Second Test

Xue Mo didn't have to wait long before Dio got up from his seat and approached the podium again. He looked at him briefly before looking at the surrounding people.

"The second test will be in thirty minutes," Dio said. "We will meet at the Jade Wood City gate!"

After relaying the info, Dio got up, and with Trevor along, they went inside the mansion.

"Sir, Mo. We have just discussed with Amro and decided to team up. Would you like to join us?" When the crowd started dispersing, Kyle approached Xue Mo and asked in a hopeful tone. His eyes were bright, while a small smile plastered his green face.

Contrary to his expectations Xue Mo outright refused, "No!" Before also leaving the Plaza, leaving four people standing, looking at him with downcast eyes.

Seeing Xue Mo's disappearing figure, Amro said in a disdaining voice, "We don't need him! With the rune my father got, we could quickly clear this stage. If we crush him, we could even try and have that friend of yours replace him!"

The other three didn't disagree or agree with Amro's words. After all, Xue Mo was their savior. While Deckim, their childhood friend. Conflicted about what to do, they instinctively appointed Amro as their temporary leader.

Kyle started thinking to himself while feeling guilty, 'sir, Mo. I am sorry, but between Deckim and you, I would choose Deckim every time.' Determination oozed out of Kyle and the other two, making Amro happy at successfully swaying their opinion.

'The first step at making followers done. This Mo guy came at a perfect time. Thanks to him taking the other guy's place, I was able to influence his friends.' Amro thought while closing his hand in excitement, trying to leave his face neutral.

A wandering thought appeared to Amro as he watched Xue Mo's disappearing figure, 'Is he a kobold?' He could see the scales on Xue Mo, but he felt that the guy wasn't what he appeared to be.

Amro was right. Because he hadn't possessed a kobold before, Xue Mo's form that he shapeshifted to wasn't complete. If it were, he would have seemed more kobold like. However, he also knew that he would get used to transforming to different forms with time and becoming natural at it. After all, practice makes perfect.


"Trevor!" Dio suddenly called out after entering Trevor's mansion.

Immediately approaching Dio, Trevor looked at him with reverence and asked, "Senior Dio, what do you need? Just order me, and I will oblige your request to the best of my abilities!"

Knowing his limits, Trevor didn't bootlick and say that he would do anything if Dio asked. Instead, he reasoned and chose his words right, saying that he would try to the best of his abilities. If he couldn't do it, then he couldn't be blamed for it.

Dio didn't mind and asked, "Who was that Xue Mo? His strength is above everyone here. It might be even near yours!" Dio wasn't trying to undermine or insult Trevor's strength. Yet, he knew that what he said was the truth, and Trevor also knew that which is why he didn't feel offended by Dio's words.

"He is... special. I don't know the specifics, but I heard from my daughter that she and her group met him before. At the time, he saved them so he could find the coordinates of the city. Other than that, I know nothing. All I heard was that his power was exceptional when I saw it today, I finally believed it." Dio didn't hide anything and gave all the info he knew. His tone showed how surprised he was.

"Mhmm, indeed. That guy is full of secrets."

"Did you find something, Sir Dio?"

"No, I tried probing, used Appraisal on him. But, nothing showed. That Mo is a mystery, one that I shall crack." Dio's face was full of smiles. The way he said that sent shivers down Trevor's back.

"Sir, will you seriously fight him?" Trevor's question was filled with apprehension that Dio saw through. His true question was, 'Will you use your real power?'

Exhaling out a breath of air, he answered in a deep and solemn voice, "I may not have a choice!" Trevor's face blanched as he thought, 'Is he truly that strong?'

While this was happening, Xue Mo and Lu Yao, on the other hand, were strolling through the city streets.

Lu Yao had been feeling uncomfortable lately. She realized that although ever since she met Xue Mo, her disgust for men was reduced a little, it hadn't left her entirely.

"You know, you should talk more to people. That way, you could at least train your disgust like I did mine." Xue Mo's words seemed to be comforting, but Lu Yao had seen through his act. He was getting payback at her. After continually telling him that his acting was 'smooth' and about him talking to people gracefully and comfortably.

"Alright, alright. I am sorry at before. Can you stop now?" Lu Yao's voice exuded irritation. Her face vexed while her paws were nearing Xue Mo's shoulder, wanting to hot it.

"Fine, I will stop." Xue Mo answered and asked, should we check our stats. The promise time had already passed."

A year ago, Xue Mo had agreed with Lu Yao about them not using their status window and checking their stats, that way they wouldn't get used to it when they found a way to remove the system.

'Soon,' Xue Mo thought before opening his status window.

[Name: Xue Mo


Level: 30

Experience: 4650/6000

HP: 3000

MP: 40

Soul: Unknown?? [Evolvable]

Race: Shadow Light Parasite

Bloodlines: [Evolvable/Upgradable]


Strength: 200

Stamina: 286

Agility: 210

Intelligence: 1000

Wisdom: 20000

Soul Power: [Unknown]

He stared at his status window calmly. After all, he expected such results, with his race's special skill, it wasn't unbelievable to see stats like this.

Instead, he looked at Lu Yao and saw that her expression was also fine. Even if she couldn't use her skill due to their being a limited amount of dark and light creatures, Lu Yao could still level up quickly, with her experience and battle prowess.

"So, should I kick his ass or give him the delusion of winning?" He asked while sipping some tea.

"Hmm, a hard question to be honest. My man-hating instincts tell me to answer with make him eat dirt, while my logical side tells me to make it seem that he has a chance before winning barely. That way, you would show that your capabilities aren't higher than him. This will also allow us to keep our true strength a secret." Lu Yao answered honestly before slipping a cookie into her mouth, crunching it slowly.

"I think I will go with the second option." Xue Mo decided before continuing his tea.


'Ah, where is he?' A bulky green-scaled young man thought while he searched left and right. It was none other than Deckim, who was eliminated and lost the opportunity to get into the Battle Mage Academy.

He had accepted that fact and moved on. He knew that his friends would be alone in an entirely new environment; no one would help them; they could do nothing but stick together. He wanted to allow them to grow without having to worry about danger, but for that to happen, he needed to find the one person that could do that.

While looking left and right, Deckimsuddenly saw the person he was looking for. He was drinking tea leisurely while looking at the fox sitting in front of him, eating cookies. Deckim was surprised to find that the man, who was cold as ice in his view, was smiling.

Although the smile wasn't beautiful due to his ordinary face, he knew that it must have been rare to see someone like him smile. The man didn't dally and stare. Finally, locating the man that he had searched Jade wood City for the last 20 minutes to find made Deckim happy as he went inside the tea shop.

Xue Mo had noticed Deckim for quite some time. He didn't want to see anyone while spending time with Lu Yao. He wanted to be alone, only when they are alone does he truly feel emotions; after all, to gain control and reign these emotions in, he has to release them. And that happens when he's with Lu Yao only.

Entering the teashop, Deckim approached Xue Mo's table. He looked a little haggard with an uncomfortable look on his face he said,

"Sir, Mo, I know I have no right, but can I ask you for a favor?" Xue Mo had expected this when he saw him coming. Since he lost his qualifications to join the Battle Mage Academy, he must look for an alternative to join.

Deckim took Xue Mo's silence as consent and continued, "Could you please take care of my friends?!" His words truly surprised Xue Mo but didn't elicit a reaction from his face.

He had presumed that he was here to beg him for an opportunity or an option to join the Battle Mage Academy. Instead, he found the opposite.

Deckim knelt on the ground; his head kept kowtowing while his hands on the side were shaking in nervousness. He was even able to spot his lips trembling while his eyes were moist.

Although he seemed to have lost his touch, Xue Mo was an expert at reading people and their expressions. While he looked at Deckim, who was doing all that, he knew that he was genuine, actually wanting the best for his friends and not minding to get it by hook or crook.

Lu Yao, who was at the side, was disgusted. She wasn't disgusted at the actions of Deckim. She applauded him for being a righteous and caring person that he wouldn't mind going the extra mile for his friends. Even so, her hate for men didn't cloud her judgment, but disgust was inevitable. 'This was a true friend should be like,' Lu Yao thought.

Xue Mo stayed silent through all that. He didn't want unnecessary problems or weight and also had no reason to accept. Their relationship wasn't even a relationship. Xue Mo only used them, put them in danger, and they misunderstood everything.

He didn't bother to look at him and continued to sip his tea. People looked at them and pointed fingers while inquiring what's happening, but he paid them no heed.

After a while, Deckim gave up and dejectedly left, knowing that he had failed. However, he didn't regret it. His friends are his priority, and he wouldn't mind going to hell for them.


Unknown to Deckim, someone was watching all this with a heavy heart. He knew how much Deckim was preparing for the opportunity to get into The Battle Mage Academy, seeing it lost in vain, he felt a pang in his heart.

'Oh, son. It's all my fault. If I had worked hard in that auction, I would have gotten the rune for you, and you wouldn't be in this situation.' A man who looked like Deckim but older with a scuffle on his face watched the events in the tea shop with a heavy heart.

This man was Deckim's father. He had tried his best to get the rune in the auction last time, but he wasn't successful. This, in turn, made Deckim lose his spot to Amro.

He followed his son around the city after the first trial ended and saw him going from place to place, searching for something. He saw him enter the tea shop and kowtow to the young ordinary-looking man who won first place in the competition. Although he didn't know why he knew that he must be doing it for his friends as that is his usual character.

Waiting until Xue Mo left the tea shop, Deckim's father approached him. He didn't waste time and introduced himself, "Hello, Sir Mo. Can I have a minute of your time?" He pleaded.

Xue Mo didn't stay silent this time and said, "sure."

Deckim's father, Dylan, didn't believe his ears. He knew from watching that the man in front of him was detached and didn't like to talk. He already prepared himself to beg until he agreed. Unexpectedly he didn't have to do any of that, making him bewildered.

Regaining himself, he started, "Sir, Mo, this is how it is. Deckim is...

So, can you please take him as your subordinate?" Dylan gave Xue Mo very detailed info that no one knew about his son, even Deckim himself didn't know.

It was vital info that might make countries fight over it. He did so in the hope of getting Xue Mo to agree to his request. In the end, Xue Mo's answer unexpectedly was, "I will think about it."

He was happy to know that although Xue Mo didn't agree, he didn't deny his request, giving him hope to get Deckim under him.

Dylan wanted Deckim to follow Xue Mo because he believed that Xue Mo's future would be prominent, and he didn't want to waste his son in this small city.

After finishing the small chat, Xue Mo left Dylan alone and headed to the city entrance as the time limit Dio gave was almost up.

Arriving, Xue Mo saw all the new students with Dio, Trevor, and even Deckim, who was standing with his friends, cheering them up.

Noticing Xue Mo's arrival Dio started talking, "Now, that the last member to come has come." Dio stopped eying Xue Mo. "As I said before, now is your second trial. If you want to quit, now is the chance. Once you step into the forest, there will be no one to help you. To survive, you would have to depend on yourself." Dio stopped again to check if anyone wants to forfeit. Seeing no one, he nodded his head and continued,

"There is one last thing left for me to say. This is a competition, so don't think that if you make a team, something will change or become easier on you. I suggest that you go solo each, but if you do make teams... a piece of advice is always to keep on the lookout.

Just because you have been friends before, doesn't mean that you could leave your back to each other. Always be vigilant." Dio had warned them, but he knew they wouldn't listen, so he ignored the team of 4 and stared at Xue Mo.

"You and I will fight once you get back." Dio left with that last statement and entered the city.

"What Sir Dio forgot to mention is that you have only one week. After that, we would presume that you died and immediately get disqualified. One last thing. You cannot take anything with you. You can only use the natural resources of Jade Wood Forest. No runes, accessories, or any other consumables will be allowed." Trevor eyed Amro after that and made sure that he gave the rune back to his father.

Albeit reluctantly, Amro had no choice, so he did it. Finally, all procedures were done, and the second test would begin.

"I will see you in one week." Trevor finished with this while thinking, 'Hopefully, at least. My dear Lara, please be safe.'