Not True........

Kang Y/N's POV

I got washed up and came downstairs soon everybody came and sat on there resigned chairs even Mr.min came what the hell yoongi Oppa's family Is doing here ...i only knew that his mom was friend with my mom I never expected Mr.min to be here he smiled and said "how are you dear ?" I smiled back sarcastically and said "am fine as always thanks for asking Mr.min" yoongi oppa smirked silently...soon my father came and sat on his seat everybody got up me? no I won't...he looked at me and sighed as everybody else sat down ...."thanks for coming mr.min " my dad said I rolled my eyes here comes this drama old man I mean queen again.....I sighed as I started eating ..."So I have few announcement " my father said as I looked at him for a sec and again back at my food well my food is more important that his announcement I took the bite of the steak but when I heard what my dad said I choked on my steakkkkkk "So yoongi is getting married " my eyes widened from shock and pain.....aouchhh its hurts bad my throat....daeun patted my back giving me water I drank it....

Jeon Jungkook's POV

"What ?" I said as I was jungshooked what did my father said did I heard it wrong I looked at him and said "appa what did you said?" he sighed and said "I said jisoo is getting married " I stared laughing as I looked at my noona "hahhahahahahahah who who is that idiot who agreed to marry this witch I mean noona ?" I said as taehyung hyung laughed too slightly my father glared at me and said "yaaaaa you brat you care about yourself I doubt if any girl will ever marry you " this time jisoo noona laughed "hahahahahaha samchun is right " I glared at her as my father continued "day after tomorrow is there engagement, so taehyung get ready with the works and decorations and jungkook you brat you gotta behave or I will not hesitate to beat your ass right infornt of the guest "I sighed as I rolled my eyes "whatever " my father glared at me and said "what did you said " I looked at him fake smiling and said "I mean ofcourse Appa I'll behave after all it's my noona's engagement "

Kang Y/N's POV

I rolled my eyes so done with my father day after tomorrow...I sighed as I got up "am done " my father looked at me and said "already?" I looked at my plate and then at his face and said "am not talking about food " he frowned his eyebrows and said "then what ?" I smiled and said "about the nonsense that you just said "he stood up angrily and yelled my name "Kang Y/N " I smiled and said "now am done with food too " and started walking towards the little bar inside our big house....

Min Yoongi's POV

I just sighed ....soon the dinner finished as Mr.kang told us to stay for tonight I got up as I started walking towards the mini bar to meet I came in I saw her drinking ....I sighed as I ruffled my hair losing my tie....and opening 3 buttons of my shirt ....rolling up my shirts sleeves I sat beside her and ordered my drink she laughed sarcastically and said "it's not true right ?" i sighed as i closed my eyes as I opened them she held my face and made me look at her....."Tell Me" she said I sighed trying to calm her down...