bears, Mounds, Charleston Chew, and Clark Bars, Popsicles, Milky Way bars, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, fruit-flavored Life Savers, Honey Maid Graham Crackers, Charleston Chew, Mr. Goodbar, Milk Duds, Pez, Raisinets, Mike & Ike, Velveeta cheese, Peter Pan peanut butter, Butterfinger, and Heath bars. I bought all the stores stock I spend almost 1 hour buying, paying and compelling them to forgot how I stored the things I bought. Hell I even bought all the current Baby Ruth baseball card collection, I have 10 sets of them I put them in a case full of enchantment then stored them in my ring I plan to display 1 set as part of my collection in the vault and keep the rest stored maybe in otherworld Baby Ruth is also a famous athlete this things will be collectibles and rare so why not have some.

I started to buy some different kinds of bicycles made from 1920 to the present I bout 3 of each kinds as still not quite pricey I stored them in my ring again. I look around and saw a Luxury car store so I was tempted to buy some car so I look around and found other car store but have different brand of cars inside so I visited each store and started buying some Luxury car and common one like, Adler Standard 6, Bugatti Royale(Bugatti Type 41), Ford Model T, Ford Model A, Nash Ambassador, Rover 10, Studebaker Commander,  Mercedes-Benz S-Series, Fiat 520,1927 Cadillac 90 Degree, Dodge Brothers De-Luxe Sedan, Studebaker Big Six, Buick Marquette, Hudson "The Coach", Maxwell Club Sedan, Chrysler Imperial, and the Chrysler 75 Roadster which is still not yet commercially on sale as the production is still ongoing they only have 2 on display for Advertisment .

I bought 3 of each car along with fuel of course almost the store owners and employees was skeptical at first, whether I can pay for the cars so I talk to all owners in their office and show him a Dupple bag full of money all of them gladly sold me the car after signing some documents and using some compulsion for fake identification and other questions where the money came from we directly went to just paying the Bill . As for the 'Chrysler 75 Roadster' I ask to buy it but store owner said they're not for sale yet but when I offer him 4000 dollar for one almost thrice the price of his current luxury car he agreed he can just let the manufacturer deliver again so I finalize all the details as I almost bought almost all of the stores car stock They were all happy so was I. I just spend almost 200,000 dollars which is drop on my wealth.

I got all the car but when it comes for delivery well I just stored them at my ring then compelled the employees and owners to forget how they saw me make the car dissapear I just said it was delivered already. I walked out the last store and meet with Queenie and the rest.

We spent the whole afternoon till evening buying things what they want. I bought some old camera and a lot motorcycle named Scott Flying Squirrel, BMW R32, BMW R37, BMW R39, BMW R42, BMW R47, Norton Big 4, Harley Davidson Model J and Model JD, 2 of each spending almost 20 thousand dollars as the motorcycle is still progressing and quite 'cheap' I use compulsion again to made them forgot how I stored the Motorcycle. I want to try riding the motorcycles and cars but I must first engrave purification and cleaning rune on the motor exhaust pipe so that and smoke it produce became purified not causing pollution. Queenie bought cooking books, Leta and Nagini bought clothes, coat and jewelry. We look for a restaurant to have diner talk about what we bought and some stuff. As we walked out the Door I look at Queenie, Leta and Nagini "Were leaving tonight Queenie did you say your Goodbye to Tina? " I ask Queenie. "I already told her in Paris that were leaving and I also wrote some letter this morning saying I can't wrote back but I'll try to send some letter to her. " She said with a smile but I know she still feels sad for leaving her sister. I look at Queenie "She has Newt with her she'll be fine and you can still send some letter from time to time to let her know your Ok" I said to her. I can leave a small door where an owl or bird can enter through the leaves of The World Tree in my pocket world but only those I approve can enter otherwise death is the outcome if they force to enter. I can just connect the leaves to create a door near the villa. As I already plan to create a Building full of door which each door is connected to the World Tree leaves or it's fruit for easy access but I still needed to talk to the World Tree for approval on the connection.

I then look at Leta and Nagini "Ready to leave? " I ask. Leta and Nagini look at each other and nodded "Yes" they both replied. "We'll be Leaving at tonight " I said. I then grab Queenie, Leta, and Nagini arm to apparate on top of a buidling. I look at the confuse ladies and chuckle I transfigure sofa chair "Seat..for a while" I said while pointing the sofa. They all sat beside me I transfigure a table to put my legs they all did the same I put my arms in the sofa where they lay their heads "Let's rest for a while and look at the view" We all saw the bustling streets filled with people a few minutes Queenie and Nagini fell asleep in my shoulder while hugging me Leta also fell asleep in my arms.


After 2 hours of taking a nap I wake up Queenie, Leta, and Nagini.."Let's Go.. " I said with a smile to them "What worldare we going to? " Nagini ask. "Well it's a world full of death and three needed actual training for your spell also you needed to know how to use muggle weapon" I answered. "Why? " Leta ask. "Well you always rely on your magic what if you don't have access to magical energy? you needed to learn how to depend yourself and know how to use your arm and legs to attack and depend you also needed to know how to use human weapon" I replied seriously. "Just think of it as a training or widening your magic is not everything..don't worry if you can't handle it I will not force you that world is also advance as I might need or use something from there maybe we can find more people there to accompany us" I said to the three with a smile. "So that's what your after.. " Queenie said with a smile while pinching my waist. "Ouch.. ouch.. chill Queenie there is a saying more the merrier.." I said while hidding behind Nagini. After a few minutes of talking and calming to Queenie down.

I got serious and started to cast a forcefield and wards around us I also cast protection shield on Queenie, Nagini and Leta to avoid getting them hurt in the process. I closed my eyes and started to release my strength a number like tattoo showed in my chest [1%] it started to climb up from 1% to...2%....3%....4%... 5%..... my Iris started to glow with searing Red with Golden Outline 10% I can feel my Vampire and Werewolf bloodline awaken, I feel my two fangs grow sharper I can also feel a secondary canine like tooth beside my fangs(Hybrid Klaus fang) .....20%....30% I can feel my Zinogre, Fenrir and True Dragon bloodline awaken... 50% Now my Kryrptonian and Darkseid bloodline awaken, I started to float and ignore the gravity tethering me like shackle being being broken like glass....75% ....99%...100%...I feel I can destroy this planet with one punch or just a thought using my enhance mental energy, time seems slowdown on me but it just my reflex is so fast, I perceive everything became slow, my eyes like slit like a dragons eyes the color is blazing like fire Searing Dark Red with shining Golden outline my body is full of overwhelming chi I control myself and immediately hid my powerful chi as I might glow like sun if I just let it continue, now my aura is so strong I can crush building like it was nothing with just my aura...I feel so powerful..luckily I already shielded this place with a strong wards to contain my presence and energy I emit as I release my full strength otherwise my aura and magical energy will be detected around the World by all wizard, witch and muggle specially magical creature with strong sensitivity alike even a dense person can feel the heavy aura that I emit at this point.

(AN: Silver does not need to use his full power but.. needed to show what he look like at full power hahaha. )

I look at Queenie, Leta and Nagini who's hidden in a barrier having pale faces almost kneeling even with a barrier they still can feel my Overwhelming presence so I Immediately hid my aura, reduce/hid my fangs, change my eyes return it to normal, hid my tattoo , control my overwhelming chi and magical energy It look like nothing happen but I know how powerful Iam right now. "What never seen a handsome floating man before? " I joke to reduce the awkwardness.

"....." Leta.

"....." Queenie.

"....." Nagini.

"Well this is not awkward at all.. that is my current full power as were leaving I plan to go all out.. incase of something happens" I said with a smile.

"That was terrifying... I feel like an ant no a dust.. is more appropriate.." Queenie said while shaking along with Leta and Nagini so I approached them and hug the three all together "So scared of me now?" I ask with a bitterly. They all frown at my word.

"..No.. but say something before you do something like that.. I.. We were just surprised how powerful you are that's all.. " Leta said bitterly Nagini and Queenie also nodded together. I open a portal above us and wrap the three with my aura, chi, and magical energy I also cast a Invisibility spell, and notice me not charm around us "Ready?.." I ask which three nodded together as I was still hugging them altogether, I just float defying gravity tagging them along in my arms through the portal as we enter it Immediately closed.

As we passed through the portal It was day and we were above a city so I lowered myself landing on a building I let go Queenie, Leta, and Nagini. We saw bustling streets filled with people so I went in front of them and Introduce this place with smile and wide open arms "Ladies Welcome... to 'Raccoon City' the place where it all begun" I said to Queenie, Leta and Nagini.