Crowns and a Rose: Mission Im- POSSIBLE

"No way~" Sophia exclaims.

"Yes, way~" I utter.

So, here I am, sitting in my office, about to propose an unexpected mission to Sophia. The whole situation is quite amusing, to be honest. 

"What is it?" I ask.

"Was that really Lord Jay Harrison?" she asks back.


"Ei~? Uhm... sorry but~"

"But... what?"

She leans back on her seat while holding her forehead.

"My friends told me how a cool and charming young man he is... the one I hit doesn't seem to fit the description," she mumbles to herself.

I have just dropped a bombshell on her, and her reaction is not what I had anticipated. As she sits there, trying to process what I had just told her, I can't help but feel a sense of delight. It seems like things are going according to plan. 

"You don't seem distracted by the lords' awesomeness. And that's the first. I also checked my account and your name isn't on the list," I say.

"Name? What list?" she answers in confusion.

"Hmmm... I am not sure whether you are left out by the current events or simply uninterested in the lords," I utter.

"Uh~ I think both~" she replies. "What's going on?"

I want to offer Sophia a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one that I believe she is uniquely suited for since she seems unfazed by the charm of the lords, unlike most people. 

"Sophia~ I have a secret mission for you!"

"Oh no~?! Please, professor, I already had my fair share of the missions and challenges today," she replies anxiously.

"Don't worry about your math challenge. That's already been taken care of. Your so-called friends are more than happy to take a holiday trip to Ibiza."

Despite the shock on her face, she remains quiet.

"Do you take it?"

"Why--- me?"

I go near her and tap her shoulder to give her assurance that everything's gonna be okay.

"Because you are the only woman I know who seems unaffected by their charm."

"Uh~ huh?"


"Can I hear it first?" she asks anxiously.

"Do you trust me?" I ask, looking intently at her face.

She is surprised by my question and confused about what is she gonna answer.

"Do--- you--- trust--- me?" I repeat.

She thinks for a while.

"Actually~ no... I am scared~" she answers.

I smile.

"Hmmm... I appreciate you for being honest. Now~ you decide~ to take it or leave it?"

"Should I decide now? How can I decide on something I am not sure of?"

"How do you see yourself, say five years from now?"

"Uhm... after graduating, I am planning to apply as a counselor in any school for maybe 2- 3 years. Then, transfer to a prestigious school like here."

"You seem to have a clear vision of your future."

"I have already decided to become a counselor~"

"How certain are you? The future is unknown~ uncertain~"

She ponders for a moment. 

"I know what you mean~"

" I am speaking to you not as a headmaster, but as a mother and an aunt. Do you take it?"

She sighs in surrender. I smile in my mind coz I know that my strategy is working.

"Okay! What is it, professor?"

"Listen. Everything I'll tell you is confidential. Do you understand?"

She nods.

"If any of our conversations are leaked, you will be punished. Do you understand?" I repeat.

"I understand, professor," she answers.

"The lords are pampered brats and they don't really care about their future because they are well aware of the huge sum of money the Founder put under their names."

As I lay out the details of the mission, Sophia's initial reaction is one of apprehension. She is hesitant and unsure of whether she should accept or decline. I can sense her fear, but I also see her honesty and integrity shining through. It is clear that she is a person of strong character, and that's exactly what I need for this mission.

"All I want you to do is live with them and~"

"Wait~ what?" she asks aloud with her eyes wide open.

"Were you not listening?" I ask in a stern voice.

"I am... was," she answers softly.

"Good. As I was saying, live with them along with the five chosen female students. And your job is pretty simple. It is to make sure that they realize the importance of responsibility." I explain.

"Uhm~ I am sorry but~"

As I continue to explain the intricacies of the mission, there is a knock on the door, and in walk the lords, completely catching us off guard. Their unexpected entrance only adds to the already tense atmosphere in the room.

"Come in~," I say.

"Mom, can we~?" Mon stops when he sees Sophia sitting in front of me.

The lords' reaction to Sophia's presence is nothing short of dramatic. They are taken aback, and their initial assumptions about her lead to a series of amusing and unexpected events. Sophia, however, remains composed, even in the face of their intimidation tactics.

"You~ you are Eminem's grandmom!" he says while pointing at her which makes me confused and amused.

"What? Eminem's grandmom?" I ask.

"Guys! She's here! Eminem's grandmom is here!" Mon shouts. Not for long, all of the lords are inside my office.

Sophia flinches. I know she is terrified but she is good at masking her fear.

"Why is she here, auntie?" Ron asks while Jay stares at her like a specimen under a microscope.

"Is she going to be punished, mom?" Leo asks.

"She must be! She scarred Jay's pretty face and she is not even his girlfriend," Ron adds.

"I bet she didn't know who we are! You're dead now!" Ben utters while smiling like a devil.

Jay walks closer and stops in front of her. Sophia looks tiny, especially when she sits in front of Jay who stands six feet.

I keep quiet and observe how she's gonna handle the situation. 

Jay holds the armrests of the sofa and leans forward until his face is just inches away from hers.

Sophia meets his narrow eyes.

"No one ever dared to lay his or her hands on me, especially on my face. I'd say you have the nerve! And have no idea of what I can do to you!" he whispers.

She gulps.

"I will make sure to make your life a living hell!" he continues as we all watch how he tries to scare her.

"Apologize and I will let it slide as if nothing happened!" Jay adds.

Sophia looks down as if scared of what's coming. She snorts.

The lords smirk as they think that she is crying--- just like any of their victims who always end up crying.

Jay grins.

Then, she takes her bag and searches for something, a tissue I suppose.

She clears her throat before speaking.

"My lords... I am~ s- sor..." she says softly. I am disappointed at this moment. How easily she gives up.

"I am sorry, but what is that under the table?" she asks which makes us all curious.

Jay doesn't buy it as he stays as he is.

Sophia appears scared as she looks at something under the table.

"Oh my gosh! What's that?" she screams.

"What's what?" Ben says as they look under the center table.

Sophia extends her arms to get it as we all wait in anticipation.

All of a sudden, Sophia screams as she throws a rubber snake at them.

The lords scream and squeal like women and Mon even jumps over the settee near the window. Ben carries Leo who is panicking. Ron jumps and clings to me.

As I watched the events unfold, I couldn't help but be impressed by Sophia's ability to handle the situation with grace and wit. Her unorthodox approach to diffusing the tension in the room was nothing short of brilliant, and it left a lasting impression on everyone present. Sophia manages to turn the tables on the lords, leaving them bewildered and flustered. Her quick thinking and unexpected actions not only catch the lords off guard but also leave me in stitches.