Black Death

Xue Mo had gotten the half undead bloodline and just discarded it. Xue Mo has many more superior bloodlines in him, and this half undead is nothing but a supplement that can enhance them. Although these bloodlines in Xue Mo are dormant and sealed thanks to the seals locking Xue Mo's Soul, through the opened part in the first Seal, the greater bloodlines could absorb it quickly and even unlocking a minor piece of them was workable.

The part that was unlocked was the lowest but purest bloodline of the BlackGold Boned Skeletons. These Skeletons are the lowest of all undead, but the most superior of Skeleton undead, although the BlackGold Boned Skeleton is just a Skeleton like other Skeletons. Xue Mo, in his previous life, while exploring a ruin, found a manuscript. This manuscript that Xue Mo found talks about the ways of extracting the essence of any creature. Though undead are not alive, they are creatures.

Xue Mo, fuelled by his curiosity to dissect and his hatred for humans, he studied the manuscript with passion. After thoroughly learning it, Xue Mo started his plan of starting to explore the essence of creatures. Even the undead weren't spared. That was how Xue Mo could make the BlackGold Boned Skeletons into a bloodline.

After Xue Mo's BlackGold Boned skeleton bloodline absorbed the half undead bloodline, it spread slowly in Xue Mo's body and started changing it slowly.

It has been three months since Xue Mo unlocked the BlackGold Skeleton bloodline, and only an infinitesimal amount of his Skeleton started turning BlackGold. From Xue Mo's estimation, it will take years for his Skeleton to become BlackGold Entirely.

When Xue Mo's BlackGold Boned Skeleton bloodline absorbed the half undead bloodline of Bai Xuan, the lowest affinity for the Death element had also upgraded into the low-affinity property. Further enhanced as the other elements by Xue Mo's SSP energy, the low-affinity Black Death property was created.

Different from just turning dead bodies into undead, the Black Death affinity would allow Xue Mo also to summon undead from Hell and even control the Spirits that he kills or finds. In tandem with his Black Blood affinity, Xue Mo could almost create a higher undead than his affinity level would allow him, and uniquely undead than ever created before.

Though Bai Xuan was the son of a big organization like 'The Hybrid,' Death magic was so rare to get, that even among people who have half undead bloodlines that few spells were created by them. Even after years of experiments, 'The Hybrid' were only able to develop five weak spells.

The reason that Bai Xuan came to this low grade world wasn't because some weak organization wanted to rebel, but to do some experiments and try to create a new spell.

This spell would slowly kill the target that it was used on and start a process to turn it into a ghoul. What Bai Xuan wanted to achieve with this was to create an army of ghouls that can be leveled up. Through this, 'The Hybrid' can slowly take over the world they live in, and not be looked down upon by other races for their Death magic and undead bloodlines.

Undead and anything that got to do with evil such as Blood, Darkness, Curse, and Death Magic, etc.… Undead were usually hated and looked down upon users or races with these abilities. They consider this an act against them the living, and most supporters of these racist acts are human.

In the past three months, Xue Mo and Lu Yao didn't start practicing body cultivation. They wanted to have quality over quantity. Why should Xue Mo and Lu Yao eat and consume inferior quality and less nourishing beasts when they can have prime quality with effects that might benefit them more? The answer was they shouldn't.

Lu Yao thought of this when she was marking places on the map to go to. Four of these places were dangerous and forbidden places. These four places were Altonia, Nivera, Lioneth, and Westeros.

There is a fifth dangerous and forbidden place in the Ash Expanse. This place is Endros, where Lu Yao and Xue Mo were right now. The reason Lu Yao had led Xue Mo to come here first, before they could start body cultivation, is exactly for these Magma Beasts that they hunted and killed.

Lu Yao wanted to experiment through them since, for now, the most abundant creature in the Ash Expanse that has Mana in it are these Magma Beasts.

Lu Yao didn't know at the time of the ability that the 'Heart Core' has, of combining energies and even imbuing them into objects. If she did, Lu Yao would have preferred for them to go to one of the other four danger zones and start their body cultivation. If she can after all imbue objects with energy, then she wouldn't need to find a naturally inclined Mana based energy such as the Magma Beasts.

When Xue Mo and Lu Yao discovered the 'Heart Cores' ability, they were already near Endros, so they continued their journey. Even though they can imbue energy into items or living beings, testing this process on a beast that is more attuned and is basically a construct of Mana would be much better and safer than trying the process on an ordinary object.

Xue Mo pondered over Black Death Magic and where to test it. He remembered something on the map that Lu Yao has mentioned. There is a beast lord in this forbidden zone, and this beast lord is one of the factors that make this place a Danger Zone in the first place.

'This Beast Lord is a Crimson Python. It is a snake type fire beast; it has a level of early Magic Master (101-125) with stats that are focused on magic, strength, and agility. It reigned supreme in these parts of the Ash Expanse; no creature would oppose it. This Crimson Python's particular skill is that it can use the Mana around it and launch it at a target, continuously rendering it unable to escape or dodge but only to stand there and receive the hit.

The only way to get away is for the targeted person to have either high vitality stats that will let him survive the attack, but barely.

Enough strength that will allow it to endure the attack and even counterattack.

High enough magic power and knows the advanced barrier spell, which will let it waste its time or extremely high stats in agility that will enable the target to escape and even take it down.' Xue Mo reviewed the knowledge that he collected from the books and the map he got from the Battle Mage Academy before leaving.

Xue Mo has decided to hunt this beast lord before he leaves Endros. But for now, Xue Mo wanted to meditate and recover his mental and body energy, while waiting for Lu Yao to wake up and begin her experiments. Xue Mo was after all also tired from fighting the Magma beast, having his energy depleted through Infinite Darkness, and getting to this cave without rest.

Though Xue Mo and Lu Yao could have easily defeated the enemy through their strengths and high tier energies that are as powerful as a Celestial Divine Stage Cultivator. They also wanted to hone their battle instincts and fight a life and death battle unless they let their senses get rusted. Since they can already kill the beast quickly with the help of their high tier energy, why not use it as a training for the body? That way, they will train their senses and stop them from dulling, while eventually killing the enemy without having it disappear through SSP energy and chaos energies characteristics.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}