Betting is completely my style ...

Jungkook's POV

I smirked as she came and sat infront of me as bambam gone to prepare drinks well I won't play foul ....."wanna bet ?" she looked at me and said "sure why not betting is completely my style " I smirk as bambam came and kept the drinks infront of us "what's the bet ?" bambam said as I looked at her ..."how about the loser get a tattoo on their body ?" she leaned in and said "sure but the winner will decide the body part and design " I looked at her ...what the hell am the one who want to bet ..."deal ?" she said smirking as I smikerd and said "deal" .


Jisoo's POV

I watched Y/N and jungkook talking with plenty of drinks infront of them something bad will happen if they keep doing this .....I looked at taehyung he was not there..."Daeun shi ?" I said as she kept the drink and looked at me and said "yes sister-in-law?" I looked at her a little taken back "umm do you know where is my brother Taehyung ?" she smiled and said "I saw him walking out of the club " I was about to go but she held my hand and said "don't worry sister-in-law I'll go and see him okay ?" I nodded as I sat ,she got up and looked at yoongi who was busy drinking and said something unexpected to him "don't just drink you stupid ass and enjoy the moment with your soon to be wife " he smirked and looked at me ...why am I feeling like something bad is about to happen..."sure " he said ..

Taehyung's POV

I came out to take the call ...soon daeun came out and said "oh your here " I looked at her and said "are you drunk already?" she nodded as no and said "you like our Y/N ?" my eyes widened...what the hell is this girl ,I looked at her and said "what-what ?" she laughed a little and said "oh come on dude your eyes tells everything just accept the truth " I rolled my eyes and said "yes I like her so what ?" she smirked and said "so when are you gonna confess ,when she gets married to someone else ?" I looked at her confuse "ahh you must not know about her situation but let me tell you uri Kang Y/N is really strong outside but soft inside...she believes in if you love her don't just sit and watch and make her yours " she smiled at me and gone inside what was that ...?

Daeun's POV

I smiled as I walked inside but suddenly someone held my wirst and pulled me in a room I looked at the person which I was expecting "what the hell do you think you were doing?" he yelled .."who the hell do you think you are to yell at me like this " I yelled back..

Authors POV

Bambam and daeun who were yelling at eachother suddenly stopped as daeun said something "stop your bestfriend before my bestfriend lose her control....she's not the one with whom he could play " Daeun patted bambam's shoulder as she smiled sarcastically getting out the room towards her bestfriend who was having a drinking battle with there so called Enemy Jeon Jungkook.....