The Beginning

Three years have passed.

He was walking on the make shift path in the middle of the forest near the small village. On his shoulders were baskets for fire woods. On his head was a large jar for water.

His stay on these islands was like a long dream for him. Since his family was born on the Great Plains of the central Main Land, he was dreaming of living on a sea side. There was always something about the open seas and ocean that set his heart longing. He was longing to the vastness and brightness of the sea. An exhilarating feeling of freedom in contrast with the mundane sight of plain lands and small hills.

When he was a child, he used to dream of setting off in his journey to the unknowns of the sea. He heard tales of sea monsters and giant fishes were swimming the water surface. When he closed his eyes, he was seeing himself making friends with them, meeting dark skinned people, waving hello to the friendly pirates travelling the open seas. He was dreaming of being with them and travelling and discovering great treasures.

He was already twenty-one summers now, but those dreams were still on his sixteen year old mind.

Along the way, he picked up fire woods for the furnace and for cooking. His destination was the well dug up by the villagers to retrieve fresh water. On these islands, water is more precious than gold. He was not a young master anymore who had slaves and workers waiting for him at home. In this village, everyone needs to work on their own, or else they will be left to die. A harsh reality but he did overcome.

Three years ago, he left the Main Land with only one reason: to redefined the purpose of his life. When he met "him", he thought that his life was already set. From the early age, he knew he was not one who seeks affection from the opposite sex. Living with a number of aunts and sisters ought to gives you scars one way or another. When he met him, he knew he found what he was looking for. So he fought long and hard against his family. He was the only heir yet choosing to be with a man will lead to the future annihilation of his family. With only females on main line and long distant male relatives on the side, their clan will soon perish.

He fought so hard. He neglected his family. He left his heirlooms and possessions. Even the destruction of his mother's funeral tablet is not enough to keep him bound. He never knew who his father was. He only knew that his father was sea trader but he never met him, not even once. He fought with his everything that his family only sent him off with few clothes and silver change; no dowry for possible marriage. But at that time, it was alright. He knew, at least then, that he made the best decision.

The best decision that soon turned into his worst nightmare.

With his family abandoning him and his mother's tablet gone, he cannot go back to his childhood home. His second home was too much as well. He cannot bear the pitying looks and soft derogatory whispers. They called him unnatural and a cut sleeve; an attractive grass but still a grass. He cannot bear the celebratory sight of everyone while he was just alone.

All family members have an attendant but his family haven't sent few with him and this family never bothered to provide one for a "stranger". But he bore it. He fought hard with his family; this fight was nothing but another battle for him.

He never realized that life is just a series of battles unless you faced them.

Then he heard the news of the upcoming wedding of the Young Master to his intended. It was announced by the Young Mater himself. He was so excited! Finally, his waiting and battle scars will be paid off! He was just wondering why he never heard the news from him. On his mind, he was dreaming of a simple but elegant wedding. He thought of the wedding robes that he stole from one of his late uncles. He needed to repair it as soon as possible.

Days passed and it turned into weeks. He never appeared once. Never since the announcement of wedding. What is going on? Why is he not appearing and sending gifts. He prepared the small dowry he saved and created. It is almost like a waste but that will do. He will understand. What he will give is… well… himself.

Then one night, he appeared before him. He was so excited he basically threw the gift to him, apologizing that this was the only dowry that he can provide for now. Instead of a welcoming smile, what he saw was a strange mixture of sadness and anger and… was that guilt? Nonetheless, there is no "talk" that happened. In that night of intimacy, all he can think was he was so loved and cared for.

Afterwards, he set his robes once again in a hurry. Then he revealed to him the truth. That he will be wed tomorrow, but not him. He will marry a woman from another prestigious family. He explained many things. But everything else fell on deaf ears. All he had on his mind is he will "marry a woman".

Marry a woman.

A Woman.


The Wedding…

He felt so stupid. He only promised him marriage and being together for the rest of their mortal life. So when he heard the word wedding, he only assumed that it was his marriage. But it was not his wedding but it was hers.

Her wedding with him.

He talked and talked for a long time. He nodded but he didn't know what he was nodding his head for. He was hugged then he said he will return, or something liked that. He never knew. He just sat there without moving from the bed. His robes were still on disarray. Whether he slept or not, he didn't know. He only knew it was morning when he saw the sun light from the high window.

Then he appeared again. This time he was wearing a deep red robed with gold trinkets. A wedding robe. Not for him though. Never for him. He was not his intended. Then he served them tea. Wait, a tea? Since when there was a tea in the room?

Then he demanded to talk. But his mind was so tired. He was still in shock. All his bight dreams, it turned into nightmare. His aunts and sisters were correct. He should never leave his home. It was a strict and cold family, but it was still home.

He suddenly felt so tired.

So he just asked one thing from him.

"I am so tired. Just… just set me free."

He suddenly felt tired of dreaming. He felt stupid for dreaming at all. He felt tired of fighting the wrong battles. He just wanted to rest. He wanted to go to the sea. He wanted to cross the ocean. To escape. That was his earliest dream. Dreams of adventures, of friends, of treasures. Not this numb pain that set his soul into a frozen block dehumanized figure.

"If you truly love me, then set me free from this pain."

Afterwards, he fell into a trance. He knew he was still talking but he didn't know what he was talking about. When he blinked, he was gone. What happened?

Time was a blur but when heard the sounds of explosives and people cheering from the distance, he knew it was over. The Wedding. It was done. He stood up and rushed towards the door, but even before he reached the door, he fell on his stomach; his legs gave out after sitting for so long.

It was so unfair! Why is it only him? Is he that unlovable? Is his love not enough? What wrong did he do? He wanted to demand, to fight! But what is there to fight for? Should he still fight the battle already won by… her? Maybe people were correct. Maybe he really was unnatural.

Then the teachings of his aunts clicked on his head. One sentence stood out among the many. He took a paper, brush and ink, and wrote the one sentence his least favourite aunt used to always say:

"Never promise your tomorrow, if you cannot break free from your today."

How true… Very true, indeed….

He folded it gently and placed it on the table. He pulled the silver hair clip that he gave him before from his head. The hair fell from its knots but it never bothered him anyway. He placed the hair clip on top of the paper and walked out of their room. His room. Never their room.

Everybody was so busy that only two guards were left stationed on the gate. Even they didn't do anything but look at him. No one stopped him. He just walked until he saw a few fishermen near the river dock. He took the coin pouch that he had and gave it to the nearest man. He told begged them to bring him to the nearest sea port. The rest was blurred, until he woke up on a ship going on its journey to some far off islands. He again closed again his eyes. It felt too good to be a dream.

He felt nothing on his foot. He woke up from his memories and realized that he almost fell on the well. Again. He already fell once; it was not a good experience. He dropped the wooden pail and pulled the rope, until he filled the jar. He set the jar again on his head and walked back to the village.

There was a lot of noise from the sea port. Another ship arrived? But the last one just left one week ago. He never bothered about the trading anyway. He had his own job in the village anyway.

He was about to climbed up his house when something from the ship caught his attention. That colour and symbol, that glares violently against the strong sunlight. He cannot be mistaken.

He dropped the jar on the hard ground. It shattered into pieces and water spilled on the sand.

Why are they here? Why now?

It was the family crest of the Jin Family.