The plan

My team, team Hunter came to our stop to get to position to fire at our target, a general from an enemy guild. As the enemy's approached I noticed something off the general we were ordered to kill didn't have only about 5 or 10 bodyguards and there wasn't just one general there were 2 the one we were ordered to kill, Harriet the marksman, and someone from our own guild, Pete the assassin. And with them were all of Pete's bodyguards and some heavily armed bodyguards from Harriets guild we were stunned we weren't sure whether or not Pete was the traitor or our own leader Luke was but one thing we knew for sure was that if we didn't run we would be turned into mince meat. The problem about running though is that we were in a pretty barren desert and I was up in an apartment complex type building so we weren't sure how we would be able to do this I thought to myself and thought of an idea I thought "I'll take the silencer off of my sniper, let my teammates escape while I head around to the other side to escape with them but I know what you are thinking " well wouldn't they think you would do that" and yes they would but I have an idea I have this thing called a gunshot recorder and it will record my gunshot and play it just as loud. My plan is to record it by shooting one shot specifically at the captain of the enemy guild with no silencer record that then put my silencer back on and run around the building and every time the sound gets played I shoot someone to make it seem real. So I set it up and was about to let my group start to go as quick as they can. I steadied my aim on Harriet and when I was about to shoot I heard footsteps it sounded like 20 no 30 of them had snuck into the building while I was thinking I didn't know what to do the only thing I could do was act out my plan. The good thing was that I had taken out Harriet the bad thing is that I had to go fast I started to sprint I dropped the recording device and sprinted. I had a trigger that made it play every time I needed but I totally lost that the troops started to run after me my last ditch effort was to try and make a jump that seemed impossible but I didn't want to if I could I just kept on acting out my plan but soon they were behind and me and I didn't have much time left so I did it I tried the impossible jump. You might not know what that is well what it is is where I was is basically this pillar in the middle of a gigantic pit with two bridges on each side and at the entrance parts was just desert with no cover but on the pit sides if you make the jump there is this huge wall that blocks sight of you from anyone on the island sort of thing from seeing you. The wall was meant for long ranged attackers to sit behind and attack the people on the pit island but I was going to try and jump the pit. The pit is about a quarter of a mile on the shortest parts and about 1 mile on the longest from the pit island so I knew I couldn't make it but some things I did have were a grappling hook that can puncture rock to keep you up and some really powerful spring boots that I bought off the market for some high prices. So I had to try because if I didn't I would be caught and would've been killed and then have my memory wiped and never know that it happened so I had to go. I sprinted as fast as I could and jumped.