
"…so, in conclusion, more than 70% of our Sect has traitors and spies?" Hesroth asked, linking his fingers on the desk.

"Yes," Freya nodded gravely. She looked at the silent Purple Ash and consoled, "it's not your fault Arthur. The situation was like this since before Master became a Sect Master, and he knew that."

Purple Ash stared at Freya silently before sighing. "I know. I won't dwell on this problem," his eyes started shining with excitement, "for now we have the Divine and Abyssal ones. I took a look at how they trained those disciples, and even with the potential they have, I already see them achieve much for the Sect!"

"Yes, Mas- 'they' are marvelous individuals. Their knowledge, experience, and leadership skills are ones the like I have never seen before."

Freya was surprised. 'Are the 'guests' really that amazing? I should find another time to meet them! If even these two muscle heads acknowledge them, then our Sect will see a sharp rise at their hands.' Her friends' words had unknowingly lighted Freya's ambition and intrigue.

"Alright," Freya stood up. "Meeting adjourned. Goodbye, Master, Elder Hesroth!"

The two stayed at their seats after Freya left. Only when she completely exited did they release a breath of air they had been holding for a while.

"This went better than expected."

"I know, right! Normally she would have just sat there and given us jobs, but for her to actually leave like that? She was happy. It must be because of how amazing those two are." Purple Ash relaxed with his hands, comfortably interlocked behind his head.

"How's your Cultivation lately, Hesroth?" He glanced at him and asked.

"I think I will reach Nascent Soul soon, but I think I will wait some more."

"Oh," Arthur let out a gasp, and curiously asked, "why?"

Hesroth smirked before explaining. "For some time now, I felt that the way 'they' Cultivate is different," he looked at Arthur back and asked, "you felt it too, right?"

He nodded. "Then if that's true, then there must be other ways to Cultivate. If so, then even at this stage, I might be able to take a more advanced path!"

Arthur, who was lazing around, felt a new world had opened before him, 'That's true. If there are more ways to Cultivate with different realms, then can't I do the same? Will I finally break through this bottleneck?'

Hesroth saw his friend's expression and felt that he could guess his thoughts. "Let's ask them when they wake up."

"Speaking of which," Arthur started, "it's been several hours. Let's check if they are alright." Hesroth nodded with a worried gaze.


Meanwhile, Xue Mo and Lu Yao, who were going through a metamorphosis, had started changing. Inside the cocoon, Lu Yao, who had previously turned to a fox, started growing.

Her muscles, skeleton, and body broke down, and through the cocoon's energy repaired countless times. She started growing. Her arms and legs stretched and transformed from claws and paws to human hands and nails. The fur receded and gathered, turning into white hair. Then suddenly, some energy from the cocoon turned half of the newly grown white hair black.

Lu Yao started resembling the woman from the memories called Layla. Her appearance also looked different than her previous human form.

This wasn't the end, though, as she started spasming as the chaos energy flooded out of her. The images that appeared when she and Xue Mo combined their powers seemed more vivid. Her emotions, actions, and personality bloomed as if it was preparing her to receive them. And similarly to a sentient being, the chaotic energy gently floated around her. It seemed like it found its real owner.

Yet even after all of that, it wasn't ending. Another change happened to Lu Yao. Her new eyes, red with a white sclera, transformed into striking crimson with a purple sclera making her appear menacing.

While Lu Yao's transformation was enormous, Xue Mo's was lighter. He grew a few centimeters in height while his Shadow Soul Pressure seemed purer and more docile. His eyes changed again, taking on the same appearance as Lu Yao's. His hair remained purple with white strands and paled skin, but every fiber of his being looked more powerful, and different auras converged inside him.

Some of the limitations that he put into place when he created his new body disappeared. Half of the bloodlines fully unlocked. His body became many times stronger, while his control over energy became perfect.

Once both metamorphoses ended, like butterflies, the cocoons opened, showing their figures. They were both naked while shadowy black and chaotic harmonic energies hovered around them as though protecting them.

The two groaned awake at the same time and stretched. They turned to the side and noticed the other. At first, both of them looked surprised before Xue Mo suddenly reached out and touched her face.

"Yao? No, Layla?!!" he asked with widened eyes.

Lu Yao, who had also recognized him, smiled happily with such a warm smile the world looked brighter for a second. "My Mo, My Arak!"

"How?" he looked at her, tears already accumulated in his eyes, and shook his head. "I don't care how! As long as you are alive! My love, Layla. No, Yao?"

Seeing him not knowing what to call her, she shook her head, still smiling. "Let's discuss this later."

"You feel them coming too, right?" she asked him, staring at the door's direction, where they felt the presence of Hesroth and Purple Ash coming.

"We are currently both naked," stating the obvious. She made him look down, turning his pale ears a little red.

'I can't let them see her like this!' Xue Mo panicked, and without even ordering, the hovering Shadow Soul Pressure convened and wrapped around the naked Lu Yao.

A beautiful solid-looking dress appeared. Lu Yao stared at this with amazement before sincerely looking at him and congratulated him, "your dark void is back!"

Xue Mo, who got flustered unlike his usual self, scratched his head abashed and as if moving a hand, the Shadow Soul Pressure wrapped around him, dressing him in the same wear Arak used before.

[Father, Mother?!!] Infinite Darkness transmitted a worried voice into them.

Unlike the usual way Xue Mo treated it, he smiled and softly calmed it.

"Infinite Darkness! No, son. We are fine. I could guess what went through you as you processed those many scenarios, not knowing what was happening. But it's fine. We are fine!"

Xue Mo looked concerned and carefully asked, "are you okay, though? You were inside the center of everything. Did something happen to you?" Lu Yao also shot a worried look inside her being, making Infinite Darkness feel loved.

Infinite Darkness tranquilized down at his words. It was anxious when they both suddenly collapsed, screaming. It felt their souls opening up and changing and them changing too. It didn't have a record or could process, which made it feel more helpless than usual.

[I am fine, Father,] Infinite Darkness replied. [Rather than something happening to me, I feel much better as if I evolved! My processing speed and creation ability got enhanced. Right Now, if you ask me to do anything to your bodies, I can absolutely do it. I can turn you into solid, liquid, gas, and among other things. The only limitation is being an order from you!]

Lu Yao and Xue Mo heard what Infinite Darkness said and felt surprised, but they had to put it aside as two people arrived at their doors.

Hesroth and Purple Ash entered the room only to find two beautiful people, one they could easily recognize as Xue Mo although different, and the other could only be Lu Yao, they guessed.

"What…?" Purple Ash muttered, seeing them.