
We spent the rest of the morning and the early afternoon hammering out the details. We knew what the issue at hand was: the threat of an imminent Fire Nation invasion of Earth Kingdom possessions south of the Nip Sea, and the issue exacerbating that one-these aforementioned possessions were low on manpower and supplies. The potential solution was known, that solution being a band of Water Tribe exiles, hailing from the Northern and Southern Tribes, camped in the Foggy Bottom Swamp, provided refuge by the native swampbending tribes.

Kiu gave us a brief summary of what he knew, and how he knew it, accompanied by a brief history lesson speaking of the early days of the war, when zealots from both Water Tribes were demanding their nations' entrance into the conflict. Neither tribal government would answer the call to war, hoping that the war would remain isolated to the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, despite the blatant eradication of the Air Nomads. These zealots, Northerners and Southerners alike, in a rare act of tribal unity, agreed to join another, forming a third, or fourth if you count the swampbenders, water tribe known as the Revanchist Tribe. They began as a nuisance, raiding Fire Nation convoys, transports, shipments, harassing their coastal conflicts, but as the decades of war went by, they eventually grew to become a legitimate threat. Some consider the actions of the Revanchists to be what eventually spurred the Fire Nation into declaring war on the Water Tribes, eventually forming the Southern Raiders who embarked on a brutal campaign of wiping out the Tribes' waterbenders, hoping to cut off potential new conscripts from joining the Revanchists.

Eventually, the Revanchist Tribe, faced by the full might of the Fire Nation, would be reduced to a nuisance once again, which brought us to where they were now: a group of outcasts hiding in the swamp, but they were veterans of decades of war, sitting atop their ill-gotten gains from these wars, just ready for the right moment to bring the fight to the Fire Nation once again. A while ago, Kiu didn't say just how long, he had approached these waterbenders, hoping to unify them and his own Separatist movement, but was met with little success. The only reason he doesn't admit it to be a total failure is because he gained insight about them, and according to him, their trust. All he gave us as a show of this 'trust' was a phrase-"On the side of the righteous," rather cryptic at that, but he assured us we would know when to use it.

Our task was to find these Revanchists, and to convince them that the time for their return, that the time for war was here. That was our task, or, rather, their task: Luke, Zek, Ka'lira, and Gordez. My men, nearly all of them. They were being sent into the swamp, but they weren't going to return after that, not immediately. Their work away from us was far from done. Kiu wanted them to rendezvous with the Earth Kingdom forces south of the Sea, to open communications between them and the Revanchists, and start arranging for a unified front that the Separatists would be a part of to repel the presumably up and coming Fire Nation attack. Needless to say, they had quite the task ahead of them, and I had the gripping feeling in my stomach, even more intense than it had been just 2 weeks ago when last I said 'goodbye' to Gordez, that it would be for far longer this time around.

I had just said 'goodbye' to him 2 weeks ago, now I had to do so all over again, after just seeing him again this morning. I told him we needed to go over some last details, that I needed to give him some additional instructions. Kiu didn't question it, allowing us to take some small leave while the others got ready.

The two of us were out in the woods, and he asked me the question that I myself had wanted to ask. I envied him. He had somebody to ask. I didn't. I was supposed to eb in charge, yet I had none of the answers. All I had was the mask I put on, telling me I did know, but for once, I decided not to leave it on, not when he asked me, "Is this the last time we have to be apart?"

"I wish I knew. I want it to be. You know I do."

"I should be staying with you. You're being left in the Lion's Den alone."

"They had their chance to kill me. They didn't take it. They won't kill me."

"But you're still never safe."

I sighed. "I know."

"Please tell me this is the last time."

"You know I can't make that promise."

"At least tell me you'll try. That once your 'debt' to Kiu is paid off, we can go our separate ways. Live without looking over our shoulders at every waking moment."

"I will."

He nodded. "Thank you. That's all I'm asking."

We were seated on some overturned tree trunk, downed in some typhoon or another. We remained put there for a while, not saying anything, simply there in the presence of one another, somehow that managing to be enough in those last few moments to make things feel as though they were going to be alright. I had to believe they would be. I have to. "I'm going to miss you," I said. Normally, I would have shunned myself for saying it first, for giving up the high ground, submitting to my emotions first, but I couldn't care less about that right now. I had things I needed to say, and I was going to say them.

"I'm going to miss you too, but it's not forever."

"I know. Just…it's going to feel like a while."

"Think there's any way we can keep in touch?"

I shook my head. "I wish there were. Kiu will want us limiting any and all communication, saving it only for what's considered important."

He placed his hand atop mine where it was resting on the trunk at my side. "I always hated other people telling me what's 'important.'"

I chuckled, reveling in the warmth of his hand atop mine, the security it gave, the confidence that everything would work out. "Soon enough, what's important will be entirely up to us."

He turned his head to face mine, a sad smile on his face, his eyes reflecting the same. "Good. I'll hold you to that."

We mad the limited time we had count. In his arms, his lips against mine, it was nice to forget about the rest of the world if only for a moment.

Of course, it couldn't last. It never could. We were heading back before it even felt like our time together had even begun.

"So you'll be able to manage on your own. Can't help but think I should stay. Others can handle themselves just fine."

"You're the best suited to temporarily lead them. Besides, I'm sure I'll be fine. And I won't be on my own. I have Jadoh, and got Zadok and Kosah too."

"Yeahhh, not so sure if the latter two are going to be very happy about staying with the Seppies. May be best to keep them on the Patriot."

"Well, they don't have much of a choice. Kiu wants Seppies staying on the Patriot now too. Don't-don't give me that look. Trust me. I'm not exactly happy with it either, but Kiu considers that ship a war asset, and doesn't want it being left unattended."

"Ah great. So instead we have rats sneaking around our ship."

"Oh we'll handle pest control later. For now, just tell the others to lock their doors," I finished with my attempt at a reassuring grin. I wanted to think it worked well enough.

At the very least, we parted on good terms. I was going to miss him. I was going to miss him a lot. I feel like I'd said all good things, like it had, at the very least, been a good use of the little time we had together before going our separate ways for the moment. Yet as he left with Luke, Zek, and Ka'lira, I already found myself wishing I'd had more time. Already found myself wishing I'd said just one last thing.

"They're going to be fine," I heard Kiu say from behind me. A number of his Separatists were already making themselves aboard the Patriot to no surprise. W well-built shelter, food, water, heating, gas, electricity, it was as prime as real estate got out here.

"I know. Just can't help but wonder how long it's going to be this time."

He patted me down on the shoulder, something I'm sure was meant to be reassuring, and to some effect, it was. Despite the hell we'd both been through, he'd seen more of it. There was always something to be said about an aged warrior. They knew what they were doing. And maybe that was part of the reason I found myself sticking around. That seniority, that guidance, I'd lost it when we left the Fire Nation. And maybe that's why I wasn't yet ready to leave. Then again, who could really say?