Awakening III

Previously more than a thousand names listed now barely 500 Hunters remained from across all Guilds and Strongholds. The top Guild had no more than 20 people at a time. The Hunters' average level was around 800, not counting the select few who had broken through 1000. 

These 500 Hunters were split into Four Groups.

The Tanks led by the Aegis Guild who stood proud with their Shields. They were assigned to protect everyone from the brunt of the daemons' attacks. 

The Damage Dealers, those armed with weapons of all designs. From Swords to War Hammers, they were carried to the battlefield. They were led by Jaren. This was the reason why he was chosen as a representative. He was a master of many kinds of weapons. He was the perfect man for the job and by his side was Lucius who was more steady in his intent and movement. He was present to keep Jaren from going out of line.