We Are Far Away From Being Normal ..

Y/n's POV

We all got ready and come downstairs to go to the mall but as jimin was about to say something his phone rang "I'll pick this up " he said as I nodded "umm we will get going ahead "yoongi said as taehyung joined them I nodded "what about your friend ??" jisoo unnie asked as I smiled "she will be there directly don't worry " I said as they gone..leaving me and Cooky behind "where's chimchim mama ?" cooky asked as I picked him up "will he be here real quick " I said as jimin came to us his face looking worried "babe what do I do I have to check this documents my secretary sended and sign them till 1 PM ,umm how about you go ahead I'll join real quick just send me the location ?" he said as I smiled at him "sure babe I'll share the location " I said as he nodded pecking my and cooky's forehead "Take care and don't fight while shopping and cooky listen to mama okay ?" jimin said as we both nodded "okay chimchim " Cooky said as I smiled "babe take care don't hurry do your work properly okay ?" I said as he nodded and went towards our room where his laptop was..."looks like mama will drive today cooky " I said as cooky squealed in happiness "I love mama's driving " he said as i smiled and looked for the maid for the car key "Ajhuma " I yelled her name as I saw her coming out from the kitchen "yes Mrs.kim ?" she said as I smiled "umm can I get any car key others left already and jimin have some work " I said as she nodded and gone to bring the key I turned around and heard his voice "ajhuma where's my car key I have to go for the shopping and please give send some food to my room soo-in is working there " he yelled as he came towards the door I turned back and saw him in his black shirt and blue Jean's "Ohh you didn't left yet ?" he said as I rolled my eyes "oho don't roll your eyes at me babe am not that park jimin " he said as I looked at him so done "shut up " I said as ajhuma came and said "umm Mrs.kim and young master there is only one car key remaining which is young masters how about you go with young mater Mrs.kim ???" my eyes widened me with him alone ?? I know I have cooky but still no way "aniya gwenchana me and cooky can take cab or maybe I'll ask daeun to pick us up its aright you can go ahead mr.jeon " I said as jungkook took the key from her hand and told her to go inside "You know if you would have been alone I would have left you but the baby can't wait this long and ....just come with me it's not like am gonna eat you " he said as I looked at cooky who was looking at me impatiently "Mama let's go with uncle Kook" he said as I sighed "okay let's go " I said he got inside the car I was about to sit but he yelled at me "yaaaa why are you sitting at back am I your driver ????" he said as I rolled my eyes "as you know cooky can't sit infront with me so we are sitting at back " I said "you can let him sit at the back ,you sit infront " he said as I glared at him "you know what just go I'm fine with taking cab " I said as I left the door "ya ya fine sit " he said as I smiled a little and sat at back sit and decided to call Jimin soon he picked up "yes babe ?" he said as I smiled "babe I'll send driver with car so when you come bring that car okay ??" I said as he said "araseo baby where are you now ?" I smiled "in the car on the way don't worry Finnish your work me and cooky will wait for you " I said as he said yes take care and kept the call..

"How was the delivery? was it here or jeju ?" jungkook asked suddenly as I looked at him "jeju" I lied as he nodded "if you need any help with hospital you know you can tell me " he said as I sighed "I'll think about it " I replied .

Silence fell in the car as cooky was sleeping because the journey was long,I also kept looking out of the car..

"Can't you come back----" before he can finish I cuted his sentence "shut up don't even think about it and stop talking about it it's all past now I have a child and a fiance " I said as he sighed and speeded the car did he thought I'll get scared ? "But i still love you " he said as the world again stopped around me "And i don't " i said as he chuckled "oh really babygirl?" he said as my eyes widened this nickname ..."shut up jungkook not infront of my child please " I said as jungkook sighed "meet me tonight " he said as I immediately said "just because am talking with you normally doesn't mean everything is normal between us ,I already said we are far away from normal now so please " I looked away....

Time skip

Authors POV

Jungkook and Y/n soon reached there and parted there way but because of cooky's favourite brand ended up being in the same shop "What are you doing here ?" jungkook asked as both the mom and son looked at him glaring "why only you can come here or what ?" Y/n said as jungkook sighed in defeat "I was just asking" jungkook said as Y/n replied "don't ask " and Gone away to the childs Section leaving jungkook behind...but he decided to follow her..


The person smirked and called someone "looks like the father still doesn't know about his own child " the person said on the phone call as the other person on the call smirked and replied "then shouldn't we tell him ?????" they both laughed "just wait for it Kang Y/n "