Past 7

(A/N: For whoever reads this. Some of you don't read the author note so I am gonna say this here. I am currently editing/rewriting the novel, including this and later chapters that I will release so if you find some inconsistincies it's because of that. I highly recommend that you reread the chapters from chapter 1 and check the synopsis every now and then to see what chapters were edited. I am saying this because I don't want to stop the chapters from getting released and be one of the guys who does that, but that also means that I have to trouble you with this and I am sorry about that.)

"My dear son, are you alright? I know it's a lot to take in, but I am here for you." The concerned look in Xue Mo's stepmother's eyes would make anyone believe her. Still, Xue Mo was someone adept at acting. With his twisted and calculative personality that came to be under the discreet torture of this woman, he wouldn't believe her just like this.

'You want to play, let's play!' Xue Mo thought before slowly raising his head and looking at his stepmother, who had tortured him for years, with a sad expression as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Stepmother. Father died.. he actually died. I-I," Xue Mo said pitifully. He exuded an aura of a child who was lost and didn't know what to do. His reaction could even fool the stepmother who had been torturing him for years.

'All this torture and time wasted upon breaking him seems to have worked out for the best. Pew. I don't need you anymore, now that I have trained your son to be my puppet and slave, you are expandable. It��s a good thing I took this into account when I married you.

Trying to leave everything to your son. Heh not so fast.' The Madame of the Xue family thought while similarly looking depressed and lost. With a determined look on her face that says, 'I cannot give up now. I still have a son to take care of' on her face. She fooled all the surrounding servants.

This heartwarming scene of a son and his stepmother holding each other and crying for their loved one even affected the surrounding servants, as they totally forgot how they acted towards Xue Mo all this time.

'Soon, I will make you pay for everything you have done to me.' Xue Mo didn't care about who killed his father, be it the stepmother or the elder his father suspected. Xue Mo was raised as an uncaring and calculative person with his smart brain and awful childhood; it wasn't hard to believe for someone like him to shape up into being emotionless.

Xue Mo had lived the life of someone being at the bottom of the food chain when he was supposed to be at the top. Xue Mo wasn't wholly broken because his mind allowed him to be calm under any pressure, if not for those who knew how he would have ended up. But although this was an outstanding trait in cultivation, in personal life, Xue Mo would be like a free puppet but without the need of a master to order it.

While Xue Mo and his stepmother were deluding themselves in their fantasies, they didn't see that an elderly-looking man had unknowingly appeared near the servants and saw this heartwarming scene. This made his face distort as a multitude of expressions appeared on his face, but he was able to hide this before anyone noticed quickly.

'You were supposed to be mine.' The elderly man huffed and left the scene of the mother-son bonding time in annoyance.

Unknown to Xue Mo, there was a variable that might hinder his plans later on, if he doesn't deal with it, but since Xue Mo didn't know, he continued his acting scene with his 'lovely' stepmother.

And just like that, a month had passed.

Over this month, significant changes happened to the Xue family. After the Patriarch died and announced Xue Mo as the next Patriarch, things changed, as people finally paid attention to Xue Mo, while the servants began trying to get close to him, while the maids started trying to talk to him and seduce him.

Xue Mo had anticipated that the moment he heard that his father died, but there were two things that he hadn't expected, which occurred this month. The Matriarch, his stepmother, started visiting him frequently and even acted as a maid as she cleaned his room every day. At the same time, one of the elders, Jia Duan, began to take control of the family and the household with the guise of saying Xue Mo is still young to run things.

In all this, Xue Mo seemed like a spectator, as he did the usual, not caring about anything, neither his surroundings nor the annoying flies plotting in the dark. He just focused on cultivation using the Xue family technique. The curtain of fire rain.

While Xue Mo ignored everything around him, it doesn't mean that he wasn't aware of everything that was happening.

Xue Mo had been investigating and trying to find as much dirt on people that he can blackmail.

Of course, Xue Mo didn't neglect his power in the meantime and continued cultivating, as he felt his near breakthrough to the mid-phase Qi (Arch) sensing realm was near.

This might not seem extraordinary, but Xue Mo had only been cultivating half the day as he conducted investigations for the rest. If Xue Mo had dedicated all his time to cultivation instead of wasting it on family affairs, he would probably already be in the mid-stage of the Qi (sensing) realm. But unfortunately, the environment Xue Mo lived in wouldn't allow him this peace of mind.

Xue Mo had grown up to be a cautious and smart young man. He didn't become this by just lying around doing nothing. His living circumstances forced him to become this, making him always want to be five steps ahead of someone at the minimum and have as many backup plans if things went awry at maximum. Because he always had planned on the ready, he could just adapt them to suit his situation by acting accordingly, such as acting timid and introverted, which made people underestimate him all his life.

Through a thorough investigation, Xue Mo was able to learn that his stepmother, with the help of Jia Duan, were the ones to poison his father over the years and weaken him.

Xue Mo wasn't surprised when he learned this, as he had many theories regarding his father's death. His stepmother and the elder his father talked about before were one of the most likely suspects. As long as his father, the Patriarch, was alive, they wouldn't be able to gain total control of the Xue family.

It was a good thing, though, that although an elder, Jia Duan, wasn't able to breakthrough the Qi (Arch) sensing realm and step into the foundation opening realm, making him only have his strategic mind as his weapon.

Xue Mo wasn't that hurried to expose their debauchery as he waited for them to slip by themselves or provoke him so he could get rid of them in one fell swoop.

However, through this month, Xue Mo started developing a certain amount of disgust towards women. These maids and his stepmother had been trying to seduce him with their bodies all the time, making him start hating them, and with his already dark past and hatred of humans, Xue Mo's emotions were intensifying, and he almost lost control of them.

Xue Mo had also expected this, as ever since he read books in his free time and wasn't being tortured, he learned about this, not making him ignorant of the world's affairs.

One of them described a phase that both men and women go through in their teens. This phase is called puberty, where certain kids would start having rebelling thoughts, their emotions become intensified, and even their lower parts become hot. However, Xue Mo was able to remain calm and control his lower part from getting out of control, since his emotions were different as he learned to control them a long time ago, so he just needs to exercise some restraint.

After a time, Xue Mo was able to slowly regain his control over his emotion as he returned to his usual schedule, but at one point in time, Xue Mo noticed his stepmother becoming bolder.

Besides talking to him more, she kept trying to hold his hands or hug him in affectionate manners, making Xue Mo's disgust increase in intensity.

Xue Mo was able to get away from her every time, but there was a time where Xue Mo wasn't able to get away, and he had to comply with her request of wanting to drink tea together. To not let the facade he built over the years be doubted, Xue Mo timidly agreed to his stepmother's offer and went to his room as she demanded to drink tea.

Although Xue Mo had some doubts and theories about what she wanted, he didn't deny her, as she is still stronger than him. His stepmother was actually someone who had reached the peak of the mid-phase Qi (Arch) sensing realm, which is another reason why Xue Mo didn't stop acting even when he was announced to be the new family head of the Xue family.

"My dear son, we don't spend enough time together. Don't you think so too?" Xue Mo's stepmother said after making sure that Xue Mo sat down.

The tone she used wasn't unfamiliar to Xue Mo as he was used to this menacing tone.

It was usually the way she talked when she was planning something evil such as torturing him. It seems she hadn't noticed that she uses a specific tone when she plans something evil, and Xue Mo appears to be the only one who knows or had noticed this, making him become extra alert.

As usual, Xue Mo didn't speak, but he paid attention to everything she was doing. This caution didn't fail Xue Mo as he saw her take something from her sleeve and discreetly pour it in his cup. Xue Mo acted as if he saw nothing before quickly turning his head, making sure that she didn't see him.

The Matriarch said nothing after that. She knows that Xue Mo was intimidated and would obey her words, but his introverted personality made him someone who doesn't speak much.

Giving Xue Mo a cup, his stepmother took the initiative to drink as if to guarantee that the tea was well-made as she kept eying him while waiting for him to drink.

Xue Mo didn't disappoint her and pretended to drink. Before whatever she injected in the tea got into him, Xue Mo quickly spat it in the cup before making a gulping sound, so she would believe he drank it.

Although Xue Mo didn't drink from the cup when the tea arrived at his mouth, Xue Mo's face started taking a red shade, making him seem cute, but that wasn't all, as Xue Mo's lower part had begun to rise.

He started to lose control of his body and became unbalanced before dropping to the ground, seemingly paralyzed.

Xue Mo's stepmother saw what happened after Xue Mo drank his tea, making a glint flash in her eyes.

After Xue Mo fell on the ground, the Matriarch closed the door of the room, before making her way towards Xue Mo.

"You know, I didn't want this to happen. I only wanted to bear your father's kid, but I wasn't able to do that after all these years. I don't know what's wrong with your father, but it seems he cannot make me pregnant no matter how much I tried. But this doesn't matter anymore." After saying this, the Matriarch undressed in front of Xue Mo shamelessly.

Panic flashed in Xue Mo's eyes, but it appeared as if his limbs were locked, and he cannot move, seeing what's happening the Matriarch laughed softly before saying: "It's futile don't resist, I am your Master did you forget? But even though I am your Master, it is your first time copulating with someone, so I wanted to make sure I would be able to get from you as much as I can."

Although she didn't indicate what she meant, Xue Mo, who had read many books over the years, knew what she meant. But he didn't make it appear on his face as he continued his act.

Yes. Xue Mo was acting. Xue Mo had thought of several things that his stepmother might do, and among them was poisoning him to death, drugging him and paralyzing him.

Xue Mo had used his best estimations and made it seem as if he had all three of these symptoms. And that way, when his stepmother reveals what she gave him, he can act even better. Fortunately, Xue Mo's stepmother fell for the act.

After getting close to him, Xue Mo's stepmother completely undressed, showing Xue Mo her seemingly young body. Seeing Xue Mo look at her, she made a spin before smirking and saying in a playful and seductive tone: "You like?"

Xue Mo made his face look even redder as if he was embarrassed while suppressing his disgust and limiting his movement as not to make his stepmother suspicious.

'Cute' thought Cherwa Tian as she looked at the young man in front of her.

After having fun teasing Xue Mo, his stepmother started to get serious as she began to undress his pants, preparing to take the next step of raping Xue Mo and trying to impregnate herself.

While Cherwa was having her fun taking Xue Mo's pants off completely immersed in what she will soon do to him, she hadn't noticed that Xue Mo had begun moving as he unsheathed a knife he hid behind his back, and slowly reached for her neck.

By the time Cherwa felt that something was off, as his legs were moving while he was supposed to be paralyzed, it was already too late. As soon as Cherwa turned her head to the back, she was met with Xue Mo's knife being dug into her throat, making her step back while blood splattered everywhere. Due to his proximity to her, Xue Mo got most of the splattered blood on him, giving him a demonic look that was unbefitting and wholly compatible with his handsomeness.

Cherwa soon regretted everything she had done, as, in the end, she gained nothing while dying in vain.

Cleaning himself with a towel and changing his clothes, Xue Mo decided to finish everything since he knew what would happen if people had known what he did.

Xue Mo left his room swiftly, not forgetting to close his door tightly, before moving to elder Jia Duan's abode, which was utterly defenseless. No one would dare go against someone in the Xue family with his position.

When Xue Mo arrived at the courtyard that Jia Duan lives in, he closed his eyes and heightened his senses to try to sense where Jia Duan is. Of course, Xue Mo didn't use his Qi (Arch) sensing realm cultivation to do that but instead relied on his ears.

The reason Xue Mo avoided using his cultivation was first not to alert Jia Duan, who would undoubtedly sense someone spying on him, and so he can train his other senses.

Xue Mo, who learned over the years that not only is cultivation important but also everything from senses such as hearing, smelling, and instincts to touch, memory and spiritual power as these would help him in his training, so Xue Mo never neglected to train in anything.

Xue Mo closed his eyes and focused his hearing outwardly.

Soon after Xue Mo heard the voice of a man and a woman in a room, Xue Mo deduced from what he heard that these two were Jia Duan and Hong Zhuang, a maid that used to serve his father.

In this month of research, Xue Mo learned that Jia Duan didn't only have an affair with his stepmother but also had relationships with many other women. This is how he was able to get rid of Xue Mo's father and poison him over the years discreetly.

Xue Mo didn't care what they were doing and swiftly moved as if he had always been trained to, Xue Mo seemed like an assassin. He didn't let any sound from footsteps of otherwise be heard, as he snuck into the room.

Xue Mo neared the bed where Jia Duan and Hong Zhuang were copulating, and with his already unsheathed knife that has bloodstains on it, swiftly stabbed into Jia Duan's back. The blade succeeded in entering Jia Duan as it hit his spine, making him paralyzed.

Xue Mo didn't kill Jia Duan, not because he didn't want to, but because at the last second, Jia Duan seemed to have sensed Xue Mo's presence and tried to avoid the knife. This made the knife penetrate his spine instead, letting him live but also paralyzing him completely.

Hong Zhuang, who was immersed in the enjoyable feeling, felt that Jia had stopped moving and opened her eyes to check why only to see a dagger held by Xue Mo heading towards her head swiftly killing her.

Seeing how ruthlessly Xue Mo dealt with Hong Zhuan, with no hesitation, made a chill run down Jia Duan's Paralyzed spine as he thought to himself, 'What kind of monster have I angered? I should have let him kill me when I had the chance.'

Jia Duan guessed correctly, Xue Mo was happy that he was alive as he can practice torturing him.

Growing up while being mentally and physically tortured made Xue Mo twisted, and his personality warped. Xue Mo was always curious about the fun in abusing people since his stepmother always had a joyous smile while doing it, so he wanted to try it. But to keep his act, Xue Mo never had the chance…. Until now, that is.

Xue Mo looked at Jia Duan with a mean look, making him completely frightened. He didn't talk crap with him, immediately retrieved the knife from Hong Zhuang's head, and moved towards Jia Duan before starting to cut him apart slowly.

Xue Mo wasn't only curious about torture but also about what makes a human tick, so he started experimenting on Jia Duan, slowly gutting him apart, taking his organs out, cutting his limbs off, and many more experiments.

By the time Xue Mo was done, Jia Duan was completely shredded into various pieces and strewn around the room as the room filled with the metallic smell of blood.


After Xue Mo finished what he needed to do, he decided to leave the Xue family first because it would limit him in the future, and second, he could not trust anyone there. Xue Mo had a firm belief that he can trust no one but himself.

After leaving Jia Duan's courtyard, Xue Mo went around the Xue estate and slowly killed and tortured anyone who had ever looked down upon him or bullied him when he was acting.

When Xue Mo left, it was already night, and half the Xue family servants and even some high-end people were brutally slaughtered without letting out a peep.

No one had suspected Xue Mo or even cared that he, the young Master of the Xue family, was nowhere to be found, making Xue Mo free to travel and do whatever he wants.


Lu Yao witnessed how Xue Mo became the way he is, and how he grew up becoming a formidable existence to be reckoned with, before achieving the highest realm the Divine Heel Universe could allow him to accomplish.

He slowly found the keys and how he died, how his soul changed, and how he created his new body from energy, making her amazed at his brilliance.

She re-watched their interactions and saw herself slowly falling in love with Xue Mo, making her feel even more confident that she loves him.

After watching Xue Mo's life and living through it, Lu Yao's mentality changed. She appeared to have grown and got affected by experiencing Xue Mo's long life, making her feel even more connected to him.

Before she left the dream-like state where she watched Xue Mo's life, Lu Yao suddenly saw her surrounding blur. A scene suddenly appeared in front of her, making Lu Yao feel like she had previously seen it.

Lu Yao saw an empty battlefield where a white-haired woman, stared at a man that seemed like Xue Mo but older, with a weird outfit with his usual black and red clothes with his purple-colored hair and a small braid of white at the end. These two were making out and looking at each other with tender and loved filled eyes before the man that looks like Xu emo said, "I love you, and I wish to never separate from you." Hearing the man's words, the woman remained silent but showed her feelings as she kissed him before laying her head on his shoulder.

These two were totally ignoring the battlefield filled with various corpses and the metallic smell of blood in the air as they showed each other affection. It was as if they were the only ones there, and technically they were since everyone else was dead.

"Are you ready?" The almost dead looking pale-skinned handsome man asked softly while putting his head over the woman's head entangled in her comfort.

The woman nodded her head softly before separating from the man.

"I, with this Soul Vow as a witness, will promise only ever to love Lu Yao and feel any love or sweet emotions while being with or thinking about Lu Yao and Lu Yao only till eternity. If I somehow died, I would still only have Lu Yao in my heart in all my new lives." After the man said that, a grey colored and chaotic beam materialized from within the white-haired girl and entered his soul, binding it, confirming his promise.

After the man finished the white-haired woman seemed to be Lu Yao said: "I with this Soul Vow as a witness, will promise only always to love Xue Mo, feel any love or sweet emotions only when I am with or thinking about Xue Mo and him only, till eternity, and if I somehow died, I would still only have Xue Mo in my heart in all my new lives." The same thing that happened to Xue Mo happened to Lu Yao, but instead of a grey-colored ray of light, it was a pitch-black ominous and dark foggy beam that materialized from within Xue Mo and entered Lu Yao, sealing the Vow.

As this was happening, Lu Yao, who had been watching at the side, had unknowingly started shedding tears.

Simultaneously, a flabbergasted and confused expression appeared on her face that seemed to be going through a turmoil of different emotions. Before she could digest or begin to understand what was happening, Lu Yao started losing consciousness, while the last scene showed the man and woman kissing with a happy expression on their faces.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}