Her Second Reincarnation

The bright lights of the room reflected against every surface, the walls creating a sea of endless white. The hall seemed to stretch endlessly, revealing a continuous row of wooden doors. It was quiet, so different from the loudness at home. It was scary.

The girl squeezed Mr Cuddles tightly, running her fingers through his soft, brown fur. He was a gift from Mother, a reassuring presence for today's visit. She watched as her mother paused before a wooden door, turning towards me.

Staring at the metal nameplate, her eyes halted over an unfamiliar word. Oncologist.

This is a hospital. She was here to get better.

"Don't worry my star, it's just a checkup. We'll be home in no time."

She glanced uncertainly at the door. Its presence seemed to loom over her, growing with every second. She squeezed Mr Cuddles tighter.

"You're a big girl right? Turning double digits today! I'm so proud of you."