
After creating his first Chimera undead, Xue Mo turned towards Lu Yao who has been silent for a while and said: "I think I know why you failed."

Lu Yao concentrated wholly at Xue Mo's words since she has been pondering this issue ever since they ran away and evaded the explosion.

"It's because of what we did. We thought saturating the rune with energy will not only better the material we are inscribed on but also purify it.

But that conjecture of ours might be the reason we failed. Runes were after all explicitly created for the use of Mana. But what we did was use the Mana Chaos combination energy. This might have made the material look better. But it also made it highly unstable, and since we are using a technique that requires only Mana and replaced it with another kind of energy, the rune wasn't able to be completed, and this caused the explosion." Hearing Xue Mo's hypothesis, Lu Yao got enlightened; although this is just a hypothesis and a stretched one at that, Lu Yao knew it was highly possible.

Unlike Xue Mo, Lu Yao knew what she was doing, and after hearing what Xue Mo said, she could confirm the theory, since she asked Infinite darkness to upgrade the counteract rune. Still, she didn't specify what energy to be used or what modifications to make, and this resulted in the rune becoming unstable and exploding the energy making it.

After finding out the problem, Lu Yao now just needs to find another 'material' to use for experimentation, but she was sure that she would at least be able to make the rune without a hitch.

After killing and turning Hesroth into an undead Chimera, Xue Mo and Lu Yao can be considered having finished everything they need from Endros. Especially after destroying more than half of it. Now there is nothing of use to them in here, so they will start making their way to the other four forbidden grounds of the Ash Expanse before leaving.

Xue Mo suddenly had a thought, 'What is Hesroth's power level, how usable is he for now?' Wanting to check Hesroth's power level, Xue Mo told Lu Yao his plan before turning his head towards Hesroth, who was dutifully looking at his Master's backs.

Looking at the Once Crimson python now a weird-looking pile of snake bones with six human bone hands coming out of its back, he commanded in his usual cold voice, "Attack me with everything you have." Hesroth considered his master's words, but knowing that he wouldn't be able to do any real damage to the creator made him discard any thoughts or arguments he would give.

Hesroth got into a combat stance; it was about to lunge at Xue Mo like the first time they fought, making Xue Mo shake his head in disappointment, 'It hadn't learned… It seems I will have to teach i..' Xue Mo's thoughts were interrupted.

Hesroth suddenly midway spread the hands that were popped out of his back and stuck them together, giving them the look of wings. As if to prove Xue Mo's thought process about him as wrong, Hesroth took to the sky, giving himself an advantage over the battlefield.

In the sky, Hesroth looked at Xue Mo from the air, Hesroth wasn't moving but was just staring at Xue Mo looking out for his attacks. Xue Mo didn't attack, waiting to see what move Hesroth used next.

In actuality, Hesroth was charging an attack at Xue Mo and wasn't just staring at him; He was intelligent and knew that it couldn't possibly beat its master with its current power.

Energy was coursing through Hesroth's body as a black screen of smoke suddenly blanketed the sky. Hesroth, with his 'rebirth,' gained the death affinity; although its property is still low, it was enough for now. Magical beasts didn't need to use spells to cast magic like humans; they can innately turn their affinity and use Mana to cast instant spells concerning their element.

Hesroth was now an undead; with its rebirth, the death affinity that came with it gave it the ability to use death magic of its own. Although Xue Mo and Lu Yao can also use magic without the need for casting and just like Sakamoto, Humans can also do it at top levels. Still, the power of the chant gives an extra boost of energy, and that is why Xue Mo and Lu Yao cast it.

After the black screen, emitting chilling and decaying aura, came a follow-up attack of a large-sized fireball.

With the black smoke as the distraction and fireball as the attack, Xue Mo was impressed with Hesroth's ingenuity and planning as every attack was timed and precise, not leaving a way out for the opponent.

After the Black smoke neared Xue Mo and confined him in place, the fireball headed towards him about to collide with Xue Mo, something Xue Mo didn't expect happened.

Hesroth, who was flying in the air, changed his direction. He suddenly, at his highest speed incomparable to his previous one, approached Xue Mo's back stealthily.

If Xue Mo weren't paying attention to all his surroundings and keeping his perception locked on Hesroth, he would have also been fooled to think Hesroth planned to attack with spells and stay up in the sky.

'Interesting.' Seeing Hesroth use its new body with unique ways and attacks as if it was using it for a long time, pleased Xue Mo with its intelligence.

Arriving at Xue Mo's back, Hesroth was about to attack Xue Mo with his most potent attack.

Gathering energy and concentrating it at its two fangs, Hesroth empowered himself and bit down at Xue Mo's shoulder. Two powers were released inside Xue Mo's body, one with death property while one with fire, the two looked interlinked and combined as they tried to destroy Xue Mo's body from inside.

Snapping out of his fighting state, Hesroth suddenly panicked as it realized it had gone too far and hurt the master, it neared Xue Mo who was now lying down on the ground with a hole in his shoulder exuding a burnt and decaying smell, as if Xue Mo was dying.

Hesroth suddenly realized something just when he was about to start wailing at killing one of his masters; he realized that Lu Yao hadn't moved from her place at all, still watching them with an amused glint.

Hesroth wasn't dumb, and seeing how Lu Yao was acting, he knew that he was overthinking things and that his master was fine.

Indeed. Hesroth was right; Xue Mo was completely fine. After Hesroth injected the elemental power into his shoulder, Xue Mo immediately urged the energies in his 'Heart Core' to get rid of it. And the reason Xue Mo was lying on the ground without moving was, to at first test, Hesroth's reaction while seeing him die. And the second reason was that Death energy is a potent and killing power. It needed a bit more time for it to be purged. But what surprised Xue Mo was that the energies weren't purged or expelled outside his body when the energies inside him approached them. But instead, they were broken down and became nutrients for his other powers to feed on.

Xue Mo got up after a few minutes, but instead of the usual dark, cold face that is always plastered on his face, there was a regular neutral face looking at Hesroth with.

In this year that Xue Mo spent with Lu Yao other than cultivating, getting to know each other, and opening up to each other, Xue Mo and Lu Yao were also changing and becoming more open. However, this happened when they were together and will probably never happen with someone else; it nevertheless made them more mature.

Xue Mo looked at Hesroth with a neutral face, displaying his natural disposition of coldness and distancing anyone from him. Xue Mo was unusually suppressing this trait of his when looking at Hesroth, although not to the degree that he displays when he looks at Lu Yao, Xue Mo still looked at Hesroth kindly.

The look that Xue Mo was giving Hesroth shows how pleased and satisfied Xue Mo was with Hesroth's display of abilities, intelligence, and cunningness, which earned him Xue Mo's recognition.

The reason Hesroth earned Xue Mo's recognition because he was smart, didn't look or act without thinking, and, most of all, he was powerful for his stage. Xue Mo had calculated Hesroth's power and knew that he could exert more power than his level and abilities allowed.

Lu Yao stared at Xue Mo from the side and remembered how he was when they first met, remembering how she could take him down when her Chaos energy somehow awakened and gave her power, she was lost in memories. Still, a thought lingered in Lu Yao's mind, 'We matured.'


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}