He Is Not Your Child...He Is My Child...

Y/n's POV

I looked at Jungkook what did he just said??? I sighed as Soon police came and took the man..I kneeled down infront of cooky "am sorry mama is sorry baby " I said crying as I held his both hands pecking them as he was shocked too "mama am sorry cooky is sorry cooky cooky didn listen to mama " he said as I hugged him calming him down..but I was afraid ,afraid of jimin I know how much he loves cooky ....he would haven't hesitate to kill that man if anything would have happened to cooky hell he wouldn't even care about me "baby come to chimchim " jimin kneeled infront of us as cooky immediately hugged him "dada I I was scared " he cried on his shoulder as jimin's tears left his eyes as he looked at me angrily "it's alright dada is here now hmm " jimin said in a low tone trying not to scare cooky more....My heart clenched more when I heard cooky calling jimin dada it means my baby was really scared more than scared because whenever he is scared he called jimin dada.....tears left my eyes as I wiped them "we are going home " jimin said as he held my wrist and started dragging me out of this logue, without saying anything I followed him but Somone held my other hand stopping me I looked back and my eyes widened jungkook I forget he was here too.

Jimin turned around and glared at my hand which was held by jungkook I tried to take my hand away but jungkook held it more tightly "I wanna talk with Y/n " jungkook said as I closed my eyes "not now " I said as I tried to remove his hand but he pulled me so strongly that jimin's hand left my hand..and I was straight into jungkooks chest..."you can go first " jungkook said in a serious tone as jimin looked at cooky who was now asleep on his shoulder whole holding him tightly "Don't creat a scene here our child needs his mother more you can always talk later " jimin said as he looked at me "I'm coming jimin " I said as I removed jungkook's hand forcefully and looked at him "I'll talk later " I said as I held jimin's hand and we got to his car...

In Car...

Jimin was driving as I sat in the back seat cooky sleeping on my lap...."am glad you choosed our son first " jimin said as it was silent whole time I sighed as I know what he means exactly "am sorry " I said as he questioned "for what ?" I looked out of the window tears falling again "for losing cooky " i said as i closed my eyes "your not going anywhere without bodyguards from now on " he ordered as I just nodded as yes "don't cry baby it hurts me..." he said as I broke down crying harder...."My baby " I whispered as I caressed cooky's hairs...holding his little hand in mine..I've already lost him....I don't wanna lose you too my baby...I pecked his hand..

Jungkook's POV

I stood in my position, she left me alone again...I wanted to ask her what happened, how did it happened but again she left me alone...again she choosed someone else...I chuckled looks like kindness is not allowed in my love...I sighed as I looked at my hand...Whatever first I have few things to take care of..

Time skip...

Authors POV


Jimin slept in the room with cooky as he didn't wanted to leave his side Y/n didn't wanted to do to but there are some things she still have to do she got to the terrace to take some fresh air as the moment of previous kept occupying her mind..."Park Jiwoon born on 12th March,2019 He was born as a healthy child...place of birth Busan...XXXX Hospital " Y/n eyes widened as she looked behind her and saw jungkook standing in the corridor with some papers in his hands..while looking at Y/n with some emotions in his eyes which were definitely not love and care but something more opposite Hate and Anger..."You lied to me again " he said as he locked the terrace door and walked towards her..."I didn't " she said as she looked at him confidently "You said he was born in jeju then why does the papers say Busan?" he asked as she looked away "they are not his " she lied again as he chuckled "He He Is my child isn't it ?" he asked as tears welled up in his eyes making Y/n eyes shot open open as tears welled up in her eyes too "it's not true he is not your child he is my child " she said as he walked closer to her "why are you lying ? " he asked as she moved her head as no "am not lying ...." she said as he chuckled darkly and held her arms tightly "how dare you separate my child from me " he asked as his voice was deep ....his eyes full of rage even his veins popped up on his hands and neck..."how dare you ????" he yelled as she didn't even flinched "He is not your child he is my child " she yelled back as his eyes became more darker "is that so ?" he asked as she nodded immediately "okay then let's run a DNA test..." as soon as jungkook said that her eyes widened more but she tried to cover it "no you ain't going closer to my child " she said as he smirked now confirmed that she is hiding it and he is indeed his son..."why ? you are saying he is not my child then why are you afraid of running a DNA test baby ? do you remember how we did made love back then or you want me to make you remember it again ???" he said darkly as she closed her eyes "fucking stop it before I punch you " she said as she looked at him darkly bring up her past he indeed did a big mistake...the sin's which she did in the past are still hunting her down...and now that she is trying to live a good life he is here again..to destroy it...back then he took her own self away from her...and now he is trying to take her part...her own child away from her ...she will not let it happen not at any cost...


The little Boy stood there infront of his so called mother as she was looking at him with love but a little hate was visible in her eyes "baby we are going to a party tonight "she said as the boy just nodded and said "Mama but what if other sees me " for the age of his he talked perfectly....His mind was not like other children's at his age he was raised as a genius from the very start..."Oh my baby it's time mama shows you to world..." she said as he just smiled a little "mama when we gonna meet daddy ?" he asked as his mothers eyes darkened "soon very soon baby " she said ....