
Xue Mo was talking about everything that happened after he met Myzer and Hiari. It seemed that meeting them was a sort of blessing. After all, he had been taking things easy, focusing on research. He was even able to create a new path of cultivation because of the Assassination Academy's resources.

Xue Mo sat in silence, as usual, Lu Yao had already fallen asleep due to Infinite Darkness sucking her energy. He stared at the empty wall of Atrine and thought, 'is this the first time I ever felt lucky? Is this what happiness looks like?' These questions plagued his mind as he stared at the wall. He then shook his head, clearing it from these useless thoughts. He wasn't this emotional before. His feelings were both a blessing and a hindrance.

After clearing his head, the only thing that remained was the same thought that had been with him since the beginning, 'reaching the Apex is my goal. No matter what feelings I possess now, I should focus on this!' With the same thing that always motivated him to take place, Xue Mo got up and resumed cultivation.


It had been a week since Xue Mo and Lu Yao had started living in Hesroth's house, and the Golden Core cultivator had been nothing but accommodating. He collected many Mana and Qi stones from the garden outside and gave them to Xue Mo.

This had helped in Xue Mo and Lu Yao accelerating their cultivation. Their already fantastic speed in the True Arch Sensing realm had further increased with these resources. In that time, Dominic had already delivered the Qi Sensing pills that Xue Mo requested.

These pills were used to help a cultivator get more in tune with the Qi energy. Although Xue Mo and Lu Yao's Arch (Qi) Energy was different, it was still Qi. Even with the increased purity, they were able to further their cultivation. It was also a good help as Xue Mo could completely turn the energy into a purer kind with the pills use.

Staying like this, Xue Mo, Lu Yao, and Hesroth remained in the hut cultivating until one day Xue Mo's energy started dramatically rising. He had finally broken through the Qi Sensing realm and became a True Arch Condensation cultivator.

If anyone had recorded his speed of advancement, they would be surprised. What usually takes others three years to do, had been completed in less than two months by Xue Mo. His speed could have been even faster if he wasn't blindly with the new cultivation power-system he was creating.

Also, Xue Mo and Lu Yao weren't just cultivating True Arch Energy. They hadn't forgotten the External Path that Xue Mo created. Their Mana efficiency and control had increased another notch. They were slowly growing stronger.

Lu Yao didn't take much more to also a breakthrough. Just like Xue Mo, her speed was amazing. A week after his advancement, Lu Yao had broken through and became a True Arch Condensation cultivator.


"Divine one, your speed in cultivation is amazing. Master Yao, too is a genius." Hesroth was praising with wide eyes. He looked at the two monsters in front of him and thought, 'not only had these two started cultivating a month and a half ago, but they also focused on their Mana control. No one in the Dark Arts sect history has such speed.'

"It is also thanks to you. If you haven't given us the Mana and Qi stones, who knows when we would have finished!" Lu Yao had slowly gotten over her hatred of men and can control it. She was no longer as disgusted as she had been. If someone looked at her now and back then, they would see just how much she changed.

Xue Mo and Hesroth had helped in that aspect. Suppose they hadn't slowly let her control her emotions properly, who knows how she would act right now. Previously, she disliked, even talking to men. Yet now she didn't mind having a conversation with one.

"As Yao said, you have our thanks!" Even if Xue Mo wanted to use the Dark Arts sect and Hesroth, he still appreciated their help and resources. Even if he could reach a similar stage without their help, the knowledge that they had provided had helped him create a new path of cultivation.

"Anyway, why did you call us here?" Xue Mo asked. He was about to start a new section of his cultivation journey. He was even about to create a new cultivation technique to suit their unique needs better. But Hesroth's call had disrupted this.

"Divine one, I thought that you would like to test your new strength and get accustomed to it before continuing with the cultivation!" Hesroth answered in a prepared manner. It looked as if he had thought this for some time. "This could also help you consolidate your new power. After all, doing for more power without controlling what you have now could be dangerous."

Hesroth had no idea that Xue Mo was an old monster that had lived for a long time. That's why he thought that Xue Mo was rushing into stuff. Yet he still had a point. Although Xue Mo had no problem controlling his new power, Lu Yao was different.

Since she had never cultivated before, she didn't have this kind of power. Even if the 'System' had given her stats and had a high level of good control of magic before, her cultivation was different. It was more of an inward power instead of the external one she was used to.

'This could also help check how I fair in front of the other paths,' Xue Mo nodded his head in agreement. He had thought things through, and what they had now should be tested before going further. Xue Mo and Lu Yao were on a path never tried before, so they had to tread in uncharted territory. Also, Xue Mo wasn't omnipotent. He could have made a mistake without knowing it, and it's better to find that out now than later.

Telling Xue Mo that he agreed to what Hesroth suggested, she had no problem. With the confirmation of both, he told Dominic to prepare a mission fit enough for them. With their power, this would take time, but they had no problem waiting.


Three weeks had passed after Hesroth had given Dominic an order to find a mission suitable for Xue Mo and Lu Yao. Although Dominic didn't know why Hesroth wanted to provide a low-rank mission to someone with Xue Mo's power, he didn't ask.

Xue Mo was informed, and he decided to leave on the next day. Lu Yao had also taken some time to return to her peak status. She had finished modifying the Mana Controlling technique, and it could now do more than what it was initially designed. She had decided to test its effects when they came back.

The next day, Xue Mo and Lu Yao headed out to the Assassination Academy, where they saw Dominic waiting. They were finally leaving.