
Before Raka can move, Xue Mo suddenly smiled, making a creepy and weird feeling well up in Raka, as he suddenly thought,'Not good.'

Indeed. Xue Mo had expected Raka to dodge or retaliate against his attack, but he wasn't happy that he could hurt him, since it means that he wasn't able to finish him off at one go.

Behind Xue Mo, black purple-colored tentacles suddenly appeared behind Raka, making him shiver before dodging at the lost moment. But from the cold sweat that accumulated on his face, Raka was sure that he would have been done in, at that moment, making him look at Xue Mo in a different light.

Although Raka was able to dodge Xue Mo's attack, he didn't notice that the purple-colored tentacle that attacked him turned liquid suddenly and got stuck on his back before the last second.

Seeing that he is currently in danger, Raka's hand, which he was about to take whatever Xue Mo had been sensing before, came out from his robe.

A black and white spherical orb was held in Raka's hand, and in front of the shocked eyes of Delvin and the other's Raka's injuries started to heal thanks to it slowly.

A huge pressure suddenly descended on the room, making Delvin's legs buckle and almost kneel as he didn't see it coming, while, on the other hand, Xue Mo and Lu Yao who was supposed to be weaker than Delvin and Raka, didn't seem even to feel the pressure.

Xue Mo's sudden power when fighting with Raka made him even more sure that they were different. 'I remember how it felt when I met them last month, although they were both injured and exhausted they were indeed weak, but now when I look at them I feel that they have changed, not just physically and with strength, but also their personality seems a little different.' While Delvin was racking his brain in confusion as he looked at Xue Mo, Lu Yao instead was lost in thought.

Till now, Delvin didn't know what happened to Xue Mo and Lu Yao in the month when the forcefield was up, but he was sure that they seemed different after he saw them.

"Impossible!! They gave you such a precious item…" Delvin was initially talking to Raka, but at the end of the sentence, he became lost in thought as he kept glancing at the orb in Raka's hand.

As Delvin got his thoughts straight and remembered that they are now in battle and there is no place for useless thoughts like that, he concentrated on the black and white orb only for his eyes to dilate as a shocked expression plastered his face.

Xue Mo didn't care to know what the orb is or what it can do, as he felt that it is life-threatening and it useless to talk now, as they are in battle.

Out of nowhere, a swoosh sound was heard behind Xue Mo, and what followed was a metallic projectile headed for Raka's abdomen trying to take him out.

The one who just shot this projectile was Hesroth, who learned that after his evolution, he can now detach and regrow his wings easily, making use of them as weapons or armor when in need just as he did now.

Raka didn't expect another sneak attack to happen on him again suddenly, so he was just with what appeared to be a metallic feather. Luckily or unluckily, he was able to semi dodge it, making it hit his back and spine specifically.

Raka had too many surprises today, so he didn't know what to do now that he was injured again. Besides, he knew one thing for sure that the man and also his target aren't people to be trifled with, including Hesroth who was somehow able to shoot fast objects on him, and Delvin who was as strong as him without the Orb, he wouldn't have a good ending if he stayed.

Once he realized the direness of his situation, it was too late, Raka was now crippled as his spine was broken and a feather was sticking out of it, but for some weird reason, Raka noticed that he couldn't move.

At first, Raka had attributed his transfixed state to his spine, being broken. But before Raka can analyze his situation more, he screamed out loud or tried to at least.

Delvin stared at Raka, who was on the ground with a pained face, and a distorted expression while his mouth was currently open but paralyzed with no voice coming out.

The situation was weird and cold but suddenly out of nowhere a wave of bloodthirstiness and killing intent enveloped the room plunging the atmosphere into unimaginable degrees, in accordance with it, Raka who was paralyzed also had his body filled with cold sweating while a pool was forming under him making him wonder what's happening.

Since Delvin wasn't paralyzed like Raka, he was able to make out the source of the killing intent, and since it was too massive not to notice, he looked at Xue Mo, who was emanating the killing intent, and a chill crept up his spine. 'It's a good thing I didn't provoke the young master before.' Delvin thought while looking at Xue Mo as if looking at a monster.

Delvin felt that way was that the Killing intent, Xue Mo, was emitting was so condensed and thick that it seemed as if it would become corporeal soon, while an icy tundra and a blood-filled battlefield appeared in Raka's mind as he looked at Xue Mo. The latter has been walking towards him while increasing and concentrating the killing intent on him with every step.

"Hehehe." A weird, dark, and menacing cackle came out of Xue Mo's mouth as his eyes turned cold, in front of the terrified Raka and the curious but also scared Delvin's eyes, Xue Mo's figure suddenly changed.

The previously human-looking man, with a normal but handsome look, suddenly became white-skinned to the degree that he seemed like a corpse. His eyes turned to gold as his sclera turned black. Finally, it finished with purplish-grey wings sprouting out of his back.

It has been a long time since Xue Mo has shown anyone his true appearance, but now he instinctively reverted to it from how angry he is.

"You dare think of laying your eyes on Yao, and with such a lustful look." Xue Mo suddenly spoke for the first time since all of this had happened, and from the tone of his voice, everyone was able to tell that he is out for murder.

Although he heard Xue Mo, Raka was in so much pain that he couldn't digest what he heard, but even so he wasn't able to process what Xue Mo said, Raka knew that it wasn't anything good.

"Oh right, you trashy human cannot understand what I am saying, can you? Are you perhaps in pain that you feel like dying but can't? DO you want to know the reason you are in this state? Well, I shall be generous and tell you." The mocking tone Xue Mo used was laced with poison and ridicule, and anyone there could see that, but the calmness that Xue Mo exuded while saying that didn't make them reassured, and even Raka was able to see that his situation was only going to get worse.

It was also at that moment that Raka knew he had f*cked up as he thought, 'Ah sh*t I provoked a monster. I ahhhhhhhhhhhh' Raka was trying to formulate a thought as to divert some of the pain away, but even that was too hard on the current him.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}