
After receiving the message Infinite Darkness sent, Lu Yao has had a weird feeling well up in her. 'What's happening? It's like the way I feel towards Mo, but also different, why do I keep feeling like this? It all started after I read that message Infinite Darkness sent….. Do I really think of it as my kid? I did think that in my mind, but did I really feel that way?' Lu Yao had many questions and many uncertain emotions. Still, she suppressed everything and even used her Chaos energy to calm her down and enhance her mental faculties so she can think clearer.

'I will think about those things later now. My priority should be finding Mo and confirming his state.' Lu Yao thought with a determined expression.

Although she knew that he would be alright and the message Infinite Darkness sent solidified her belief, she wouldn't be relieved unless she saw him with her own eyes.

After entering the big fissure in the ground and tracing Xue Mo's scent and aura through it, Lu Yao arrived at a sort of a cave. As soon as Lu Yao entered, the same notification about the Dungeon that appeared to Xue Mo surfaced in front of her, but she ignored it and kept following the trail that would lead her to Xue Mo.

Lu Yao had walked into the Dungeon slowly and cautiously. But after walking for a considerable distance and seeing nothing happen, Lu Yao, who was on the verge of breaking down from all the nonstop energy that she has been using and the burden her body is taking shot unimpeded into the Dungeon.

On her way, Lu Yao had seen many bodies of goblins and trolls with various outfits and looked dead with their blood sprayed around them, making a terrifying scene to any scaredy-cat who saw it. Lu Yao ignored the surroundings and only focused on finding Xue Mo. With nothing to obstruct and using her energies to the limit, Lu Yao arrived at the battlefield where Xue Mo had massacred the troops one-sidedly.

Seeing that no blood around came from Xue Mo Lu Yao sighed in relief before approaching the big Black Gold Door slowly. Feeling the power in it, Lu Yao didn't dare underestimate it but feeling that Xue Mo's aura is behind the door, Lu Yao didn't hesitate to enter it.

Entering the throne room, Lu Yao didn't look around her as the figures of Xue Mo, and Hesroth's cocoon was the only thing her eyes could see.

Worry field Lu Yao's eyes, seeing Xue Mo not moving, which made her ignore the phenomena that Hesroth is currently going through, yelling, "MOOoooo!!" Anxiously Lu Yao had arrived in front of Xue Mo with a speed that her current body shouldn't be able to exert. Lu Yao didn't care about that or do anything seeing that Xue Mo is fine and that he is only closing his eyes, and in a state of enlightenment like the one she has been in, Lu Yao finally calmed down and sighed in relief.

After calming down and relaxing her body, Lu Yao suddenly felt all the backlash from her excessive consumption of energy and the burden she made her body handle hit her. Although pain-filled Lu Yao, she didn��t scream, even though the pain would have made anyone average pass out or even die from it, Lu Yao only gritted her teeth and tried not to move and disturb Xue Mo from his enlightenment as she knows how rare it is to achieve it. Still, even though Lu Yao attempted to stay awake, after an hour of enduring unimaginable pain coupled with muscle and brain fatigue and the condition her body is in, Lu Yao had finally passed out.


After finding the path his young Miss took, Delvin also entered the Dungeon, but coming from the Real System world, Delvin was used to Dungeons, and he knew how they came to form, so he wasn't that surprised at seeing a Dungeon in this place.

'Why did the young Miss enter a Dungeon? Who is she looking for?' Although Delvin had many questions, now wasn't the time to think about those things but for him to find his young Miss.

Entering through and following the pathway Lu Yao had left behind, Delvin quickly saw the bodies and blood strewn around, and he didn't mind them, but there was a thought that he had since he saw that they have been dead for quite some time, which means it wasn't his young Miss's handiwork.

'Is the person the young Miss looking for, the one who killed everyone here? Is that person so powerful that they can so easily dispatch a Dungeon? Even the lowest of the Dungeons, which is this one, isn't something someone from a high-grade world can clear, not to mention someone from a low-grade world? Who is that person?' Delvin's curiosity has been lightened after seeing Xue Mo's handiwork, and he started speculating about him, though he wouldn't know that Xue Mo wasn't even someone from this Universe.

Arriving at the battlefield where Xue Mo quickly massacred the mutated red trolls army, Delvin was then truly surprised. "This work is definitely not the work of someone ordinary. Even I might take some time to kill all of these creatures this quickly and fast." Delvin muttered under his breath before looking at the big Black Gold Door in front of him.

'What is this metal made of? I don't think I can break through this door even if I tried my hardest.' Delvin's conclusion would surely stun Xue Mo.

Although Xue Mo didn't know Delvin, Xue Mo would surely be able to gauge Delvin's strength just like Lu Yao when she met him, so for Xue Mo to think that he could break the dear albeit with difficulty. At the same time, Delvin says he might not even be able to scratch it would surely bewilder Xue Mo to no end.

Entering through the slightly open crack in the door, Delvin walked in on the scene of a young man holding his young Miss s her exhausted and injured body lightly sleeping in his lap. Delvin completely misunderstood the situation, his eyes became red, and he started leaking killing intent towards the 19-20 looking young man. However, unlike last time, Delvin didn't erupt and release his magic power to try and explode Xue Mo just like he did to the village.

Afraid of the young man injuring or using his young Miss as a hostage, he instead looked bloodthirsty at the cold young man who was ignoring him and said: "Get your hands away from the young Miss."

Only then did the young man look at Delvin, and the look he gave him almost made Delvin think he was marked by death itself as cold sweat started to break down his back, making him slightly nervous, 'Where did someone like that appear from? To even make me feel afraid?' Delvin thought inwardly.

Remembering the position his young Miss is in, Delvin quickly regained his bearing and ignored the feelings he was having from looking at Xue Mo.


five minutes before Delvin appeared

Xue Mo had suddenly woke up from his enlightened state after digesting all the memories and knowledge the teenage looking man had, 'So that was what he wanted to do to me, to think I almost got raped by a man, damn it. Good thing I acted fast and killed him…..' Suddenly remembering that he hadn't obliterated the man completely which may lead to him reviving, Xue Mo frantically looked around him only to find Lu Yao lying near him on the ground in an exhausted state, examining her further Xue Mo was able to deduce what happened and even found out that she is nearing death.

Quickly acting up, Xue Mo sighed in relief that the man had various ways of healing, and compiled with Xue Mo's knowledge, he was confident to save Lu Yao. However, he had many questions, such as why she was here, and how did she end up in her current situation. But for now, Xue Mo entirely focused on healing Lu Yao.

'Luckily, this bastard had the light element. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do.' Although Xue Mo had gotten the light element from the dead guy, its purity was too low; the only reason the man was able to utilize it efficiently before, is because of his bloodline. Still, even so, Xue Mo didn't like how low its purity is. He didn't want to take any chances with Lu Yao's life on the line, so he immediately called without even blinking.

"Infinite Darkness." Xue Mo saw many new strange notifications in front of him, but he ignored them entirely and focused on the one category he hadn't used ever since Infinite Darkness was made.

Xue Mo focused his attention on the purity section of Infinite Darkness.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}