Fight (2) Unexpected

Xue Mo and Lu Yao were a distance away, watching coldly what was happening to the three old fogies. Hearing what Theodore said, Xue Mo looked at him carefully and saw something that he recognized in him. The skeletal hand that is emitting a strong sense of power and supplying it to Theodore.

'Isn't that the effect that happens when someone exchanges their life for power?' Xue Mo suddenly thought as it wasn't the first time he saw something like this. Back in the Divine Hell Universe, Xue Mo fought several people who were desperate to kill him for different reasons. Reasons such as the murder of their entire family, him offending them somehow, or for stupid purposes like him torturing their daughters or relatives that tried to seduce him.

'No, this isn't the same; the power isn't burning his life force, but instead, it is slowly changing into an undead. This guy must have gotten a helper, or someone used him to test things on him.' Xue Mo's line of thoughts trailed away as he deduced multiple things from the way Theodore moved, fought, and spoke. 'This technique that was used seems unstable, and he won't survive it,' Xue Mo quickly figured out many flaws in the Technique that was used on Theodore.

'Although he is getting stronger as his body is shutting down and dying. The process was wrong which caused only his sense of pain to leave him altogether, now his mind is slowly going to regress, and he will become half a ghoul, but his body is too weak to survive the process. He will gradually lose his flesh and die, but instead of continuing to live on as an undead, he will only be able to expend his time for half a day before completely giving out.' If the creator of the Technique knew that the years and effort he exerted to come up with this Technique was instantly found out by Xue Mo, who knows what kind of expression they will be making.

'This world doesn't have any formation or inscriptions. Though the magic runes can be utilized for some stuff that can imitate formations and inscriptions, the resulting product is many times weaker than the resulting formations, and inscriptions used. Although they seem the same, they are fundamentally different because inscriptions and formations depend on the cultivator's understanding, knowledge of the procedures, and, most importantly, their cultivation and control over True Qi (Arch) energy. At the same time, the Magic runes can only be laid out with someone who has the affinity of a specific element. The way to layout runes depends on their meanings, elements, and what they are used for and supposed to convey, which is a little more complicated than simply casting magic.' Xue Mo recounted the knowledge he read in the books at the time that he wasn't cultivating with and compared them to the techniques from the Divine Hell Universe.

'This man doesn't have any runes on him, which means that whoever gave him this power didn't create a new way to use runes for it but used a spell somehow. It seems this guy is a genius, to create a technique that almost turns someone to an undead, isn't a normal thing in this world, for this to even work, the guy must at least have the death affinity, and he probably devised a special method or a way to try and make undead. He must be either from this low-grade world, which doesn't have the resources to nurture him or he came from a higher grade world that doesn't have the ability to teach him, so he came here to experiment and try to make the best of what could be done with the little knowledge he has.' It wasn't such a hard thing to figure out what happened and deduce several theories on the real culprit's ideas and thoughts.

It would have been even weirder for Xue Mo not to know or figure out what happened. Xue Mo has lived thousands upon thousands of years, if he can't even figure out someone's plans after all his experiences and the long years he lived, it would mean he lived for Nothing, and he was just too dumb to learn anything in his long life.

Lu Yao wasn't dumb either, although she hasn't lived as long as Xue Mo has, or had the same amount of experiences as him, she has lived enough to know how people think and what kind of ideas might go through their heads. Although she didn't deduce as much as Xue Mo has or think the same thing she had found something that Xue Mo hadn't noticed, she saw a reflection of herself in Theodore's eyes, she saw and remembered things through looking at Theodore, things that her cold dark heart has been suppressing for a very long time.

Lu Yao shivered for a second, this reaction of hers wasn't missed by Xue Mo. However, he didn't display it on his face, Xue Mo had sensed a wave of deep cold anger and sadness exude from Lu Yao for a second, but she suppressed it fast, 'I think we both have to get clean with each other later completely.'

Xue Mo and Lu Yao continued to watch the fight and see how it would develop. The only reason they are still there is that they wanted to see if there might be something that will interest them or be beneficial to them before leaving.

After all, from the looks of it, the three rulers of the Academy will soon die, so there is no use for him to stay in it any longer. Xue Mo had already gotten everything he would need to get from the Academy. There is Nothing other than what the Treasure Pavilion has that might interest him, so Xue Mo decided to raid the Treasure Pavilion and empty any available resources this world has before finally leaving it.


Back at the Battlefield, Sakamoto and Giorno were staring at Theodore with frightened expressions. As even Dio wasn't able to do anything to Theodore, what can they do? Even if they combined their powers with Dio and fought Theodore together, they would be no match to him, maybe if they got here earlier, Sakamoto and Giorno with Dio's help would have had a chance, but now that Theodore became too strong, they cannot do anything.

Staring at his disciple who always seemed friendly and loved by everyone and seeing how things became now, Giorno felt frustrated for some reason. Letting his emotions get the better of him, Giorno angrily yelled: "Why just tell me why are you doing this?! Have I not been a good master? Was I too harsh on you in my lessons? WHY??!!! TELL ME WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS??!!!!"

Staring at the master who loved him from his heart truly and treated him as his son, Theodore wavered for a second, before remembering what happened to him. How this master of his did Nothing to stop it, Theodore became angry and attacked even more ferociously.

"Do you really want to know why I am doing this? Haven't you heard me the first time askl that bastard next to you?" After reducing Dio into an almost dead person, Theodore shut Mey up and knocked her out before turning towards his beloved Teacher, and telling him in a chilly calm voice that sent shivers down his spine and took him aback.

Turning his head, Giorno was met with Sakamoto's ugly expression, looking at him was no longer that calm, strict and kind middle-aged man, but a person that he almost didn't recognize.

Sakamoto looked at Theodore frostly before turning his head to look at the miserable, almost dead Dio and snorting. Finally, Sakamoto faced his old friend with a calm and sinister expression as he casually said: "I have nothing to hide, nor am I ashamed of my actions." Sakamoto was telling this to Theodore. As expected, after hearing him Theodore shivered from anger as he bared his teeth at Sakamoto, Theodore almost completely lost himself under whatever spell he was under. He doesn't have long to live, even so with what remaining consciousness he still has Theodore, calmly said: "I will let you find out what real hell is. This will be completely different than what you did to me, compared to what I am about to let you go through what you did to me can be considered a tickle."

Giorno still doesn't know or understand what is happening, turning to Sakamoto he spoke as the Dean of the Battle Mage Academy and not as Sakamoto's friend as he inquired: "Sakamoto, you better tell me what you did to Theodore. If you don't, the price you will pay would be too heavy for you to withstand."

Sakamoto might be afraid of Theodore, but he isn't scared of Giorno at all, he only sees him like an annoying fly, and he never actually saw him as his superior or friend.

Not trying to hide his annoyance at all Sakamoto explained to Giorno in a mocking tone, "Oh, my dear Dean Giorno, do you really want to know the story then I will tell you." Sakamoto then pointed his finger at Theodore, who was about to jump and skin him alive any second before continuing while staring at Giorno: "Nothing really, it is not that important anyway. It is just that a couple of years ago, I discovered that our friend Dio has a fetish of raping young boys after seeing him do it with my own eyes by accident once. I approached him when I found out and confronted him about it, I for one, am not ashamed to admit that I too like young kids with both genders and rape them from time to time." Sakamoto's calm words shocked and scared all the surrounding people to the core, as they looked at him with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"Yes, you heard him correctly, that bastard and this piece of shit," Theodore pointed at Sakamoto and then stepped on Dio, making him groan in more pain every time his screams started to lessen.

Theodore knew that he didn't have much time, and he didn't want to confront either Dio or Sakamoto, nor did he wait for them so he can kill them just like that, he also wanted to torture them before killing them. Theodore didn't like wasting time and was afraid that some kind of miracle might happen that saves Dio and Sakamoto from his clutches. Theodore recounted quickly and thoroughly what Dio and Sakamoto did to him. He didn't do it for pity or anything, nor did he care that his Teacher didn't know.

Theodore is doing all this just for his revenge. He told Giorno to let him see the truth, not for anything other than that.

Mey quickly shook her head and started crying when she heard this, although she acted asleep when Theodore 'knocked' her out, but hearing what Theodore said, Dio did to him and his sexual acts, Mey broke down and started shouting letting everyone know she was awake.

Theodore didn't reply to her; he just tore his shirt and showed his back to everyone present; there was a small mark on Theodore's back. This mark is usually used on slaves. Seeing the mark wasn't enough evidence as this mark is also a binding contract.

To not let Giorno know of their doings and actions toward his disciple, Dio and Sakamoto didn't bind Theodore with a slave contract. Instead, they used a binding agreement that shut Theodore up and made pain flood his body every time he thought of doing something that went against what the contract stated.

This agreement can only be used when both parties agree on it, and it uses the Soul as a bargaining chip, making the one who goes against it die miserably with no path to reincarnation. The only reason Theodore was now able to tell what happened to him was that he doesn't care if he reincarnated. And also because the state that he is currently in, prevents him from feeling any kind of physical pain whatsoever. As for the pain that is now hitting him in his Soul, Theodore simply doesn't care as it would need several minutes for his Soul to be destroyed and for him to die.

There are two ways to show if what Theodore said was correct, one was for him to die, which will happen anyway because of the Technique that he is using, so it won't be enough for proof. Though everyone can see that abuse marks on Theodore's body, it isn't enough proof as he could have self-injured himself to let everyone believe it was the truth. The second way is for him to kill the Contractor.

Yes, this agreement is usually used not by two people but three, and the reason is that it can be broken when someone reaches higher levels and increases his strength, but Theodore isn't that powerful yet. The only thing he could do was kill one of the two who were involved in the contract. Because if the other party, the one who was contracted and branded, was somehow able to kill just one of the other two Contractors, they will both die and not have a path to reincarnate in the future.

Because he knows that this will happen and he will die anyway, Sakamoto used the opportunity to act and admit what he and Dio did to Theodore, for at least he will still live in his next life even if he didn't remember his first one.

What Sakamoto didn't expect was even after he confessed, for Theodore to risk still getting himself killed and eternally die. Sakamoto furiously yelled: "NOOOOOO" before lunging on Theodore. Sakamoto doesn't care about anything anymore as he figured what will happen he wanted to bet his life for even a slim chance to catch Theodore off guard and kill him before he or Dio dies.

Sakamoto charged and readied a massive amount of mana before a blue-colored fire rose as a fire tornado went after Theodore, right after the blue fire column rose another wind tornado right next to it.

Surprisingly Sakamoto was a dual elemental mage; in this low-grade world, his power wouldn't lose out to Dio even if he were stronger than him. That is because, with more elements, the more versatile a person can use better spells or skills concerning the element.

The wind and fire tornadoes shot and went towards Theodore, catching him off guard as people only knew that Sakamoto was an elemental fire mage, who even became so proficient that he purified his fire to the next level.

On their way to Theodore, both the blue fire and wind tornadoes started integrating together midway. The two hurricanes became a new massive storm double the size, the power it exuded was double the separate tornadoes along. The new tornado's speed was faster, the heat it radiated was intense enough to instakill a newly ranked Magic Master AKA a level 101 person.

Just as the Tornadoes were about to reach Theodore, a smug disgusting smile started to spread on Sakamoto's face. Still, it was quickly wiped out for suddenly the big massive blue tornado suddenly began to shake, became unstable, and eventually it dissipated just as it was about to reach Theodore.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Guys for anyone that would like to, I made a p@treon where you can donate, this isn't obligatory or anything as I do this for fun and enjoy interacting with you, but for whoever wants to you can doante there.

I won't lessen the chapter word count or anything as I will still write chapters that goes between 1000-2500 words so don't feel like I am pressuring you or anything please keep enjoying my story and I would thank anyone who does donates, I appreciate it.

The P@treons link will be in the author thoughts.


{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}

Note: I made the a =] @ because WN turned the word into a censored