Before Departure

After the two sat, they ordered their drinks; for Orpheus, it was a whisky, while for Ella, a wine. Shortly later, the bartender arrived with their drinks.

Ice cubes in whiskey gold bring a hue to his eyes that speak of sunshine and better days ahead.

While enjoying his drink, he heard a question coming from Ella.

''What were we?"

To this question, Orpheus stopped for a moment before finishing his drink.

''We were lovers.''

''I see. So the face I kept seeing in my dreams was probably your face. The story you told me must be our story.'' Ella mumbled while drinking her wine.

Orpheus didn't say anything, but his silence was also an answer.

''You are an odd one.'' She was chuckling as she said this.

''What makes you say that?" He was curious as to what made Ella says that.