
The glass man

The comfort of finitude acts as a balm on those too tired. It is the last and only promise made by the Universe: everything will one day end. Eternity is not real even for those who believe and trust it; names will be erased, stocks will one day fade and all essence made of memories and memories will dissipate with the last breath.

Nothing in this world is certain but Death.

The glass man shows his vitality. From subtle translucent meats, the essence that moves you - dreams and thoughts - is fully observable through your stained glass. It is an existence that goes beyond itself, it cuts through other people. Its glassy fragility is its greatest beauty.

Certain death also appreciates you and is saddened to see you. The glass man wants to leave a legacy, but both know that death is the great reducer. Inexistences frighten the glass man, whose intention for life shines golden and strong. Absences feed death.

They are both admiring each other, getting closer, and the glass man shatters a little with each step.