
Kang Y/N's POV

As me and daeun got out of the class we know we have to meet my uncle kang Sungyu my uncle is trusty and principle of this university so I sighed and knocked on the door and he said come-in as we got inside I saw that bully boy from earlier already there I sighed as I took a sit beside him and daeun sat beside me ..."Y/N ?" my uncle I mean the principal said as I looked at him with a little smile "yes sir ?" I said as he sighed and said "what happened there?" I sighed and said "he bullied my brother " and the boys eyes widened and he said "samchun i was just having fun " My eyes widened too why is he calling my uncle his uncle "samchun?" I said as my uncle looked at me and said "both of you are a big trouble for me and this whole university specially you princess " I pouted as I heard what he said "but samchun " the boy said but uncle stood up and said "jungkook you may go now next time a complain comes I'll throw you out of this university and do something about that bruise look at your face it looks like a monkey who got beaten up " the boy named jungkook stood up and glared at me and gone out ...I looked at my uncle and said "samchun why was that bitch " my uncle glared at me "I mean that boy was calling you samchun ?" he sighed and said "princess how many times should I tell you to stay out of trouble you know hyung will kill you if he gets the complain " I sighed and putted my head on my hand lazily and said "oh how much I wish that old man would do it " my uncle stood up and came to me and sat on the seat where that boy was seating earlier and said "princess your face " he said as he cupped my face looking at it ...."yaa did that jungkook punched you?" I smiled and said "yes " I pouted as samchun caressed my hairs as he always do and said "aishh hyung will surely kill me tonight " he said and gone to his seat I looked at him confused "what do you mean are you coming home tonight ?" I said as he looked at me and said "don't you know there's a party of hyungs Business office?" I rolled my eyes "how would I know " and he sighed and said "here take my card and go take some new dress a elegant and sincere one " i took the card happily and said "how much should I spend?" I looked at him ,he smiled and said "your wish and take taehyun and daeun too " I nodded smiling and hugged my uncle "your the sweetest samchun " he hugged me back and pecked my forehead and said "now go to class and remember don't get involved in fights or I'll kick you out too " I smiled and said "I won't samchun unless someone tries me " i winked at him and got out "yoooo bitch that jeon jungkook must be one of your dads friend I think " daeun said as I rolled my eyes and said "whatever girl like I care,what time is it ?" I said as she looked at her watch and said "almost lunch " I smiled and said "then let's go to cafeteria I won't attend any class today " I said as we both laughed and gone towards the cafeteria....Soon the bell ringed and taehyun called me "come to cafeteria " ..

Jungkook's POV

I swear I'll kill my step mother one day ....hmm she keeps calling me without any reason I didn't picked but then my brother called me so I picked it up "yes hyung ?" I said as I picked it up and he said "yaa kook where are you ?" I sighed and said "at university " he chuckled and said "okay I'll be there we have to go for shopping there's a party at dad's friend office tonight and I won't hear any excuses you have to attend " I sighed and said "okay call me when you will be here " and bell ranged so we got up and gone towards the cafeteria and saw that kang Y/N laughing and enjoying with her friends "you just wait ,I'll make sure you never mess with me again " I said as bambam held me by shoulder and said "not there my child our friends are there " he said as I rolled my eyes and said "I know and yes my hyung is coming to pick us up we are going to a party tonight " he laughed and said "again ?" and I nodded.

Kang Y/N's POV

I was calling my bestie who was my senior ..."hello ?" he picked it up and I smiled "oppa ?" I said and he said "hey baby how are you ?" he said as I smiled and said "oppa meet me at XXXX mall I'll be waiting in 30 minutes " he laughed and said "okay baby I'll be there " ..