Come Back Soon......

Y/n's POV

I stood infront of mirror as I put on a white tshirt and blue Jean's wearing my denim jacket I let my hairs into a high pony tail and wore my shoes..."have fun but come soon remember we have to go back home?" I looked at my sister and smiled nodding as yes.....before going to jungkook she pecked my I smiled doing the same and came out only to be meet by my boyfriend who was already waiting for me.....

"ready to go ?" I nodded as yes "may I?" he asked as he put his hand infront of me to take It i smiled....

"Why so romantic Mr.jeon ?" I asked as he smiled Mischievously "anything for future Mrs.jeon " I laughed at his comment....

Seoul ...

Kim Taehyung's POV

I was on the way to meet Mr.kang Y/n's father he called my father in the morning and told him to send me to meet him.....

I parked the car as they guards bowed to me I smiled bowing at them ,giving back the respect I just received....but to my shock my dad was also there I saw his car...I wondered what's going on so I came inside and saw Y/n's parents smiling at my dad ....

"ohh here he is " my Appa said as I smiled bowing at them "come son have a seat " Mr.kang said as I nodded obeying him...

"Taehyung ahh you are gonna get married " my Appa said as my eyes widened "to my daughter kang Y/n ,do you agree to this marriage?" my eyes widened more with shock and happiness...."I I---" they all laughed at my reaction "we all know you like her " my father said as I looked down whole face burning as hell "but what about Y/n ? did she agreed ?" I asked "first you tell do you agree ?" her father asked as I bite my lower lip trying my best to hide my smile and gave a reply "yes " he smiled...but it looked like a smirk ? am I seeing things ....his eyes showed different emotion instead of happiness it showed revenge I'm probably thinking way to much

"congratulations Mr.jeon "

??? POV

Y/n ahh come back soon honey game is starting I told you not to interfere in my life....but you being my daughter what did I expected...I sighed as I saw my wife smiling at me I smiled back ,I know what's going in my daughter's life....Love with jeon jungkook ????

To bad daughter you gonna be his elder brother's wife soon ,whom he loves with all his heart and respect's most after his parents...I smirked

Y/n's POV

I sighed as I sat there waiting for jungkook who went to bring us some churros why am I having this feeling ,like something big is about to happen now matter how many times I try to ignore this ,it doesn't goes away.....I looked up in the sky feeling myself getting drown in my emotions but not until this cute fluffy human bunny came to me running with his cute smile ,i smiled "hey love here " he gave me one as he started eating his one....

I hope when we go back we stay like this....

I hope when we go back we will date like this.

I hope ...

"I love you, you know right ?" jungkook said looking right into my eyes as if he is watching my soul through it..."I know " I nodded as yes as I leaned in and gave a peck to his lips which seem to be dried from his non-stop talking which I didn't get to heard because of this feeling inside me.....

Now that I'm looking at him I just hope this man right infront me ...always smile like this....even if it will be not for me....