Chapter 3: Kevin's army

After giving a speech to everyone, Nasir left everyone as the elders and disciples bowed to him.

An elder came forward and divided all the new disciples into small groups. Each group was given a different task like cleaning the sect, washing clothes, cleaning dishes, watering plants, helping the cook in cutting vegetables, taking care of animals, etc.,

Each group had one inner Sect disciple guiding them, he will teach and guide them on their work, and keeps an eye on them.

Aakhya was in the group that was tasked with taking care of animals, along with his other four room-mates. The guide explained their work to them and took off from there. The four kids took the job of feeding the cows and left the part of cleaning their shit to Aakhya.

Aakhya started cleaning it all up, but the place was so slippery that he couldn't even walk properly, He fell on the cow's shit many times, the four kids were enjoying the scene and laughing at him. He managed to finish his work in some way, just as he was taking a breath, all the cows released their dumps one after another like blasts of missiles. Aakhya felt dizzy just by looking at the scene, now he has to clean it all up again! He stood up and started cleaning it, swimming through the green shit of cows, just when he cleaned it all up another small cow was about to shit and he dived towards its back with the bucket in his hands.

Bang! The shit fell right into the bucket.

The fat kid came forward and laughed at him like crazy with his hand on tummy

The cow kicked the fat kid from behind and he took off like a rocket and fell right into the mountain of shit, Aakhya started laughing looking at this scene

The fat kid stood up and looked angrily at Aakhya. Then the guide came there and noticed that the work has been completed then he said to them "Ok juniors, now go and fresh up and come to the grounds for breakfast"

Slowly everyone gathered on the ground and ate their meals, after some time an elder came and said "Now everyone needs to enter the forest to collect some spiritual fruits for your dinner and those who are not able to collect will have to sleep with empty stomach"

All of them entered the forest to search for fruits, 3 core disciples were following the hundreads of kids to protect them from beast attacks. In middle of the forest there is a wide path, they suddenly heard rumbling of foot steps, a huge force was coming from ahead, then core disciples released their pressure and put all the kids on their knees and also bowed on their knees in the front row of kids. A group of the army passed by them, riding upon ferocious beasts. After the army passed them, all of them went back on their way to search for fruits,

As soon as the trees were found, one by one everyone started occupying the trees in rush. Aakhya was unable to find a tree for him, then he saw a tree in some distance, where no one was. When he was running towards it, another kid ran faster than him and occupied it

Now there was no tree left for Aakhya, he was still in a search for a tree and his legs started paining. He got tired from the journey and became weak as all his energy was down, then he saw a tree but there is only one fruit on it. He tried to climbing it but he was unable to reach it.

He threw rocks on it but failed, then he sat under the tree looking at the one fruit and he prayed in his heart "oh mother nature please help me", then a wind came by and blew the fruit off the tree, it fell on the ground and he happily picked it up. He thanked mother nature and joined back in his group.

While they were returning to the sect they feel like something is following them, then suddenly a big beast jumped out of the bushes. Within seconds the 3 core disciples waved their hands towards it and it was blown away, it flew into the sky like a star. This scene raised a question in Aakhya's mind, 'When these guys have this much power in them, why did they kneel in front of that army?'

After reaching the sect they entered into the class to learn how to cultivate it was the second step to become a cultivator, in this they need to focus on their breath and need to feel the spiritual energy in air with their bodies

They have already completed the first step, it was raising the body fitness by doing tasks given by sect.

After their training, everyone went to their cabins, while eating their fruits, Aakhya asked his roommates about the army they saw in the forest, a kid replied him "Hey, you don't even know about them!! They are the army of Kevin and he is the most powerful and dangerous person on earth. His army consists of more than a billion strong cultivators and you've never even heard about them?"

"No, I didn't", Aakhya replied with a innocent look.

"They rob towns and kidnap young women, no one dares to stop them. Their organization is so strong that they treat everyone else as slaves"

"But I never saw them in my village and over here we have so many powerful experts in the sect, still are we scared about them?" Aakhya asked the kid

"They have more powerful warriors with them, that don't usually step out. We can't even imagine what they can do with their powers and they are ruling this world. They are the incarnations of devils themselves"

The warden came to the cabin and warned them to go to bed. Aakhya was thinking about what they told in his mind he slowly fallen asleep