We will get stronger!

Magic is the power to use Mana to control the elements, and it could also be considered another path of cultivation. Though people cannot Cultivate Magic inwardly, they could still do amazing things with it and even increase their vitality to live more.

The 'System' does that; it forcefully increases the physical body's power and terms it as stats. Yet, because the process is forceful, it destroys the body where you have to rely on the 'System' to live, and since the 'System' exists everywhere in this Universe, it was the most natural thing to do.

However, Xue Mo wasn't that hopeless; he wouldn't hand his life to something; if he died, he dies by his decision. Xue Mo also researched this path that the 'System' created and found that it wasn't different from body cultivation. But he didn't have enough information, so he didn't focus on it that much, preferring to rely on the cultivation that he knows.

Still, Xue Mo and Lu Yao hadn't discarded that path. After all, if they could utilize it, then shouldn't they? Cultivation is going against the path of life. It is about unearthing your potential, will power, and determination. With cultivation, someone could change his fate and become more.

To become something more than a mortal, to become a being that would tread on the path of godhood, this is what Cultivation is, and that's what Xue Mo knows best. With his experience and now Infinite Darkness to assist him, Xue Mo will cultivate to the top!

Nevertheless, this was too far for the current him, so he decided to take a more practical approach. He would understand Mana and its inner structure, and he would use Magic. Once he got control of Mana and its composition, Xue Mo would create the External Cultivation Path.

After deciding what to do, Xue Mo and Lu Yao started meditating. Although Lu Yao had used Mana all her life, she hadn't tried to understand its inner workings. She had the 'System' to assist her, after all.

'Mana, Magic, and the elements, what combines them? What allows them to do somethings that only stronger cultivators can do?' Xue Mo was letting his thoughts wander while trying to understand the fundamentality of Mana. After all, knowing the basics is the first step to learning.

'Mana, it feels like Arch Energy, yet it's purer and more complex. Arch Energy could help cultivators become strong and achieve feats mortals could only dream of, yet have many utilizations. These two are both Energies, yet they are different. Arch Energy concentrates on the life force and the being's internal power-up while Mana concentrates on maximum power, yet things like healing Magic exist. If it also could create life or heal, then it is even more complex than I thought…'

Xue Mo lost himself in this thinking process, but this was usual for him. Cultivation might even make a being go into seclusion for hundreds or thousands of years; at a higher Cultivation stage, it wasn't weird for someone to not disappear for centuries.

Although Lu Yao hadn't adapted to this, her drive and Cultivation sessions helped her focus. Every couple of days, Xue Mo and Lu Yao would wake up and discuss ideas and theories that they meditated on. They didn't try to increase their control of Mana since Infinite Darkness' latest method helped in that aspect.

Four months after Xue Mo and Lu Yao entered seclusion, a knock on their door sounded, disturbing their isolation. With a wave of his hand, Xue Mo opened the door. What he did was forcefully control the Mana and make it open the door; he did that without using any spell, just the natural Mana.

Hesroth was surprised when he saw that the door opened without Xue Mo moving, but he didn't ask. "Divine One, I apologize for disturbing your rest time, but I thought I should inform you that the Udanem kingdom is starting to make their moves."

Xue Mo understood everything from that. William, the current ruler of the Udanem kingdom, is going to start a war, and as the one who wanted this to happen, Xue Mo got informed.

"I estimate that it will take at least another six months until the alliance gets established, they will try to be as discreet as they could and hide from the Battle Mage Academy's eyes." Xue Mo concluded before going into thinking mode, "you can go now. Call us again when there is an emergency or four months later."

Hesroth excused himself with a bow. He had become Xue Mo's loyal servant these days. He would tell him any useful intel by leaving it with some food at the door. Xue Mo's experience told him that Hesroth's loyalty was genuine; some came from Xue Mo's bloodline, but the rest was from Hesroth.

"We could use him later," Xue Mo mumbled away before leaning back on to the bed where he rested his head on Lu Yao. They didn't feel any more awkwardness and even talked about themselves, slowly opening even more to each other these days. Lu Yao even told him about her origin!

"I feel so too," Lu Yao had gotten used to Xue Mo and let him do what he wanted. "Also, let's not forget those three." Knowing who Lu Yao was talking about, Xue Mo nodded his head.

"Anyway, let's go back to researching." Since Hesroth disappeared, Xue Mo and Lu Yao went back to their usual meditation, which would help prepare them for the future Cultivation levels.

"We have four months. I already started getting the hang of this, and I might even be able to enhance the Cultivation Technique not to need a Mana Stone." Hearing what Xue Mo said, Lu Yao nodded his head before answering,

"I am not as good as you, but I could feel my rune mastering deepening and entering another level. This is more helpful than I thought."

Lu Yao's answer didn't surprise Xue Mo. He knew that she wasn't just trying to understand Mana, as that was too difficult for her. She didn't know where to start or what to do. However, he was different. He had reached a high Cultivation Realm in his previous life and understood a law! His experience in handling Energy shined in this field.

On the other hand, Lu Yao was a newbie who hadn't cultivated for long; he shocking speed in advancement was one thing, but suddenly, understanding how an Energy worked was too deep for the current her.

So, she took another approach. Rune making was utilizing Mana to make helpful procedures or abilities; it was another way of understanding how Mana functions yet not as deep. Using that as a starting point, Lu Yao, with the help she took from discussing with Xue Mo, had helped her.

She was slowly advancing in her Rune Mastering field and about to breakthrough the level she had been stuck on. She knew that this wouldn't have been possible if she and Xue Mo didn't have their little discussions every couple of days, and she was thankful.

Lu Yao wasn't the one benefitting only; Xue Mo was also getting help and understanding from Lu Yao. Although there was another way to help speed up the process, Xue Mo and Lu Yao enjoyed their current peace. Infinite Darkness should focus on the task that they gave it instead of this.

"War will start soon, we should increase our power," Xue Mo wasn't worried about these weak people, but the power behind them. "That red-robed woman's faction seemed knowledgeable. They must know about the Dark Arts Sect but still dared to fight, that wouldn't be possible unless they are stronger or have a trump card."

Lu Yao cast a glance out of the window; her eyes were serious. Clenching her paws, she vowed, 'we will get stronger!' That way, she can do what she had wanted for a long time. She will free him!