

'What happened?' Oh right, I arrived and found Mo in enlightenment, but what happened after?' Lu Yao woke up in a groggy state, feeling tired and exhausted. Her body felt heavy and that if she moved it, she would feel pain, so Lu Yao laid where she was, without moving.

Unknown to Lu Yao two men saw what happened, and both were staring at her with tender eyes, even though one of them had a cold and stiff expression on his face, his eyes displayed how relieved he truly was.

After feeding Lu Yao, the red liquid Xue Mo decided to spare some attention to the man in front of him. 'Is he what he claims to be?' Xue Mo had a thought as he observed Delvin carefully.

While Xue Mo was staring at Delvin, he was doing the same thing, now that his young Miss is in a stable state, his curiosity couldn't be contained as he scrutinized Xue Mo carefully, trying to see what's unique about him or how powerful he truly is.

Delvin felt when he looked at Xue Mo as if looking at the abyss, if he kept trying to observe him he would eventually get swallowed, so Delvin stopped trying to probe around Xue Mo and instead stared at him directly. It looked like a man staring at a kid if anyone saw them, as Delvin had to look to see Xue Mo due to his size.

The staring contest continued until they heard a slight groan followed by a little movement as Lu Yao opened her eyes.

Xue Mo quickly stopped her from moving around less and she hurt herself before amplifying the power of his light element so he can heal Lu Yao faster, with the red liquid still in her, Xue Mo was confident that she would go back to her regular self in no time.

Although Lu Yao didn't move, she was able to use her eyes at least to understand what's happening, and when she saw Delvin, her eyes lingered on him for a few seconds as she asked inwardly, 'How did he get here so fast?' Lu Yao didn't think about it that much knowing his power. Before moving her head slightly as not to hurt herself so she can look at the one she is sitting on.

Lu Yao's eyes glimpsed at the usually cold young man who only gets to see the warm smile on his face before she also smiled, showing how happy to find that he is safe.

The situation remained the same for a few minutes as Xue Mo and Lu Yao stared at each other. One with a face filled with blood making him look like a devil while the other having an exhausted face with cracks visible healing every second due to light being emitted from the other one's hands. Delvin didn't dare interrupt this heartwarming reunion for reasons unknown only to him. Still, after ten minutes of staying in the same position while looking at Xue Mo and Lu Yao immersing themselves with themselves while communicating somehow through their eyes, even Delvin felt awkward, so to break this silence, he coughed lightly.


Grabbing the attention of the other two, Delvin saw how their expressions darkened, having their time interrupted by someone, but remembering the situation they were in; they quickly regained their composure before focusing on the unwanted third party in the room.

"Young Miss, although I am sorry for interrupting your time with your 'friend,' but we have more pressing matters to discuss." Delvin enunciated the word friend so he can make sure they understood that he doesn't care about what their relationship is.

"Like what?" *cough* Lu Yao still remembered how the situation they are now in is because this butler in front of her has decided to lose control a little. And kill all the villagers that she could have used for body cultivation and even landed Xue Mo in the position they are now in. What if something happened to Xue Mo due to his recklessness she didn't even want to imagine what she would do or how devastated she would be.

Coughing lightly due to her injuries, Lu Yao replied to Delvin with an ice-cold tone that made him freeze in place. 'Is the young Miss that mad at me?' Delvin didn't know how to appease Lu Yao, so he decided to use a different approach.

Xue Mo was about to act after seeing how displeased Lu Yao was with Delvin and the way she talked to him. Still, before he can do anything, he saw Delvin do something that someone with his power or status normally wouldn't do, which made Xue Mo decide to see how this will play out, either way, he will support Lu Yao and whatever her decision is. After all, they can cultivate anytime it doesn't have to be a specific place or environment; all they need is Arch energy, or due to their particular situation having the 'Heart core' other energies would suffice.

Getting on one knee, Delvin looked at Lu Yao, who was sprawled lying in Xue Mo's lap and said firmly: " Young Miss, I am deeply sorry for what happened back there. I couldn't handle my emotions and lost control a little. I have no excuses or justification, and I know that the 'I have just found you and I didn't want anyone to insult you or displease you' excuse won't work or be enough. I might not be the most powerful ever, but with my power and life, I vow to protect you, be your servant and never betray you, so please forgive me, young Miss." After expressing his conviction to Lu Yao, a sudden burst of light suddenly enveloped Delvin's body before disappearing.

"I-Is this the Heart Vow?!!!" Lu Yao suddenly exclaimed after seeing what Delvin did.

The Heart Vow is something that one does when they choose their masters, and nobody ever does it willingly, not even slaves, and that is why there are slave vows which are strict but still can be accepted. For someone to actually Vow with his heart is as if he forfeited his life to the person, he vowed to become his eternal subordinate and would never be able to betray him.

Delvin had basically become Lu Yao's slave willingly. Lu Yao stared with mouth agape at Delvin, the surprise is clearly visible on her face, and she wasn't even trying to hide it, although this doesn't pardon Delvin's deeds, it allowed Lu Yao to see just how devoted Delvin was to her family.

He made a Heart Vow just so she can go back and see her family, something she would have eventually done anyway, 'My grandparents truly know how to choose people.' Lu Yao thought before looking at Xue Mo and saying softly, "Can you put me over your neck."

Lu Yao's sudden request, although bewildered the still kneeling Delvin, didn't make Xue Mo feel weird. As he got used to Lu Yao being around his neck and he knew it was her most comfortable place to rest, so he readily complied as he slowly put her around his neck, trying not to move her at all.

"This isn't enough for me to forgive you." Lu Yao's words seemed harsh, but her tone was less cold than before making Delvin feel better, Delvin paid attention when he felt that Lu Yao wasn't done talking. He was right as she continued: "Since you have made a Heart Vow and had decided to devote yourself to me, then this is my first order. From now on, whatever Mo'er tells you to do, it will be as if I am asking you myself so you will completely obey him and revere him with the same way you do me."

Delvin kind of expected Lu Yao's words, and he was okay with these conditions as he felt that this young man in front of him would probably be the young Miss's future spouse and his new young Master, so Delvin had no qualms about having to listen to him.

Seeing that Delvin didn't have problems with her demands, Lu Yao nodded her head before looking at Xue Mo and asking: "What happened? How did you end up here?" Although Lu Yao had more questions, she didn't ask them now since Delvin was here, and no matter how trustworthy he seems, Lu Yao and Xue Mo wouldn't trust anyone as much as they trust each other especially with their secrets such as Infinite Darkness.

Xue Mo didn't hide anything from Lu Yao as he replied: "I was hunting a metallic illusion rhinoceros and just as I was finishing it off, some kind of wave of energy appeared making the whole ground quake and opening a fissure in it where I fell down with Hesroth, luckily we fell upon the rhinoceros making us land safely. After storing the rhinoceros, I got a notification saying I entered a dungeon. Curious what this place is, I explored it and killed anything moving in front of me before arriving at this place. When I entered this place, instead of fighting, I found some kind of dying person that Hesroth ate before hibernating." Xue Mo mixed lies with truth as not to let Delvin know many things since he doesn't trust him, but enough for Lu Yao to deduce what happens as she knows that both him and Hesroth have wings so they could have easily landed and some other stuff that he will talk to her about when they are alone.

Although Xue Mo's explanation didn't leave much to the imagination, Delvin was able to conclude that the 'young Master' almost died several times because of him making him feel guilty.

Delvin was about to apologize to Xue Mo when a sound caught all three's attention.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}