Your Innocence Belongs To Me...Only Me...

Jungkook's POV

As I got inside the house i decided to search for my toy...I was about to go to my hyung's room but I saw maid taking Y/n's luggage to the room beside mine "who's luggage is that ?" i asked the maid as she looked at me "young master it's the new brides luggage " she said as she put the luggage into the room i smirked as "do you need anything young master ?"the maid asked me as I smiled and nodded as no and as soon as she gone i got inside her room and locked the door and offed all the lights waiting for my baby girl...

She came out wearing only bathrobe ....I smiled looking at her confused face how can someone look so cute and hot at the same time ....wait what did I just said remember jungkook she's your toy ....

Taehyung's POV

I smiled as I looked at my left hand which was holding my ring finger am married to my first love i know I must not he her first love but I'll try my best to make and keep her happy...

Y/n's POV

I closed my eyes as I opened them i saw ourselves in the mirror....jungkook stood behind me holding me tight between he held my left hand up "see how I'll take this off of you and will make you mine " He whispered dangerously in my I closed my eyes now getting pissed off from his behavior...."leave me alone jungkook " i said as he smirked as he bite my right cheek and gave it a lick "stop it before I beat you " i again warned him but he didn't listened instead he started taking of the ring from my finger...I closed my eyes taking a deep breath sorry kook but I love you...

"ouchhhhhhh" he yelled as he fell on the floor ...fuck it i had no choice but to punch him..."told yaa already " i said shrugging he stood up and held me more tightly "you know what I was gonna have mercy on you and was gonna give you a chance but not now baby "

He said as he harshly took the ring off of my finger which made a cut on my finger because of the diamond and blood started coming out "What the hell ----" before I can finish he forcefully throwed me on bed ....before I can understand what happened he hovered above me holding both my hands above me with his one hand...he looked down at me "YOU BELONG TO ME KANG Y/N ONLY ME YOUR MINE..." he shouted at me with fill rage and anger....tears welled up in my I flinched badly under him "I...I we can talk later jungkook your brother is in the next room and am your sister-in-law please don't cross the lim---" .......I said as he cuted my sentence "what limit are you talking about you are supposed to be mine ,mine to hold ,mine to keep ,mine to touch ,my name to be yours....but no you legit broke up with me breaking my heart apart because you always liked my brother and not me ....just because am a playboy you wanted to show me how it feels when someone breaks your heart....!!!!!"

tears left my eyes as I got to the conclusion he hates me now....the whom I love with my whole heart hates me now..."I fucking hate you so much Y/n .....But at the same time I can't stop loving you this this stupid heart isn't ready to let you wants what it wants ..." he said pointed at his heart as he let go of me ...I didn't had any power to struggle in front of me my heart broke badly as I saw tears leaving his eyes...the eyes that I love the most are now pouring tears...."jungko---" before I can complete he holded my face with his one hand not lovingly but full of hatefully....that it started to hurt..."you know what who cares about who you marry and who you love...You fucking belong to me and will belong to me...your everything ,your name is mine,your heart is mine,your every little part of your life is mine...and I'll make sure you understand this....even your innocence is mine...." He said as he started taking his shirt off my eyes widened i tried to move but him straddling me wasn't helping...."jungkook please please your not in your right mind...I " he looked at me sharply as he said "your innocence belongs to me only me....,your love belongs to me .....if not me ...than no one Y/n ....I won't let you live happily .."he said as he started kissing me forcefully my eyes widened this is so wrong...but my body and heart is longing for it....His not the same jungkook i loved...yet he is the same jungkook who I'll be hating if this happens.....I can't stop myself yet I wanna stop it....