So I thought of this one thing that could possibly save us. That one thing was that I know an admin and they could see if they knew someone who was using admin abuse. I told my friends that I have to hop off to get my admin friend and to hide and protect me in that time so I logged off and ran over to his house. When I got there which was only about 3 minutes away he wasn't there so I called him and he said he could be home in about 5 minutes. I knew that we would probably be dead by then so I told him to go as fast as he could and went back to my house to log on. I logged on and I was inside of this hiding place me and my friends were in and even the leader didn't know about it. I told my friends that I called my admin friend named Jamar that we thought that leaders of the Fanged Vipers and The Winged Eagles were cheating and using admins to do something suspicious but we weren't sure what or why they would it would just be for fun but that is just ruining other experiences so it doesn't make much sense. But I would rather people have fun then people not. Jamar got on and teleported to me and I told him about how there was a force field around the guild area and we've never seen that before. He said that this was definitely admin abuse but he just tried to undo the force field but of course it was place by a higher admin rank but he thought that there is no rank higher than admin besides the owner. We all thought that the owner would never do this to the people of his game so why why would he do this to get rid of a few players who were good at the game it just didn't make any sense. We looked outside of our hiding but the sun blinded our view I asked Jamar if he could stun all the players in this area but he said," If the owner really did do this he is probably still here." So we did the only option we had left we just had to blast our way out. Jamar turned into his actual character and we tried to blast our way out of this. Me and Henry took the rear and started taking them out from behind, while Jamar, Connor and Ryan took the front and started to spray them down.