A Friend

Aakhya woke up from his dream, he is full of sweat and thirsty, he drank some water and went back to sleep thinking about his dream

He heard the door knocking sound and Get out of sleep in fear, he didn't come out from his terrible dream

But it was a sect Warden knocking doors to wake up kids

Everyone reached to the river for their swimming practice but Aakhya was already tired Carrying his roommate's backpacks and also yesterday he didn't get enough fruits in his dinner, so he was very weak now

He went into the river and taking his bath, his teacher came there and said

"it is not your shower you need to practice swimming"

The teacher helped Aakhya to float him on the water by putting hands under his stomach and told him how to kick his legs and how to crawl

Slowly Aakhya balanced his moves and able to swim for 2-3 minutes

Then the teacher said "well keep practicing like this don't panic too much keep control on your breath, ill be back in a moment" and went off from there

Aakhya became too weak by all this. And the teacher is not there so he laid on a nearby rock to take some rest

After sometime when the teacher came to look at Aakhya, he was sleeping on the rock, by the scene teacher became angry, lifted Aakhya into his arms and taken him to some height of the river and thrown him into the water from there

When Aakhya opened his eyes he was falling down into the water from his teacher's hands he began shouting

"No no no teacher please nooooooooo"

But it was too late he fell into the water and drowning, he shouted for his teacher to help. But the teacher replied to him

"In life, there will be no one to help you in your hard times if you want to live you need to get out on your own"

Then Aakhya started swimming, he tried his best but he couldn't able to get out of it. 'It was too deep' he lost all his energy and unable to move his body and slowly he was drowning again

Then the teacher dived in and saved him

Everyone came back to the sect and joined their groups and started working

There is no energy left in Aakhya to start working he was already tired. He was waiting for breakfast, thinking about the food he went to the unconscious.

The four kids trying to wake up Aakhya but he didn't wake up. Now all the work is on four kids and there is no chance to escape

They managed to finish their work and going to have breakfast but they didn't wake up Aakhya for breakfast because they are angry on him so they left him there and started moving

But by the smell of food Aakhya got into conscious and reached the cabin in a bullet speed and stand first in a row with his plate

He started eating like a hungry dog everyone staring at him but he didn't care about them he ate full of his stomach, his stomach blown out like a balloon. After completing his breakfast he sat on the ground to relax with a smile on his face

Then he heard a bell sound, everyone looking at the way from the sound came, then a man came there and said " hello kids iam your physical fitness trainer from today onwards our training begins a good performer will get special dinner tonight" he left from there

Everyone came to the training area, the trainer said them to stand on one leg for 5 minutes, after a minute every kid is losing their balance, then the trainer

"remove unnecessary thoughts from your brains keep the focus on your body don't think about anything just focus, the focus only matters here"

then some kids balanced but still, some kids failed to balance their body after 5minutes trainer showed them a flag which is 500 meters away from there and said they have to reach there by jumping with one leg and if another leg touch the ground then he needs to start from the beginning again

On a count, everyone started moving but Aakhya was unable to jump with his fully loaded stomach he did not even reach 20 meters but he was full of sweat and thirsty and breathing very hard he stopped and looked back there is no one except a fat tummy kid of his cabin he smiled a little on him and begin to jump but he falls down then the trainer came to him and said

"don't laugh at people who are weaker than you because there are so many people stronger than you, think to become strong, now go and start from the beginning"

Aakhya came to the starting line and started again, after some distance, there is a small lake of 100meters and rocks between it each rock was in distance of 1meter, they need to jump over them with one leg to cross it

Aakhya almost reached till the end he needs to jump over the only one final rock but he lost his balance and about to fall down but he managed with keeping a hand on the last rock he closed his eyes and remembered the trainer words about the dinner and came back to normal position and jumped over it and he successfully completed 500meters

Everyone won the race expect the fact tummy boy

Aakhya may not get special dinner but he got his dinner kit

Everyone gets back to their cabins and enjoying their dinner

The fat tummy boy didn't get his dinner because he lost in the race he looking his roommates face He looked at them with pity look but they didn't share food with him then he drank some water and going to bed then Aakhya came near to him and shared his half of the food with him

After completing the dinner the fat tummy boy looked at Aakhya's face with tears in his eyes and thanked him

Then Aakhya "hey no problem your my friend"

With that words the fat tummy boy hugged Aakhya and said "yes your my friend"

Then Aakhya "Ok iam going to bed good night by the way what's your name"

The fat tummy boy replied to him iam kaushal