I'll Spank It Once A Month...

Y/n's POV

I got out from jimin's room it's funny it is supposed to be my room too but he litrally yeeted me out...I smiled "mama " i heard jae calling me as I immediately looked at him "yes baby ?" I asked smiling "will will you and daddy live separately??" he asked as fear was on his face ,those eyes were afraid of my answer while waiting for it I smiled as I ruffled his hairs "mama is not gonna live without jae nor without your dada " I said as he smiled happily and hugged me "I love you mama " he said as I smiled I feel like i won the world...I smiled ,finally everything is as it supposed to be...but something clicked into my mind..hannah why would she do that ??? When all I did was for her...I must go meet her.."jae ahh baby where's your dad ?" I asked as I picked him up and saw cooky and jungkook playing games downstairs "there with cooky " he said as I smiled we both walked down.. towards them "mamaaaa" cooky said as he looked at me smiling "mama is jae hyung my real hyung ?" he asked as I nodded as yes putting jae down I sat between them "yes you both are real brothers didn't my cooky said he always wanted a brother ???" I asked as he smiled happily and hugged me "mama is best " I smiled ruffling his hairs as I did same to jae "mama but I always wanted a sister too when will that happen?" cooky said as my eyes widened jae immediately looked at me with puppy eyes too "yes I also want one sister so we both can protect her " jae said as my eyes widened more and I choked on my saliva "for that your parents need to get married first " taehyung said as he joined us "uncle tae " both kids said as they ran to him "Married ? mama and you were married " cooky said as I internally slapped my forehead "cooky " I said as he showed me his tongue "but mama you can't marry everyone " cooky said as i sighed giving up "I--" before I can continue jungkook interrupted me "yes right your right my child your mama can't marry everyone she can only marry me right babygirl ???" he said as he smirked my eyes widened at the nickname "babygirl ??? does it mean am gonna have a sister ????" cooky squealed happily as I sighed "cooky mama is fine with you two I don't want anymore baby's my two babies are enough " I said as Jae looked at me sadly "but I want a baby sis " he said pouting as jungkook also looked at me glaring "why are you talking like this was my di-------" my eyes widened as I put my hand on his mouth this idiot seriously "Yaaaa jeon jerkkook mind your tongue not infront of my children's " I yelled as he held my hand and said "why not they have it too its just it's small " he said as I rolled my eyes and looked at taehyung who was so done & disgusted same here tae same here "listen my baby's you also gonna make babies some day its science it's normal " he said as I looked at him with WTF look "Who made you doctor !!!!!!" I said as he folded his hands "oh yeah right am doctor " he said as I sighed "now can I talk to you seriously " I said as he nodded "I I wanna meet hannah " I said as he litrally went from kook to Jeon jungkook in a second, his eyes cold as his face was now cold too "no " he said as I looked at him "am not asking for permission am telling you " I said as I looked at jae who was looking sad at the mention of her name.."Your not going near that women Kang Y/n " he said strictly as cooky immediately hugged me because of his tone of his voice "hey baby its alright mama is fine this uncle can't do anything to mama ,mama used to punch this uncle when we were in college don't worry " I said as taehyung laughed "yes that's right come boys I'll tell you there love story come with me " he took the kids with him as he said that and it was only and jungkook now...

Author's POV

Jungkook clenched his hand as his love kept telling him that she is gonna meet that women..who was the main reason of there separation "Why you wanna meet her ??" he asked as he couldn't be angry on her for much time "I wanna know why she did this..." Y/n said as she looked at jungkook ,jungkook's eyes softened as now there was only worry was on his face "Y/n baby we don't need to know the reason we are okay now hmm " jungkook said as he held her hands pecking the palms of her hands just as he did before.."Its easy for you jeon but not for me...after all the things I did for her this is what i got this is not right ,I want to know why she hates me so much that she even dared to fake my death and take away my child..." she said as she looked down sadly he sighed as he held her chin and kissed her..making her shock...the kiss was comforting it made her forget everything that was happening around her she closed her eyes letting herself go in the kiss..,she kissed him back with same passion and same urge...both pulled back when they made eachother breathless "Marry me Kang Y/n...I want you to be Jeon Y/n " he said as he pulled out a ring from his pocket she smiled as she pecked his lips "I'll marry you only on 1 condition " she said as he Immediately asked what is it and the answer he got made him laugh immediately "you won't slap my Precious butt " she said pouting as he laughed "you you still remember that " he asked as she nodded "ofcourse I remember everything, fuck jungkook you don't know how much it hurts if you do it again I swear----" she can't complete her sentence as he kissed her to make her shut up he pulled back "you talk to much and yes I won't slap your butt now will you marry me ?" he asked as she nodded smiling "yes yes yes " she said as he smiled slipping the ring on her left hand ring finger he held her hands as he smirked cutely "I'll not slap your butt I'll just spank it once a month " he said as her eyes widened "jeon fuckin--" she again couldn't complete her sentence as he kissed her again...