A day out

"That was cool!" he gave her a thumbs up.

"Was it? Well, as I said, I am my husband's wife."

"Infinite Darkness, start creating a new realm with your new abilities for Purple."

[Yes Father,] Infinite replied and added, [I will concentrate my all on this so I can finish it in time. I won't be available for a few days, maybe weeks.]

The two didn't know why, but they felt some mirth and anticipation in the usual mono-tone of Infinite Darkness. However, that didn't last long as Xue Mo started smirking, thinking, 'good kid. I will make sure to give you many siblings.'

[Thank you, father. Please do!] it transmitted only to him.

'Sly kid.'

"Are we done now?" Mo said, changing the subject.

"Yes? Yes, we are."

"Really?" Mo answered, suddenly picking her up in bridal style and throwing her on the bed. "Then, my dear wife, let's officially consummate our marriage."


Yao shook her head with a smile as Mo jumped on top of her and held her in his arms, whispering, "Yao, I love you."

"I love you more," she flipped him over, got on top, and kissed him, starting their first night of marital life.


With newfound determination, Purple Ash started absorbing Arch energy like never before. The only thing on his mind was, 'more. More. MORE.' He absorbed energy quickly and stored it in his dantian as if it were a black hole.

His room was blank. It was empty of any decorations. The only thing the room had was the piles of Arch stones and shining lines spreading and condensing energy.

'This will take a while,' he spared a thought through his insane assimilation. Let's raise my level next. It's been years since I did that.'

After deciding what to do, he reverted into his insane Cultivation with more concentration. From the way the room started losing stones, he was sure that a decent percent of the Sect's treasury would get wiped, but he didn't care.


"Nathan!" Hesroth shouted, seeing his friend on the way. Sprinting casually, he appeared in front of him." Where are you going?"

"I was thinking of checking out the Sect. Getting cooped up in one place for too long isn't good or healthy. What about you?"

"I was coming to look for you," he honestly replied, "let's go together then. You don't know your way around, and I can give you a tour!"

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked with a frown. "Aren't you busy? You should be. After all, you are an elder."

"Who cares?" he shrugged, smirking, "I will leave the work to Freya. Showing you around is more fun, but first," Hesroth said and donned on a robe that came out from his ring, "disguise is necessary."

The robe shined, and Hesroth's looks changed. He appeared younger with black hair and a heroic atmosphere. The white robe's contrast color with his black hair enhanced his handsomeness.

"So, you just wanted to look younger and more handsome?" Nathan laughed. "You should have just said so. Stop saying stuff in a roundabout way."

"Shut up!" Hesroth bellowed, seemingly really angered for some reason. His eyes seemed to spitfire. Staring at Nathan, he revealed, "this is my true look. What I used before was the disguise. You are the first person other than my Masters that knows this!"

"So, Master and Mistress know?"

"Of course!" he hit his chest confidently. "Other than them, my deceased Master does…"

"Let's go then, mister Hesroth," Nathan said, seeing Hesroth's shoulders slump and looking down all over. 'Let's cheer him up.'

"Yeah, let's go," Hesroth took the lead and went towards his room.

"Why are we going to your room?"

Hesroth turned around and sarcastically asked, "what? Did you think we were using the front door and let everyone know that we came from the Sect Master's residence?"

"���no," Nathan looked sideways, showing that he really was thinking that. "Cough, then are we using a hidden passage in your room?"

"Correct," he patted him on his shoulder, "it seems you haven't lost all your intelligence, Nate."

"Shut up, Roth."

They entered Hesroth's room. It didn't have many decorations, just some paintings and a mat on the ground. There was no sign of a bed or anything else.

'As simple as him,' Nathan thought inwardly.

"What are you doing standing there? Enter." Hesroth, who was already standing in front of a painting with a crane drawing, looked around and waved.


A heavy metallic sound came when Hesroth moved the picture to the right. The wall behind the portrait broke off and took the shape of a door, which Hesroth pushed to open. Nathan wasn't surprised and followed Hesroth.

'It's like my throne room's mechanism, but this seems simpler and easier,' Nathan pondered, going through a small tunnel in the wall. The torches around him illuminated the dimness and eased their path.

Closing the way behind, the two appeared in a building where a woman stood staring at the newcomers. She had black hair and a beautiful face.

She put the quill in her hand and rubbed her temple, fixing her eyes on the black-haired man who was smiling back. She asked, "why the fuck are you here instead of working?"

"Is that how you greet a friend martial NIECE Freya?"

"Shut up," she scowled, throwing a needle at him. "There is no one around, so stop the bullshit. And why are you in disguise? Were you going to check the Sect?"

Easily dodging, Hesroth nodded. "I wanted to show Nathan around. Nathan is my friend and is a subordinate of Masters." He introduced.

Freya finally paid attention to the middle-aged man Hesroth came with. She looked at him, evaluating, "he's weak."

Nathan furrowed his brows at her word, "Hey, you-"

Hesroth put his hands in front of him, stopping him. Nathan looked at Hesroth in confusion and was about to shout again when he saw his eyes. 'He is angry.' Nathan thought, seeing Hesroth's cold eyes.

"He's not weak!" Hesroth declared, approaching Freya. He looked at her with cold slits and muttered, "if you say that again, you will pay!"

"Let's go, Nate," Hesroth turned around and out of the office door after calling Nathan.

"Yes? Oh, okay," Nathan, still confused about what happened, completely forgot Freya and her insult.


The door shook from the intensity of Hesroth's pull, and some stone rubble rained down around it. Nathan quickly caught up with him, still confused.

"Interesting," Freya muttered, relaxing on the chair and tapping her nail on the desk. "Since when did Hesroth react like that? I called countless people weak, and some were his friends, but this is the first time…"

She went into thought for a couple of seconds before realizing, 'did that snake do that to run away?' when Freya thought that, her mind clicked, and she screamed, "HESROTH YOU ASSHOLE!"

No one heard Freya as her office was like all rooms soundproofed, and she went back to work grumbling and swearing to pay him back. 'These guys are getting bolder. Arthur is Cultivating, which is good, but this fool is showing his friend around? Fine, I will let him go this time since he hadn't had friends other than us for a long time.'

"Is it okay to leave like that?" Nathan asked Hesroth, glancing at the building they left. "Won't she be angry?"

"Oh, she will," Hesroth replied with an aloof smile. "She will be so angry that by now she's probably screaming my name and cursing the hell out of it!"



"Who cares. No one told her to call someone weak," Hesroth gazed into Nathan's eyes and looked him up and down, "but unfortunately, I have to agree."

"That I'm weak?!" Nathan gave him a stink eye. "But I'm NOT weak."

"Well, technically, you aren't weak due to your level, but your rank is low," Hesroth clarified, scratching his chin.

"Look at the Masters. They both started not long before you, but now they are in a realm similar to Foundation Establishment."

Nathan gave him an 'are you serious' look and retorted, "did you really just compare me with Masters?"

"True, that was an asshole move, but you get the point." Hesroth backed off, admitting he's wrong, but not entirely, "hmm, I got it."


"Let's ask Masters to make you a new way to Cultivate. They are doing that to Art- ahem, I meant to the Sect Master, they can do it to you too." Hesroth suggested.

"Alright," Nathan gave up. 'We will see who's weak soon enough.'


"Aurus! Give me back my XP potion!"

"No! You dared to look at my girlfriend with lust. This is compensation."

Hearing the shouts, Nathan and Hesroth, who were roaming the Sect, got interested. Seeing a crowd forming around, Nathan asked, "should we watch too?"

"Hmm," Hesroth thought and nodded. "Sure."