Epilogue [Park Jimin]

Y/n's POV

We all got back to taehyung's house ,as I didn't talked with jungkook after that am still angry on him with the way he talked to me ,I sighed as I sat in my bedroom thinking about everything that happened today "mama " I heard jae as I immediately smiled and pulled him closer as he came inside "yes my baby ?" I asked as he smiled "can't you and daddy stay together?" he asked as my heart clenched "my baby mama and daddy has been though so much but now as you see mama has Someone else I mean uncle park and daddy also has someone else that aunty what was her name again yes soo-in ,mama and daddy can't live together but it doesn't mean we both don't love you, we love you more than oversevles, more than anything in this world " I said as I pecked his forehead Patting his head lovingly ...."mama how about I stay with you for half month that with daddy for half month " he said as my eyes became teary "my baby your just 3 years old how can you be this matured and understanding its it's not how things should go " I said as I understood why he is like this, there was no kid in that house ,only maids which are adults and Hannah..I hope she treated him rightly and didn't hurted him "Baby you can stay wherever you want mama is fine with it mama loves you will always love you " I said as he smiled...

Jimin's POV

I waited for jungkook as i was happy i really felt happy after a long time ,but my heart was still under a pain it was the pain for that little child.. jae he didn't do anything wrong why does he have to suffer..."hyung " jungkook said as I turned around not being able to look into his eyes "hyung you didn't do anything wrong please don't look guilty it kills me " he said as I sighed and looked at him "am am sorry because of me You both have to separate " I said as he chuckled "I know Y/n more than anyone she is someone if she decides anything she will do it no matter what ,if she loves you she will love you till the end and will fight for you ,I don't blame her or you hyung its feelings it can change, we can't blame our heart..I I just wanted to talk with you about Jae " he said as I smiled hearing his words he is matured more matured than me maybe "what is it ??" I asked as he looked down "is it okay if jae stays with you guys I'll take him with me for 15 days every month " he said as I smiled "you can stay with us too kook " I said as he immediately nodded as no "my job doesn't Allows me and Y/n will probably end up killing me " he said giggling as I smiled....

6 Months later...

Authors POV

Jimin stood there ,his heart beating nonstop fastly he thought he was gonna have heartattake now...but soon his heartbeat calmed down and his eyes only stayed on one women ,his women who was walking down the aisle with her father...she was looking beautiful as if she just walked down from heaven ...and is heading towards him his angel her hand was handed in his hand...as he held it with care..."Please take your vows " the priest said as jimin took a deep breath and Y/n took her Vows "I Kang Y/n Take park jimin as my husband promise to be with him for the rest of the life ,from rich to poor ,wellness to sickness ,from happiness to sadness till the death apart us " she said as her tears left her eyes they were happy tears..."I park jimin take Kang Y/n as my beloved wife promise to be with her for the rest of my life ,from rich to poor,wellness to sickness, from happiness to sadness till death apart us " he said as he smiled wiping her tear away as his own eyes shed tears "Exhanged the rings " the priest said as they exchanged the rings the priest smiled "hereby I announce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride now and seal the lock of your new life together " the priest said as jimin smiled cupping her face he kissed her lips as she kissed him back ,the kiss was pure only contact of lips and there souls...soon they pulled back "I love you park jimin " Y/n said as she smiled "and I love you too Mrs.Park Y/n " he said as they both looked towards the guest soon there children's ran to them as they picked up each of them "mama dada congratulations now I can finally get a baby sis " cooky said as Y/n eyes widened as her cheeks reddened "Um yeah i guess " jimin said as cooky pecked Y/n's forehead and Jae pecked jimin's "congratulations dada " jae said it was the first time jae called him dada jimin smiled happily as his heart felt full...

Bambam and Daeun congratulated the couple as they both feeded eachother announcing there marriage, Soo-in and jungkook also announced there wedding congratulating the couple ,as yoongi and jisoo announced that they are having there 2nd child making everyone happy and there he was sitting alone...the one who was happy from all the things

Taehyung's POV

Aish am jealous everyone has there partner now ,what about me author nim ,give me one partner too pleaseeeeeeee I said as I looked up "dear author nim why should only I stay single??" I asked as she smiled cutely "idiot you are already booked as mine so shut up and enjoy the show and yes don't you dare flirt with anyone I won't go easy on you if you do that your mine " Author said as my eyes widened as heat rushed up my cheeks but I smirked "wanna be my girlfriend Author i mean Miss.moon ?" I asked as she immediately smiled "ofcourse Mr.Taehyung shi " .

To Be Continued

Note : Feelings are neutrals, you can't handle them you can't over power or control the feeling as you want ,if you love someone you can't stop it ,if your doesn't beat for the person you love it doesn't mean it's the fault of that person or yours it's just feelings have changed humans make mistakes because they are human .

(As am Happy and sleepy I'll write there honeymoon scene soon I guess but you guys gotta wait for the smut 😏😏😏bye bye )