
Thinking how he should give it to her, he called infinite Darkness softly as the new status screen appeared in front of him, but a new + button is next to Infinite Darkness word.


Infinite Darkness +

Name: Xue Mo

Points: 1000 SSP energy points


Martial Arts: Currently None

Energy: SSP energy, Qi (New Energy), Mana (No current cultivation Techniques)

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Affinities: ?????, Black Blood (No Current Cultivation Techniques)

Purity (Energy, body, Soul, etc..): (No current Cultivation Techniques)


Concentrating on the + sign he got

Would you like to share the system with Lu Yao, as I said YES in my mind, Lu Yao started looking like a black light not unlike the one that enveloped Xue Mo enveloped her, as it went from Xue Mo to her?

Interrupting her thoughts was the same situation that happened to Xue Mo as the previous system started glitching.


Ding *

System error 73847

Ding *

system malfunction

Ding *

The system is being overtaken

Ding *

System shutting down


After the previous system stopped glitching Lu Yao looked at the new status screen she got, thanks to Xue Mo.


Infinite Darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points: 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)


Martial Arts: Currently None

Energy: ???????? (High tier energy), Qi (New Energy), Mana (No current cultivation Techniques),

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Affinities: ?????, Void, Holy, Darkness, Curse, Light, Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind (No Current Cultivation Techniques)

Purity (Energy, body, Soul, etc..): (No current Cultivation Techniques)


As Lu Yao looked at the status screen, she was always used but different as the usual one was displayed in blue color while the new one was displayed with black. The new Infinite Darkness status screen removed all the known settings she was used to and only showed things that can be cultivated, and she noticed a peculiar thing, the new status screen converted all her affinities and even her affinity resistances into affinities that can be cultivated.

This shocked it meant that if she got more resistances in the future, she may be able to get new affinities and cultivate them, which would open a whole new world for her as her battle prowess would rise serval times even more.

After examining the system for several minutes, Lu Yao just remembered that Xue Mo didn't ask any sensitive questions about her father even when she didn't mention anything about his origin which made her feel happy but also worried that he may have started distancing himself from her as a pang of heartache came upon her, so to confirm what is happening she decided to inquire about why he didn't ask about it.

"Mo, you didn't ask about the origin of my father, does that mean you don't have any questions to ask, or you just don't want to know any more." Taking a deep breath to calm herself down as it is the first time that she was this worried about anything, even when she almost died countless times, she didn't feel as stressed about anything as when she felt about Xue Mo starting to hate her. Getting herself and thoughts sorted out, Lu Yao returned to her calm and cold usual self before she continued, ���Is it that you started hating me because I didn't reciprocate your love right away?"

Seeing Lu Yao's ever-changing expression before getting back to normal and to the point where he met her the first time, which confused him as he didn't think he did anything wrong.

"No, it is just, it is your secret as you didn't tell me as you did about your mother's origin I thought you might still be uncomfortable talking about it or even just don't want to, as I said I am not trying to pressure you or anything and even if you don't have the same feelings and you find someone else that you like later and decide to end our partnership I will still get mad and upset, but I won't stop you as I don't want you to feel forced or indebted to me," After explaining himself to Lu Yao and seeing her expression ease, he felt glad that the misunderstanding had been resolved, and as it seemed from Lu Yao's expression souring when he talked about ending the partnership or her finding someone else as distaste and disgust appeared on her expressionless face without her even knowing confirmed that she does have feelings for him.

"No, it is nothing like that, I am just relieved that you didn't get mad and started hating me." Ly Yao honestly blurted out, but after hearing her own words, her small foxy face started getting beet red, she acted as if she didn't say that and started, "Mo, I will now tell you my father's background." After seeing Lu Yao's serious cold face, Xue Mo straightened his cold face as he concentrated on her words, "My father is as I previously said a Chaos beast.

A chaotic beast is a unique being that has the purest bloodline of the demonic and magical beasts. My grandfather's origin was Darkness Holy Dragon and the Yin Fire Phoenix, this unique beast is my grandfather, and no one else is like him as dragons and phoenixes are known to hate each other not to mention the ruling clans of the dragon and phoenix races, the Darkness Holy Dragons are demonic beasts known for their powerful darkness magic powerful bodies and innate combination of Holy and Darkness, while the Yin Fire phoenixes are known for their nirvana as unlike normal phoenixes that have normal flames as they go through nirvana their whole bodies and souls get cleansed and purer through the Yin flame which makes them much stronger than normal phoenixes, and they have a purer bloodline.

While my paternal grandmother can be considered simpler or lower in birth than my grandfather to some people but this cannot be more wrong, as my grandmother is a void wolf beast, this magical beast was never heard of before, as getting void treasures might allow someone to gain the void affinity but not a bloodline. Still, it would be of the lowest level of affinity. Still, these treasures are rare and almost unheard of, and the void affinity can both control space and time, which makes it all the more special.

My grandmother became a void wolf through luck as she used to be a normal breed of wolves in a high tie world when she once chanced upon a legendary fruit that can grant void affinity, but she didn't know that at the time when she ate it thinking it is just an ordinary fruit a change occurred to her as the fruit was a fruit that was bathed in the deepest corners of the void which modified it and allowed the normal wolf that my grandmother has become a species with the void attribute bloodline and of the highest level at that, a void wolf.

As two abnormal beings birthed with the highest and purest bloodlines, they should have a low fertility rate as a consequence, but as if destined they were able to give birth to my father, with the unique bloodlines that conflict but still harmonize together with the powerful void bloodline as a conduit my father was able to come to be and his species was named by my grandparents as he isn't just a combination of them but a whole new different being and race.

What made him different and one of the reasons my grandparents named him as a new species and race is that the core he possesses had a superior aura to them combined, and as so, they decided to declare him as a new race. They named his race chaos beast because of the harmonizing factor of conflicted races, which would usually repel each other and become unstable or fight for dominance when they are near each other. Still, in my father, they harmonize, and with the help of the void bloodline, they became a new thing my grandparents called Chaos while retaining the other affinities, and that's one of the things that made him different.

The new core that my father had allowed him to become stronger as he grew up and made his leveling easier, which now that I think about it after meeting you, made me realize he had a core that lets him cultivate without even trying." As Lu Yao got there, she realized that she finished explaining and looked towards Xue Mo to see him looking at her with a weird gaze.

"What's with that look?" Lu Yao was genuinely confused about the strange look Xue Mo was directing at her, hearing her question Xue Mo replied: "Nothing about you is ordinary, I can't even compare to your family background, and your family seems too powerful," Arriving at here Xue Mo started pondering as he asked the obvious question that anyone would deduce from hearing Lu Yao's story, "Why didn't your grandparents help your father if they are so powerful of existences and why didn't they come for you and your mother later?" Hearing Xue Mo's inquiry, only then did Lu Yao realize why Xue Mo had the weird looks on his face.

"It isn't that they didn't want to, as my father left them when he left to explore the world and the sects that took him made sure to get somehow not them suspicious they are probably sending messages back making it look like it is my father who is sending them and is probably making everything look fine, and if they even know about my mother and me then they would have asked to meet me, but it seems like the kidnappers thought things through as they didn't search for us from what I know, but this alone wouldn't fool my grandparents, but if they released a drop of his blood as confirmation that it is from him then they could have been able to pull it off."

Lu Yao explained her father's predicament and the situation, "You might want to ask this question, 'Why don't I search for them myself and explain the state my father is in, but it isn't that easy, as I would first need to find what high-grade world they are in and then their appearances, but even if I did so they don't like to flaunt their locations as so I wouldn't even know where to search or how to find them, so I took it upon myself to free my father' but even if I knew I am not someone who asks for help if I wanted to do something I won't depend on anyone even my family and ask for help" Lu Yao explained as a persistent and unyielding expression flashed through her cold eyes.

After having this conversation that might seem long but only took about ten minutes, Lu Yao remembered that they aren't alone, and people might wake up and hear their conversation, as so Lu Yao prompted Xue Mo to wake Mr. Dio up, so they don't waste any more time or get attacked by magical or demonic beats higher to them in strength, even though Xue Mo and Lu Yao have lost the previous imperfect system they gained a new and better one and were even able to preserve the stats that they had of the prior system.

Finally listening to Lu Yao, Xue Mo moved towards Mr. Dio and started shaking him awake, as Mr. Dio shook and groaned waking up, he just realized he fainted and went on high alert, noticing Xue Mo he asked: "Xue Mo, what happened, why is everyone asleep and why are you the only one conscious?" Realizing how weird the situation was, he asked in a strict voice.

Xue Mo feigned ignorance as he replied in a confused voice after noticing Mr. Dio's expression, "I don't know I just woke up. when my fox woke me up, I saw everyone unconscious, so I came to wake you up, I don't know what happened either." Hearing what Xue Mo said, Mr. Dio released his suspicion but not completely as he said: "Anyway, wake the other's up, we might be attacked or have been attacked by something we need to hurry to the academy and check." Mr. Dio analyzed the situation and took precautions before telling Xue Mo.

Xue Mo complied with Mr. Dio's request as they both went to wake people up, when the ten contestants saw Xue Mo near them they involuntarily screamed still shaken from his murder in the arena.

Not minding them, Xue Mo helped Mr. Dio before he went back to his corner as they continued their journey to the Battle Mage Academy.

Xue Mo's current new stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points: 1000 SSP energy points


Martial Arts: Currently None

Energy: SSP energy, Qi (New Energy), Mana (No current cultivation Techniques)

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Affinities: ?????, Black Blood (No Current Cultivation Techniques)

Purity (Energy, body, Soul, etc..): (No current Cultivation Techniques)



Infinite Darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points: 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)


Martial Arts: Currently None

Energy: ???????? (High tier energy), Qi (New Energy), Mana (No current cultivation Techniques),

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques)

Affinities: ?????, Void, Holy, Darkness, Curse, Light, Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind (No Current Cultivation Techniques)

Purity (Energy, body, Soul, etc..): (No current Cultivation Techniques)



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I won't lessen the chapter word count or anything as I will stillbwrite chapters that goes between 1000-2500 words so don't feel like I am pressuring you or anything please keep enjoying my story and I would thank anyone who does donates, I appreciate it.

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