
As I slowly opened my eyes all I see around me is nothing but darkness as far as my eyes could see. I don't know how I can even open my eyes in what I assume to be in soul form! All I could think of is how I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of eternity!

I have been stuck here for months or years, maybe even hundreds of years! I'm starting to lose my sanity, memories, and who I am or was! All I ever do is repeat who I am over and over, again and again to keep myself together!

"I am Shane, 21 years old, I like video games, anime, and the supernatural. I was killed while walking home when an earthquake hit, then the cars on the road panicked and a truck hit me. Then I woke up here and nothing has happened since then."

I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, I just want this to be over, but I fear the next time I close them I won't wake up! Although I want this to end, I still have the slightest bit of hope something or someone will save me. After all, anybody who wants to live will always have a bit of hope no matter how hopeless.

"CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME ALREADY" I started yelling in my head or maybe not I don't care anymore "I JUST WANT THIS TO BE OVER WITH ALREADY" I just want to go home, maybe even to heaven or hell.

I just want something, anything but this darkness!

I was yelling out all my frustrations so I can keep the despair from swallowing me any quicker than it already is! A ball of gentle light of unimaginable size just appeared in the distance that rippled here and there.

"Mortal for my neglancie in letting you end up here and for you staying alive for a year here you will be given 3 wishes for my mistake and for keeping yourself alive." The ball of light started to talk in a monotone voice as it blinked.

When I saw the ball of light appear I was shocked then overjoyed that I would get out of here! But before I could even speak I heard what it said, I was excited that I would get out of here and with wishes!

"I could wish for anything I want" asked Shane, after all if I could wish for anything that would mean I-

Before I could finish my thought the ball of light started to speak "Mortal don't go overboard I gave you those wishes, I can take them away any time." It spoke with a monotone voice, like it didn't care what was happening!

"R-Right, nothing overboard" I was a little scared that my wishes would be taken away. So I should keep them manageable for me and easy for the ball of light! So we both get what we want! "Do I get to go to my original world or a new one of my choosing." After all, my wishes are going to be based on the world i'm going to be in!

"You choose the world" The ball of light said without any care. "Mortal, you should be quicker I have better things to do." All though it still sounded like it did not care, I was not going to take a chance.

Good thing I have an idea of what world I was going to so the wishes are easier than before!

"Then I want to go to "Buffy the vampire Slayer" world as Angel's brother" Buffy the vampire slayer/Angel was the first supernatural tv show I have ever watched as a kid.

"Done, now pick your wishes. And don't think you can wish for no weakness. Everything has a weakness." It warned me in that same monotone voice, which is getting a little creepy.

"Alright, Then for my first wish I want to be a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid but with some extra abilities. Like Dream Manipulation, Blood Rising/Blood Bond, and Animal control!" I'm kind of nervous that it wouldn't accept that many extra abilities.

"That's fine, but introducing a new race to the world like the Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid would cost you 2 wishes and then with those extra abilities it will cost you the last wish. Are you fine with that?"

"Yes, I'm fine with that!" Although i could just become a vampire from the Buffy world and i will get 3 wishes instead of the one, but being a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid will make me stronger faster! Plus thier my wishes I can do what I want with them.

"Done, you will arrive the day Angel dies and gets turned into a vampire" As soon it finished speaking everything went dark.


Laying on the bed is a 21 year old, 6 foot tall man with short black messy hair, strong jaw line, and a slim well defined body. With the moon light shining through the window on his face he opens his black colored eyes in a dazed confused manner.

Looking around he starts to hold his head with a pained expression, but that lasted but a second.

Looking around but this time with both curiosity and familiarity and a joyful smile!

"Although I have memories and what feels like the emotions of my new life everything feels new to me. Thinking about my family In this new life I'm not close to my father or mother and only close to my older brother Liam(Angel) and little sister Kathy. What's cool is that my name is the same as my past life, Shane"

When I thought about Angel I just remembered his funeral happened today. Looking back out the window and seeing that it's midnight there's a very high chance that he is already a vampire and heading here!

Standing up from the bed out of a little bit of panic, but then remembering my wish. What do I have to worry about, Angel just became a newborn vampire and Darla in 1753 is only 144 years old.

And while I'm still a newborn Hybrid I can take them.

Thinking about my Hybrid status, a flood of information on how to use my Hybrid powers, transformations, Dream manipulation, Blood rising/Blood bond, and Animal control appeared in my head.

Looking through the information it says that on my Vampire side I'm an original and on my Werewolf side I'm also first of my bloodline.

So on both Vampire and Werewolf sides I'm the first of my bloodline so the racial abilities of both races are at their peak!

After going through all that information I found out there are 3 forms: the full vampire, full werewolf form where i turn into a wolf, and then the half vampire-werewolf form which enhances both races abilities!

So I'm going to try to transform into my vampire form.

Closing my eyes I focus on my Vampire side. I open my mouth wide as I feel my canines grow. After they stopped growing I opened my eyes which also changed from the former black to now a dim red iris that blends in to the black sclera!

They look alot like the ghoul eyes from that anime.

After the transformation happened I can feel an itch in my throat that I can only assume is hunger.

Now I'm going to try to transform into my half vampire-werewolf form and then full wolf form.

Concentrating on my half form.

The vampire teeth stayed the same but smaller ones grew on my bottom jaw, as my nails grew longer, and my eyes stayed the same.

After checking it out I tried my full wolf form, from the information about turning into my wolf form it says that it will hurt a lot but with each time i do it will hurt less.

So again closing my eyes again I start with the transformation.

Then the next thing I know pain appeared all over my body. Clenching my teeth till I could taste my own blood. Scratching and digging into the floor and screaming into my throat, but just as I was about to scream out loud till my throat ran dry the pain stopped.

Taking a handful of deep breaths and opening my eyes which were the same as my other forms! Red iris with a black sclera. Standing up and walking around on all fours I examine my body to see how big it is.

From what I can tell I'm about 3ft tall and weigh in at the early 200lbs. And black fur.

While in my wolf form I was rolling around, scratching my head with my back feet, jumping around, and having fun.

While having fun I heard banging in the house.

Curious I use my wolf paws and open the door and peek out to take a look. When I did I saw my father boarding the windows, which I just remembered from the show.

When I looked towards the front door my little sister kathy was opening the door. When it opened my brother Liam(Angel) was there smiling at her.