Past 4

"Hey guys check that out, this girl is so cute if she wasn't master's property we could have had some fun." A buzz cut haired man with a collar around his neck spoke to his three friends while staring at a little girl around the age of 13 with lust-filled eyes as he was checking out her body.

"Number 6, don't think about it. We can't do anything to her; the master will get angry, and death will be a mercy at that time. I know that such quality is rare; even nobles don't have that beauty, but we still can't." Another slave said to the first one who spoke to deter him from incurring their master's anger.

"Number 6 listen to number 4; he is telling the truth." Another slave spoke to reaffirm what the previous slave said.

Although the other two were saying that the little tent that was growing between their legs and their disgusting expressions as they checked out, the little girl confirmed otherwise.

"Come on, guys, we all know that master won't get mad as long as we don't hurt her or touch her that way, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun." The first slave number 6 persuaded, and seeing the hesitating looks on his companions' faces made him sure that he would be able to convince him.

"Guy number 6 is right. All we have to do is avoid touching those places…." The last guy who hadn't spoken till now said while letting his words roam in the other's mind.

The other two didn't need more convincing as their lust was rising by the second. And although they can't do anything sex*al to the girl, they can at least have some fun with her.

The four slaves with servant clothes and collars around their necks started nearing the little 13-year-old girl who was completely naked while doing house chores.

After surrounding her and making sure she can't escape, the four looked at her face, seeing the terrified expression and her shaking body, the four were pleased.

They didn't waste time talking to her, and from their actions, it seemed it wasn't their first doing something like this showing that the previous talk was all staged or just to spice their moods up.

Two of the guys held the girl's hands as she was struggling while the others started pinching her at different parts of her body. The girl kept screaming and fighting back, but anyone who came and saw what happened just checked before continuing to walk. But some others came close. But instead of help, they joined in on the fun.

The girl's screams made the smiles on the guy's faces widen as if they enjoyed what they were doing. This has lasted for a whole hour before stopping. One of the guys opened a small bottle with blue liquid and made the others held the girl as he shoved the blue liquid into the girl's mouth. In no time all the bruises and pinches that were the cause of the girl was removed, leaving small scabs.

This situation has been happening for half a year already. After waking up, the maids informed the young master of the news, making him head to the dungeon.

After a month of torture and healing sessions, the young master saw how submissive the girl was which pleased him, so he ordered her to stay naked the whole time and assigned a man to her to give her work, as she is a slave, so she has to earn what scraps of food she eats.

Unknown to the young master, it wasn't the torture that made the girl submissive but her plan. When she was 'asleep,' the girl decided to make an escape plan, but she also knew that to do that she has to trick the young master first and to do that the girl decided to let him believe she has become submissive and can be used, so that way he will trust her even a little.

After thinking of the plan, the girl began initiating the first phase which she called 'Trick.'

This phase is just as the name suggests, which is to trick the young master into thinking that she has accepted her new life as his property, and she knew that he would try to torture her, that way she would be more afraid of him and more inclined to obey him.

Because she already showed how unwilling she is. The girl decided to make him believe he broke her. So she let the young master torture her for a month with each time making it seem as if he chipped at her will and determination, and just like that, the girl was able to endure a whole month of different torture methods.

After the first phase of the plan worked, the girl decided to start the second step; she called it, 'Play.'

The reason she called it 'play' is that she was going to act while looking for a clear path of escape. At the time, she will do anything the young master said and be 'obedient.' As long as her purity isn't 'tainted,' the girl wouldn't mind going to such lengths so she can survive.

The girl had been enduring treatments such as harassment, walking around naked, getting tortured, initiating fights with other slaves. As long as young master kyle doesn't interfere, the girl will slowly accumulate all kinds of information, even the most useless ones, so that she can make a clear path to escape.

It had been half a year since the girl had become the property of young master Kyle, and he started training her to become his 'obedient' slave. The girl kept her act and slowly started becoming more submissive and compiled more with his requests, fortunately for the little girl didn't receive any s*xual or any of sorts request, which is why she was able to endure till this long.

'I won't have to wait for long. Good thing these dumb people started letting their guards down and release info; if they didn't, I wouldn't be so close,' the girl thought after making sure that no vital part of her has been touched or defiled by these monsters. Although the girl was enduring well, she instinctively started developing a wave of disgust to these monsters. They kept trying to penetrate her with their eyes, and she could feel them imagining doing some messed up stuff with her. The only thing stopping them is that young master kyle didn't give them any order regarding that.

Just like that, another half a year passed by, and the girl was getting more and more disgusted as her situation was getting worse by day, her torture sessions got more frequent and painful. At the same time, young master kyle started looking at her more and more with undisguised lust. The girl didn't know what was stopping him, but she hoped it would stay until she made her escape.

Over this year, the little girl's disgust towards men started becoming a part of her and accepted it with gratitude, as she developed more and more hate for men, giving her a path and drive to leave this hellscape even faster than before.

After a year of acting while gathering information, the girl was finally able to make her plans, and with it her clear escape path. This year although it was hell, it was also a lesson that the girl will never forget as she cannot ignore it due to her instincts getting used to it.

Her hate for men and humankind, in general, made her have the right path for the future as she also knew that among the people her father disappeared with, humans were the most there, and she also saw how humans treat other races with discrimination and greed.

To the weak humans the power the other races have made them want these powers to themselves but even when they can get strong due to the system, the humans still greed for more, and they were one of the developers of the slave collars and even the slaving system as a whole.

Suddenly, on a day near the 'escape' phase as the girl called her last step in escaping, she got a summoning from none other than young master kyle. She thought that it was nothing special as he always summoned her these days, either for torturing or for teaching her how an 'obedient slave should act.

Entering the office of young master Kyle, the girl took a deep breath before raising her head and looking at the young master with a clear expression radiating submissiveness as she did and got used to in her act.

"Young master, have you called for me?" The girl bowed her head before talking to catch the attention of the young master kyle.

"Ah Lu Yao, you are finally here, rejoice for today is a very 'special' day. To you, especially." The girl now confirmed to be Lu Yao got the chills as she heard that, as her instincts flared up and she focused her attention on the young master, trying not to show any change of expression as not to alert kyle.

Other than her hate and disgust for men where she cringes when they touch her, Lu Yao had developed another ability over this year. Was to detect when men were looking or thinking of her with lustful thoughts.

At that moment, this instinct activated, making the girl scared of what might happen to her.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}