A moment of stupidity

"So, should I regard myself as a student of your Academy?" Xue Mo asked, confused. He should make an oath from his understanding, but the two in front of him were clearly not qualified to do that with.

Oaths were made by people higher in cultivation as only someone higher can make sure that the oath won't be broken. There are several types of oaths, yet the best one was the soul oath. It was also the safest one, as once someone swears a soul oath, they wouldn't be able to go back on it.

"Senior Mo, Senior Yao, such great beings of your stature won't need to be students. It would be degrading and a waste of your abilities. What can our Assassination Academy even teach you!" Myzer exclaimed in mild worship.

He was one of the people who respected power, which is why he liked slicing and dicing his opponents. The only way to prove himself to himself is by beating someone stronger than him, and that is why he agreed to join the mission this time. Unexpectedly, Dio wasn't worthy, but that doesn't matter anymore. He found Xue Mo and Lu Yao, beings that could evade his sensing methods, and seemed to have greater cultivation.

"As Myzer said, Senior Mo and Senior Yao's positions in the Academy will be teachers, that's if you like to be ones that are." Hiari was still careful as although Xue Mo and Lu Yao agreed to join their Academy, they still hadn't.

"Senior Mo, I also want to tell you that I am not human!" Hiari revealed from the side.

"Oh, that's true for me, too, Senior Mo."

Xue Mo was truly surprised this time. He was sure that the two in front of him were humans, but if what they said was the truth, then… he was wrong?

He didn't want to believe that he would make such a huge blunder. He was the best researcher in the fields of bloodlines and bodies in the whole Divine Hell Universe! Although he couldn't identify Lu Yao's race, it was because she was somewhat strange. His knowledge even allowed him to create his new physical body for crying out loud. Although he didn't know much about her origin, it was apparent enough that it wasn't ordinary.

He felt inclined to dismiss them, but his senses and experience confirmed that they spoke the truth, which meant that he was wrong. Xue Mo wasn't someone small-minded who wouldn't admit his mistakes when he found them. On the contrary, he liked finding errors; that way, he would know what to look out for and not repeat them.

"What are you two, then?" The curious tone that Xue Mo used made the two in front of him surprised. From what they noticed, Xue Mo was cold, and the tone he used while talking to them was so distant that they instantly confirmed that he was an introvert. However, the curious voice that he sounded with the knowledge hungering gaze exposed a side to Xue Mo that not many could see. Even Lu Yao, who had known him for almost two years now, was surprised.

Snapping out of their shock fast, Myzer took the chance to reply fast, "Senior Mo, I am a mix of an Elemental Dwarf, Giant knight, and a Human. My grandparents from both sides were both of the Elemental Dwarf and the Giant Knight races, respectively, while my father was a hybrid. My human bloodline came from my late mother!"

Xue Mo finally understood. It seemed that outside of the Divine Hell Universe, races had evolved more than he expected. There were even races like the Elemental Dwarves and the Giant Knights that he never heard of.

Hiari took a step forward and bowed nobly before saying, "I am Hiari Crysto. The descendant of the noble Blue Vampiric-"

Realizing something, Xue Mo interrupted Hiari and asked, "why are you two revealing your identities so casually! Are you crazy?"

Hearing what Xue Mo said, the duo were confused as they asked tenderly, "Senior Mo, are you not joining our Academy?"

"This isn't the point!" Xue Mo replied in exasperation. Even he was getting sick of the naivety, these 'experts' that could annihilate Dio, the third strongest member of the Battle Mage Academy quickly, had.

"But, everyone in the Academy knows this basic information," Hiari commented on the side. He was confused. Was Xue Mo and Lu Yao going to join the Academy or no?

"Have I joined the Academy yet?" Xue Mo tried explaining his reasoning!

"Well, the higher-ups hadn't agreed on anything, but we approve of you!" Myzer said, still giving Xue Mo creepy worshiping gazes.

"No, they haven't. But, we have the authority to make this decision thanks to the mission!" Hiari, concisely clarified.

"Have we made an oath?" Lu Yao tried explaining further.

"No!" The two answered, realizing what Xue Mo and Lu Yao were saying.

"I see!" Hiari spoke, glad to have things laid out in front of him now. He was usually calm and thought of everything, but he acted weird for a while because of Xue Mo's suppressive pressure. But, thanks to Xue Mo and Lu Yao, they realized this fact and stopped themselves.

"It doesn't matter. We have also benefitted out of this exchange!" Lu Yao gave a tight-lipped smile.

Myzer tilted his head while Hiari shrugged. It wasn't their place to question or ask what Xue Mo and Lu Yao did or said. Once they joined the Academy, they were confident that these two would have high ranking places in the Academy.

Xue Mo looked at Lu Yao with smiling eyes while thinking, 'does Yao want to play with these guys? Well she isn't wrong, I did get information that I didn't know before!'

After finishing their conversation, Xue Mo remembered that the duo assassins threw three of the five kids on the carriage outside previously. Following their trail after jumping out from the still moving carriage, they made their way to where they were dropped.

"What are you going to do with these three?" Xue Mo pointed at the unconscious trio on the ground. It seemed that when Myzer and Hiari threw them to the side, they fed them something that knocked them out.

Taking a gander at Deckim, Axel, and Lara resting, the duo didn't utter a word. Raising Deckim and Lara on his shoulders, Myzer held firm until he ensured that Axel, (the person who appeared to have the most potential for their Academy's teachings) was in a decent situation on Hiari's shoulder. Looking at Xue Mo and Lu Yao, who was now asleep on the former's shoulder, he respectfully said. "If Senior Mo and Yao would follow us!" He spoke slowly and quietly, making sure not to disturb the Lu Yao who fell asleep already.

Speaking no more, Xue Mo gestured for them to move before following behind them. They were making their way to the Ash Expanse's real hegemon, not the fake one that used to be the two partners' ex destination.