Arthur's departure

It's been two days since Mo started forging the rings. Every day, Yao leaves to meet with Purple Ash, and he begins a cycle of developing and reinforcing the ring.

Every time Mo reforges the rings, he adds materials, Arrays, and other effects onto them. The first ring was the one he made for Yao. It used raw chaos energy in every material that he used, which turned it greyish silver.

He made the other one with only two differences: one being black and the other using his Dark Void as the main component in them. Other than that, Mo focused his time on Cultivation.

The week passed with no special events. On the last day of the week, Mo, Yao, Freya, and Hesroth gathered to say farewell to Purple Ash. The hall where Purple Ash welcomed them when they came was the one they were all in as he prepares to depart.

When they all gathered, Arthur sent Mo some messages with his eyes telling him to do it before leaving. The latter glared at him, telling him to stop, which he did. This small exchange didn't pass through the eyes of the other three who didn't notice.

Arthur stared at the four and exchanged greetings with them. When he finished saying his goodbyes, he didn't immediately leave but stood to the side, confusing everyone who didn't know.

Mo sighed at Arthur's excited face and stepped forward before getting on one knee in front of his wife. Two boxes came out of his Parasyte Ring and landed on his hand.

The others stared at his actions in confusion, with only Yao reacting, surprised, and with her hand covering her mouth where a smile blossomed, making her shine.

"My dear wife, Yao Vrec, we have consummated our marriage and made our vows, but it isn't enough. I have made these two rings in the hopes of making everyone who sees them know that we are husband and wife. With these rings that have our energies stored in them and used as core materials, I wish to make it that we never seem apart even if somehow we do in the future."

Listening to Mo's improvised ramblings, Yao's eyes shined in happiness. Although it was rough around the edges and he said too much, she didn't care. She could feel the care and sincerity behind every word, and it made her delighted beyond comprehension.

After saying his piece, Mo stretched his hand and took her finger in them. He swiped the black ring filled with his energy on the index finger as it took the most comfortable place in size, which made it a perfect fit.

Seeing him do that, Yao took the grey ring from him and did the same. As if they were the only ones in the room, they muted all other sounds, gasps, or noises the others made, concentrating on themselves only.

"So, you were in on this?"

Freya asked Arthur seeing his satisfied face.

"Of course," he replied with glee, "I have been keeping her busy all week so he can have time to finish the rings. And look at them, they are magnificent!"

"That they are!" Hesroth quipped from the side before looking at his friend and questioning, "did you delay your trip for this reason?"

"Nah," he shook his head. "I was planning to leave today anyway since the time for Roger's nap is at its lowest this time of the year. It's easier to wake him this way," he said.

"I see," Freya rubbed her chin while staring at Yao with love-struck eyes, "isn't the goddess lovely? The picture of her and the Patriarch is like they were a match made in heaven! Everything about this picture is fantastic."

"Here we go again," Hesroth muttered under his breath before feeling his spine tingle. Slowly glancing to the side, he saw a fiery filled murderous gaze lock on him, which made him turn away.

Ever since she met Yao, Freya had been coming to Hesroth to talk to him about how great she is. The woman fell in love with her at first sight, and even now, when she saw her with Mo, she didn't feel jealous but thrilled.

Arthur and Hesroth had complicated feelings about this. They were happy to see expressions on Freya's face other than the usual mask the disciples see or grumpy honest one she gives them. But, at the same time, it felt weird as they never saw her act this way.

"Come on, you two," Arthur came from behind Hesroth and Freya and locked his hands between their necks, pulling them in for a hug. "Sometimes, I feel like the two of you are lovers. The way you act is too compatible!"

"What in the seventh hell is coming out of your mouth!" the two yelled in unison, causing Arthur to be surprised before laughing aloud while holding his belly.

"See," he pointed his finger at them. "Even this weird phrase. You two are the only ones who say it, and you always did. You two are really the fittest couple other than those two," he pointed at Mo and Yao, who was still ignoring them, "that I have ever seen."

Seeing Arthur having fun by making fun of them, the two were starting to get mad. "Hey," Hesroth called and stepped forward with his finger stretched ahead. "Just because I am a snake," he started, "and you are a dragon doesn't mean you get to joke like this." Every time he said something, he poked Arthur's chest with his finger.

Arthur stopped laughing, seeing that they were furious, and looked at them severely. "I am not joking," it was rare for Arthur to use his serious Sect Master voice, but he was doing that right now. "You two really really suit each other." He finished and turned away from them and saying as he walked away, "how about you carefully consider my words."

Arthur left Hesroth and Freya in an awkward and weird atmosphere, quickly broken by Mo and Yao, who finally gave them attention again. They saw Arthur leaving and caught up with him.

"Do you know how long you will be away, Old Geezer?" Yao asked when they got closer.

"Nope, he quickly answered before looking away and saying, "I will come when you all need me!" he tried to sound mysterious and important, but this elicited a small laugh from Mo and Yao.

"Then you won't come back?" Mo asked, trying to stop himself from laughing. "If you will only come back when we need you, then you will never come back since we will never need you."


Arthur looked at the two and smiled unexpectedly warm. It was a genuine smile without any ulterior motive. "I will try to come back as soon as possible help as much as I can," he stated and approached the two for a hug, completely catching them off guard.

Yao didn't feel disgusted by the hug and, for some reason, instead felt warmth. Maybe because Arthur was the only person who ever taught her something wholeheartedly without ulterior motive or because she grew fond of the old lug, Yao didn't react until he let of them.

"You two lover birds, I am leaving!" Arthur put his hands on his mouth in a circle shape and yelled at Hesroth and Freya, who was standing at the place he left them in a daze.

The two finally reacted to his words and approached him to say goodbye. When they finished, Arthur discreetly left the Sect.

No one knew that the 'Sect Master' left until some of the spies felt his aura leaving a month later. This caused a sensation throughout the Sect as various forces mobilized in the Dark Arts Sect, communicated with outside.

In the meantime, Mo and Yao, who was diligently Cultivating, opened their eyes as Mo said, "finally!"