
"Ah. What happened? The last thing I remember was me Phante and Ogma going to patrol since the Oracle said someone strong would become today. What happened after that? Oh ya, we arrived at Altonias entrance when we met a small white fox and then…" Yoru snapped out as everything came back to her, and she remembered what happened.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The voice of Phante being tortured confirmed her suspicions.

As fear crept up in her heart, Yoru turned her head around to see what's happening, what she saw almost made her vomit and faint again.

Phante, the usual cheerful but arrogant elf that she knows, was writhing on the ground with blood everyone around him as a pool of blood was slowly expanding. What horrified Yoru wasn't that it was the four mutilated limbs that looked only skin as if they lost all air in them and were flat in the ground with no visible bones showing. Phante, without his limbs, looked like a log with a head that kept screaming in pain.

Yoru saw how every second Phante was screaming; his eyes, ears, and nose were leaking blood from them while his teeth were almost all gone. Phante had fainted at least four times in that brief moment that Yoru was inspecting him, but every time he lost consciousness, the little cute white fox would slap him awake, and if that didn't work, she would conjure a hefty amount of concentrated water and spray him with it.

Yoru quickly closed her eyes, hoping that the fox hadn't heard or seen her move. Since Yoru hadn't seen the one she was trying to delay time, so he could come and save her, the one and only Oracle, standing near the fox admiring her work with intense eyes, she kept trying to stop her tree body from shaking. At the same time, she prayed, 'Oh Great Oracle, please notice that we are missing and save me. With your power, this weakling and the evil fox will be easily defeated. Oh, Great Oracle, I beg you to come and save me. I will do anything you want, even give my body to you.'

Yoru kept praying and thinking of dirty thoughts such as having the Oracle come and save her while she as thanks, jumps at him and serves him, maybe even become his wife.

Yoru didn't know that both Lu Yao and her great savior the Oracle were watching her trying to buy time with mocking eyes. Delvin was going to approach to let her see him, but Lu Yao stopped him again with a small gesture of her hand.

'Ah. So the young Miss wants to play with this prey too. I see.' Delvin quickly figured out what Lu Yao wanted to do from her small gesture and seeing that Yoru hadn't noticed him.

Delvin moved away from the battlefield, so he can comply with the act just as Lu Yao silently ordered.

'The young Miss not only has the personality of the ole Master and the old Mistress but even Master's and the Madam's personality too. If what Master said was true, the first time he met the Madame was when she was elegantly torturing someone, and that's when he became curious about her.' Delvin got lost in thought as he started to see Lu Yao as truly a part of that family of torturers.

Quickly finishing Phante off, Lu Yao didn't go to Yoru's side but instead approached the one she mutilated first Ogma the Ogre. Yoru secretly sighed in relief, seeing that her turn is last. 'Maybe by the time the Oracle comes, there will still be hope for me and maybe even Ogma too.' Although her life was on the line and she didn't care if others died if she could survive but Yoru having been with Phante and Ogma all this time had started seeing them as her family, so she hoped that they could survive. Even when Phante died, Yoru didn't give up on Ogma, and this is another reason Xue Mo hated humans.

Humans in life and death situations would do anything to survive, and although this isn't only exclusive to humans, they are the race that does this act the most, not minding to sacrifice their friends allied and families for a chance to live. Even Xue Mo, who is considered evil, would never sacrifice Lu Yao if he can live.

After waking Ogma up, Lu Yao, instead of torturing or killing him, started healing his dismembered arm, which made Ogma have a weird look on his face, mainly because he hadn't heard Phante's screams or seen his face before he died. 'Have she submitted to the power of the Oracle and now wants to become his avid follower?' Ogma Ogma questioned himself after seeing Lu Yao's weird action that may be just like him, and the rest of the three tribes Lu Yao saw the power of the Oracle and wanted to become his subordinate and maybe even worship him.

If Delvin knew what Ogma thought, he wouldn't just increase the amount of torture he inflicted upon him. But also burn his Soul to oblivion. For him to believe that the young Miss of his household should worship him is too much of blasphemy in the eyes of Delvin.

After using Holy Magic to reassemble Ogma's body, Lu Yao let him check his body out while staying silent. Ogma took this for granted and started speaking arrogantly: "Even if you saw the holiness of his Greatness, the almighty Oracle. You cannot just become some follower you have to pass the test and first grovel beneath me as you apologies, Only then will I put a good word in front of the Oracle to you." Thinking that Lu Yao healed him so he can lead her to see the Oracle Ogma's ego shot through the roof.

Ogre's, after all, weren't known for their intelligence, and even if Ogma was different than average Ogre's, he was still stupid since he didn't notice the situation that he was in but instead started asking for apologies and trying to humiliate Lu Yao.

Even if Lu Yao wanted to play with her prey, Delvin wouldn't let such words be spoken without consequence, and he was about to jump on Ogma and make him pay when he suddenly heard a voice that surprised him and Lu Yao.

"Ogma run away. She isn't repenting. Look at what she did to Phante, do you think that's what someone who wants to repent would do." Ogma indeed didn't look around him, so when he saw Phante's body, he lost all color in his face and shot towards the speaker Yoru so they could escape from Lu Yao.

Neither Lu Yao nor Delvin thought that Yoru would act at that moment and warn Ogma, but this didn't bother them as they quickly modified their plan.

Delvin quickly made his way to the front of the two escapees as he came out of the bushes suddenly to make it look like he just arrived.

Yoru and Ogma were surprised to see someone suddenly come out of nowhere, but seeing who it was; their faces lit up in excitement as they quickly yelled, "THE GREAT ORACLE IS HERE." Thinking that Delvin came to save them, they promptly decreased their speed until they were in front of Delvin.

"Oh, Great Oracle, please save us from that evil fox. It somehow was able to defeat all three of us and even tortured Phante to death." Ogma quickly gave a quick summary of the situation while making Lu Yao seem evil. He pointed at the body of Phante that looked as if it wasn't a living being before but a log or a doll to show it as evidence.

Lu Yao and Delvin were amused. Of course, they would know what Lu Yao had done; they were both there as one did the deed while the other was watching silently.

Lu Yao got bored from Phante, so she wanted to finish her business here fast since she still has to go to the other forbidden and dangerous place in the Ash Expanse before going to meet Xue Mo.

"Let's finish this fast." Lu Yao's words were directed at Delvin, who quickly nodded his head.

"Anyway, I will take the big lug over here, and you take that tree." Lu Yao said, pointing at Ogma and Yoru, respectively.

Lu Yao was starting to get the hand of her disgust towards males other than Xue Mo, which showed how she calmly tortured Phante.

Lu Yao didn't even look at the prey who were confused with the interaction between their 'savior' and their enemy, as she directly jumped at Ogma and took him down before leaving to a nearby place and commence her torture.

'I should stop playing with weaklings. They aren't as much fun to torture as stronger beings. I need more power; with it, I can torture more powerful existences.' Lu Yao thought while dragging Ogma away.

"Hey. What are you doing? Have you not seen the Oracle back there? He won't let you get away with us." Maybe because he didn't want to believe that the Oracle he so worships has abandoned him, Ogma kept screaming and yelling at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao kept ignoring him as she dragged Ogma away, making a comical scene. For an Ogre Ogma's size to be dragged by a small fox that isn't even as big as his toe made a hilarious look. Too bad there wasn't anyone there to watch it.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}