Soul Techniques

After he explained everything Lu Yao would need to know about Soul cultivation, Xue Mo opened Infinite Darkness.

The usual black status screen appeared in front of Xue Mo's eyes.


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points


Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique



Martial Arts: Categories:

Compatible Techniques [Absolute Basic Human Technique, Absolute Basic Troll Technique, Absolute Werewolf Basic Technique, etc.…] +

Incompatible Techniques [Absolute Basic Vampire Technique, Absolute Basic Ghoul Technique, Absolute Basic Ghost Technique, Absolute Basic Fairy Technique, etc….]+

Aiding Techniques [Chaos Harmony Scripture]

Energy: SSP (Shadow Soul Pressure) Energy (High Tier Energy), Qi (True Arch Energy), Mana. (Only Qi (Arch) Cultivation Technique {For Now})

Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique: [Level 6: characteristics: enhance, facilitates and improves the sensing of Qi (True Arch Energy) level 5, purifies the energy level 5, enhances the races and bloodline abilities level 5, Meridian empowerment level 2, energy meridian system level 1]

Unknown: [heart core: Level 1: ??????????????????????]

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Affinities: ?????, Black Blood (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +

Purity: (Energies, Body, Soul, etc…) (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +


After resting and recovering his SSP energy, Xue Mo saw that it increases again.

Xue Mo started searching for the Soul section, seeing the + sign at the end of it.

Xue Mo, in his mind, ordered infinite Darkness to open it. Looking at the nine different cultivation techniques, he decided to read what their description is before combining them or deriving one technique as the base and let it absorb the rest as supplements.

[ Soul Searching technique: A technique that allows the Cultivator to search other people's souls for information and extract it safely, The target of this technique might suffer repercussions, such as having his/her Soul damaged, having a part of it missing, or even killing the Soul of the target if intended to by the User.

Soul Absorbing Technique: A devilish technique said to be a replication of a devil's innate ability to steal the essences of other creatures' souls and nourish its own. It is said to be one of the most dangerous and useful techniques if mastered to the fullest. As the person who uses it will at first have a rejection of the Soul but cultivated to a high enough level, it will allow the User to absorb multiple souls without consequences. (Note: it might turn the User into a devil)

Divine Soul Blessing: A technique said to be made by the extinct immortal level cultivators. It is able to temper the Soul into a Divine level and grant a better understanding of laws and Daos. (Note: if it's not cultivated to the last degree, and a person is stuck on an individual level for a period of time without advancing, the User's Soul will shatter into nothingness.)

Myriad Soul Tyrant: The Titans, a race known for their enormous and gigantic physical body, but what they lack is a strong enough Soul for it. An absolute Titan genius once came up with a revolutionary technique that allows the Titans to temper their bodies and Souls at the same time as if they were forging a spiritual weapon. This technique is the Myriad Soul Tyrant.

Zephyr Soul: A technique made by a spirit from the Zephyr race, a race known for their wind attributed Souls, since the race is a spirit they don't have a corporeal body, so they opted to cultivate the Soul. This technique allows the User to transcend their bodies and evolve their souls into a Zephyr Soul. A Zephyr Soul enhances the wind element and gives better perception and understanding for the Dao's concerning wind. (Note: Repercussion is the weakening of the physical body since this technique is made for the spirit race, sometimes even the destruction of the body is a normal occurrence.)

Soul Formation technique: a technique made for when a cultivator cultivates to the Celestial Blood Stage, he/she will be able to nurture an embryonic Soul. This embryonic Soul will evolve and be nurtured by the Cultivator, as his understanding of the Dao and the Law increase as well as his understanding of him/herself, they will be able to use this technique that makes it able to draw formations on the Soul and make gain certain advantages such as more perception, more purity, more comprehension of the Cultivator and also allows the Cultivator to make new techniques later on. (Note: high requirement of formation level and high amount of resources for nurturing the Soul formation.)

Soul Chain: A Soul technique, that allows the User to make Soul threads that can confine and immobilize anything with a Soul. This technique would also give better control over the User's Soul and make it harder to injure since the Soul will become thread-like. (Note: A technique that if not mastered to the max level, the User's Soul will be corrupted and decay with time.)

Soul Phantasm: A technique that turns the Soul into a martial Soul. A technique that transforms the Soul into a Soul weapon. This Soul weapon is a combination of the Soul and True Qi (Arch) energy. It gives a semi corporeal form to the Soul and allows the user to utilize it in battle. This technique also allows the Soul to evolve and be cultivated by adding materials to the Soul Weapon and Forge it using Arch Weapon refinement techniques, which will also enhance the quality of the Soul depending on the materials and the grade of the techniques used in forging it.

Eternal Hamster Soul Extinction: A technique that summons the almost Extinct Eternal Hamsters. Using the Eternal Hamsters Souls for devouring, using as an eternal slave, or even make them combine with the Soul and gain the Eternal Soul Property of the Eternal Hamsters. Since the Eternal Hamsters are almost extinct, there aren't many techniques that can force one of them to appear, but the Eternal Hamster Soul Extinction Technique is such a heaven-defying technique that allows for the User to summon an Eternal Hamster.]

Reading the techniques carefully, Xue Mo saw that they are the same techniques that he got by luck when he was in the Divine Hell Universe.

These techniques are the only techniques that can cultivate the Soul in the Divine Hell Universe and Xue Mo by luck, and by raiding multiple sects have collected them all. All but one. The Abyss Devouring Soul Technique was the technique's name. It was a technique that allows the Soul to evolve and become purer the more a person glanced and pondered on the Abyss.

The Abyss is a forbidden Zone in the Divine Hell universe that killed any cultivator that tried to enter it, or even if the Cultivator were able to enter it, he/she wouldn't be able to survive there. As the Abyss releases a type of destruction energy that kills anything that comes near it. Even cultivators with Divine Celestial Stage powers can only stay there for 10 minutes before dying.

The Abyss Devouring Technique was a technique that allows the Soul to not only enter the Abyss safely for as long as the Cultivator wants but also devour it to nourish the Soul.

This legendary technique was lost in the annals of history when many cultivators ganged up on the one who had it before. The conclusion of their fight was all the cultivators died, and the technique was lost.

Xue Mo stopped the distracting thoughts as he remembered something.

'Can the Chaos Harmony Scripture be considered a Soul technique.' Pondering for several minutes, Xue Mo concluded that it is a Soul Cultivation Technique since it can combine anything together.

Nodding his head at his conclusion Xue Mo suddenly had an idea 'If the Chaos Harmony Scripture is indeed a Soul technique and its specialty is combining other techniques that oppose each other, then using it as the Base I can derive a cultivation technique that will be perfect for every situation' nodding his head inwardly at the brilliance of his idea Xue Mo decided to try and implement it directly without wasting time.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points


Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique



Martial Arts: Categories:

Compatible Techniques [Absolute Basic Human Technique, Absolute Basic Troll Technique, Absolute Werewolf Basic Technique, etc.…] +

Incompatible Techniques [Absolute Basic Vampire Technique, Absolute Basic Ghoul Technique, Absolute Basic Ghost Technique, Absolute Basic Fairy Technique, etc….]+

Aiding Techniques [Chaos Harmony Scripture]

Energy: SSP (Shadow Soul Pressure) Energy (High Tier Energy), Qi (True Arch Energy), Mana. (Only Qi (Arch) Cultivation Technique {For Now})

Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique: [Level 6: characteristics: enhance, facilitates and improves the sensing of Qi (True Arch Energy) level 5, purifies the energy level 5, enhances the races and bloodline abilities level 5, Meridian empowerment level 2, energy meridian system level 1]

Unknown: [heart core: Level 1: ??????????????????????]

Soul: Dark Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Affinities: ?????, Black Blood (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +

Purity: (Energies, Body, Soul, etc…) (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +



Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 0 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)


Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense



Martial Arts: Currently None (No Current Cultivation Technique) +

Energy: ???????? (High Tier Energy, Evolve bloodline to unlock), Qi (True Arch Energy), Mana. (Qi Cultivation techniques {for now})

Nephilim Void Sacred Sense: [Level 6: characteristics: facilitates and improves the sensing of Qi (True Arch Energy) level 5, poison immunity level 3, poison ability level 3, meridian empowerment level 2, energy meridian system level 1]

Soul: Chaos Soul (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Body: (No current Cultivation Techniques) +

Affinities: ????? (Evolve bloodline to unlock), Void, Holy, Darkness, Curse, Light, Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +

Purity: (Energies, Body, Soul, etc…) (No Current Cultivation Techniques) +
