
"Any time now, she will set foot on Altonia. Soon. We will finally meet!" A short-statured man with a clean-shaved face said to himself while looking outside a window.

He would have looked pleasant and young if wrinkles weren't starting to appear on his face.

"My lord, I will finally meet her. After all this time searching for her, we found a trail, just a while longer." The Man kept his crazy act and went on continuing to mumble to himself.

Suddenly a red light started blinking from a small device on the table next to him.

'Impossible! Who in this low-grade world can take them out? There shouldn't be anyone who has that kind of power here. Unless…' As if he suddenly realized something, the Man smiled before laughing capriciously.

"HAHAHAHAHA, the Miss is finally here. I found her after all this time. The master would surely be happy" The shorty started talking to himself again, before tapping a small button on the blinking device making it stop.

The Man suddenly remembered something that made his face darkened, 'What have those three done?!! Did they offend the Miss somehow, she will not meet me now!?!?' The Man didn't know whether to be happy to have found his Miss and see that she is stronger than they expected or be worried that because of the stupid three's blunder the Miss might not want to see him.

The short Man got up from his seat and went towards his door. Leaving his home, the man started walking towards Altonia's entrance through a bustling village.

Everywhere the Man went, people bowed down and greeted him with respect, "We see the Oracle." It was as if he was a king that people saw.

These people were all taller than him. Some were beautiful while some were gigantic, some of them were even made of trees. This signified that three races were under the man, and from the way they looked at him, it was as if he was a god. These three races were Elves, Ogres, and Triant, and all three of them were living together in peace, but the weird part that every one of these people was strong as hell. Some of them were Magic Masters, while others were Magic Grandmasters. Still, three of the onlookers were at a level the Ash Expanse shouldn't have seen before. They were True Mages. With the power to use the element with ease, the difference between a peak Magic Grandmaster and a True Mage is more than the difference of one level, as the stat increase between these two is enormous.

(A/N: Magic Grandmasters go from level 300-399 while True Mages go from level 401-499)

After someone reaches the peak of Magic Master level, the gap of experience points to go from level (299-300) is more than the last ten levels that were needed to reach it (289-299) combined, and that goes for every peak level after that (Magic Grandmaster-True Mage, etc.)

For three beings at the True Mage level shows just how big the difference in power between them is, and signifies the identity, strength, and background of the man known as the Oracle.

Seeing the gloomy face of the Oracle, the three True Mages' faces went pale with fright, they were about to ask about what had happened for the Oracle to be in such a bad mood, but before they could open their mouths, they heard him say in a low but cold tone "Don't move."

Although his voice was quiet and normal, the cold tone and the quietness of it is what made them more frightened, but they didn't dare disobey. The three True Mages stayed in their place with the position that they were in when they were about to move. Not wanting to worsen the Oracle's mood, the three of them opted to stay in their place until they got their confirmation that they were safe to move.

After the Oracle left the village's parameter, the three True Mages didn't move from their places but still conversed with each other.

"Tuil. Do you know what made the Oracle's mood bad? We all know that the Oracle rarely goes into a foul mood, but when he does, someone will pay, and usually, it is us." The Tiant said to his Ogre friend Tuil.

"NO I DON'T. IF I KNEW WE WOULDN'T BE STUCK LIKE THIS TORO?" The Ogre's voice was unusually loud, which always made others talking to him either cringe or block their ears.

"The Oracle went in the forest's direction's entrance. Those three youngling's were the ones on duty this time, and the Oracle said someone strong will come today, so..." The elf spoke while dramatically lengthening the sentence, but seeing no reaction from his two friends, he continued his explanation. "So.... The Oracle must have found out that the three youngling's were injured with his weird device and since they are the subordinates he was monitoring, must mean that the one who harmed them was the strong person he talked about." Realization dawned on the other Ogre and Triant, as they thought that since the Oracle was monitoring the three youngling's, then getting hurt must have upset him, and he went there to deal with it himself.

Through the elf's false conclusion, the Triant Toro and Tuil the Ogre got misled, thinking the Oracle would deal with someone.

If the Oracle knew that the three True Mages thought he would deal with the Miss that he and his master have been searching for, he would surely rip them to pieces and feed them to animals.

Too bad they could get away with their thinking process and escape assured death.

"Hey. Akai, how are you so sure that's what happened? What if the three younglings did something that offended the Oracle? Living might be worse than death for us and everyone here!" The Triant wasn't sure of Aka the elf's assumption, as he thought of the worst-case scenario, so he gave voice to his worries.

"If that were true, then we wouldn't be living right now. Since the great Oracle allowed us to live, it must surely mean that the young ones have done nothing that might offend the Oracle.

Mistaking that the Oracle hadn't outright killed them for kindness, the elf misled his two friends again. If Akai knew that they were still alive because he wanted to torture them and send the offenders for the master to torture, he wouldn't have spewed such nonsense repeatedly.

Akai gave his two friend's false hope as they stayed in their place, in the same position they were in when the Oracle told them to stop moving.

Although Akai assured them with his words, the other two weren't naïve to actually take it as the truth and were seriously contemplating it. If they somehow offended the Oracle, then not only they, but the entire village that is made from their tribes will also die with them.

The trio hadn't known that the master behind the Oracle was searching for Lu Yao for a long time, and he specifically sent the Oracle here to search for her. If they knew that and that the younglings they thought the Oracle was interested in were the ones who offended her, they surely wouldn't stay as silent and peaceful as they are.

The master of the Oracle loved torturing people who have done him wrong. Doing Lu Yao wrong and offending her in the way the trio did would surely make them an exceptionally high place in the master's heart where he will torture them to the point they wished life but can't have it, yearned for death but won't get it.

The trio of True Mages while they were conversing together suddenly had a terrible feeling that rose in them, but they quickly suppressed it.


The Oracle was walking to the place where his device said the trio had fallen. He was both happy and worried, 'Will the young Miss be mad? She will of course be angry, those damn idiots. I will surely make them pay. I should think of ways to get the Miss to listen to me, maybe if I explain the situation and give her the trio to take revenge on… What am I even thinking they were hers to do whatever she wanted with them. She is the Miss after all!!' The Oracle kept thinking of ways to appease Lu Yao while considering ways to approach the vital subject he needs to talk to her about.

Unknowingly while walking and thinking, the Oracle has arrived at halfway through to the location, where Lu Yao and the others were fighting, making him stop to watch the scene. While walking, the Oracle noticed how the fight changed the landscape with various trees being broken and many holes in the ground.

'Those three would pay if they did anything to the Miss, not like their life is worth comparing it to the Miss.' The Oracle started running and making his way to the place Lu Yao beat the sh*t out of the stupid trio.

Every step he took made him cross kilometers in seconds, and his speed was even faster than Xue Mos when he was running at full speed from the explosion that the energy infused Magma Beast remains caused.

Arriving, the Oracle decreased his speed as he neared the place Lu Yao was at. The Oracle went through the bushes while making a rustling sound that alerted someone, the only conscious person, or should he say fox on the battlefield. The Oracle started searching around him before seeing three unconscious bodies strewn all around the battlefield, while a fox was turning her head towards him, which almost made him cry out loudly in excitement after recognizing her.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}