Sunflower : first


Bakugou Katsuki has always been seen as proud and insensitive, and he was. Definitely an orange lily.

But for some time now, he had changed, and that doesn't go unnoticed by his mother, Bakugou Mitsuki.




Bakugou Mitsuki was a mother, and like any mother, she knew her son, so she could say with all the certainty of the world that her son, Bakugou Katsuki, was strange lately.

It was calmer, Mitsuki dared to say that even tame. He spent hours away from home, when he came back, he didn't yell at anyone, something that he was doing, before this change, often.

Before the move ...

Bakugou had recently ended his relationship with Camie Utsushimi. She, from what her son said, had cheated on him with a fellow worker, Shindo Yo. They used to share an apartment, but with the end of the relationship, they wouldn't live together anymore. Unfortunately for Bakugou, Camie ended up with the apartment, and Katsuki had to leave. As everything was done on time and in a hurry, the blonde had no choice but to go to his parents' house. Well, it was either that or having to go to his best friend's house, and he wasn't in the bag to take the questions he would ask.

Bakugou Katsuki. Known as the neighborhood beast for his lack of patience and short temper, he had always been like that. But he was unbearable. He was irritated by anything, smoked at the gate like a chimney, something that irritated his mother to absurd levels and never helped with his homework. But Mitsuki is not going to make it cheap.

- Katsuki! - Mitsuki shouted to his son, who was propped up at the gate smoking, as usual - Stop smoking at the gate and go to the flower shop for me.

- Go to the flower shop? Why go to the florist? - Katsuki asked irritably, throwing his cigarette on the floor and turning to talk to his mother.

- Your father and I are in a small neighborhood competition, a contest for the best garden. - Mitsuki said, now that he looked better, his mother was all dirty with clay - Masaru thinks that sunflowers would look beautiful in our garden, and I agree. Therefore, you will stop smoking like a chimney and go to the florist to buy six sunflowers for us.

- What if I don't do that, huh, old woman? - Katsuki said in challenge

- You'll have to look for another place to live!

Katsuki just snorted, he knew his mother was perfectly capable of throwing him out of the house without mercy. Then, muttering, he went to his own car and got into it, slamming the door shut. Mitsuki just watched his son drive away.

She returned to the garden at the back of the house, where her husband, Bakugou Masaru, was, finishing weeding in the right part of the garden. The woman went to the left to remove the same annoying plants. When they had all been removed, Mitsuki realized that Katsuki had not yet returned.

- I just hope that brat comes back before tomorrow. - Mitsuki said

The son returned at dinner time. It was quiet, and with its sunflowers in hand. He just handed the sunflowers to his mother and went to his room. No screams, no sarcastic comments. This did not go unnoticed by Mitsuki, who looked at the sunflowers and the stairs without knowing what to do.

- Eh ... Katsuki! - Mitsuki shouted, on the first step of the stairs and with the sunflowers in his arms - Aren't you going to have dinner? - there was no typical crude response shouted by the son - Katsuki?

Mitsuki went up the stairs holding the sunflowers, stopped in front of a door that had a sign saying: "Don't go in!". The door was not locked as usual, so she can enter. She found her son lying on the bed, looking calm but confused at the same time, looking at the ceiling.

- Katsuki? - Asked Mitsuki - Aren't you going to have dinner?

- What? Oh no. - replied Katsuki

And things went on like that for days. He was always distant, he didn't complain anymore and he didn't smoke, he spent hours outside and when he wasn't out, he was on his cell phone, talking to someone and smiling like a fool. Sometimes he would come back with several flowers in his arms, something he once claimed to hate. He was definitely not himself anymore. Mitsuki's most likely theory was that he had been abducted on the way to the flower shop and now she had an ET posing as her son. It may not be too late to call NASA.




- I'm going to buy fertilizer! - Mitsuki shouted

Katsuki came running into the house, was in the garden, helping his father to paint the fence, something he agreed to do while he was in his "alien ecstasy", as Mitsuki said, since she still suspected that her son had been abducted and now a alien was impersonating him.

- Let me go! - he said, breathless from the race

- No. I'm going to the flower shop, you're going to finish painting the fence with your father. - Mitsuki said

- Okay, but I'm going to have to stop now, when I get back I paint the rest. - Katsuki said

- Come back? Back from where? The good guy is not going anywhere, you will stay at home painting the fence with your father.

- I have an appointment, mom.

- What commitment, Katsuki?

- A date.

- And I'm the Wizard of Oz. You will be Katsuki.

- And give the girl a cake with the excuse that my mom won't let me out? Am I a teenager now?

- You can tell this "girl" that she can come here to paint the fence too, that if she is not too busy being non-existent, because you stay, and you better not even think about leaving home.

Katsuki snorted and grunted, but went to the garden to paint the fence.




- Good afternoon, Mitsuki-san! - said the florist, Yasu Uraraka

- Yasu! How long. - Mitsuki said, smiling - I thought your daughter was working with you, where is Ochako? - asked Bakugou, looking around looking for the lovely girl

- For what she told me, on a "date". - said Yasu, making quotation marks with his fingers when saying "meeting" - Girl, I won't even tell you. Ochako is impossible these days. She looks out the window waiting for a customer and refuses to attend to anyone other than him. She almost slapped me when I saw him.

- Ochako? Assurance? That precious little flower? - Mitsuki asked incredulously

- Herself. And how is Katsuki?

- The demon himself on Earth, or rather, was. I think he was abducted, because that being who is living in my house is definitely not my son!

- Why?

- He's calm, Yasu. He was never like that. Today he told me he was going on a date. Katsuki must only think that I am foolish to think that I would believe this. I told him that the girl could paint the fence too, that shut him up quickly.

- Meeting? Wasn't he dating?

- It was, it was gored.

- Ochako too, in a way.

- Wait, Midoriya Izuku, just the sweetest kid in the neighborhood, betrayed Ochako?

- Not exactly. He met a girl in engineering college and he fell in love with her, so he broke up with Ochako so as not to betray her. She was devastated ...

- Poor Ochako ... She always spoke to me with enthusiasm about what her and Izuku's wedding would be like.

Yasu laughed.

- Ochako is like that. I just hope she doesn't go to the "date" dressed as a bride, the way she is in a hurry ...

Mitsuki and Yasu laughed.




Mitsuki came into his house with a bag full of gardening tools. The first thing she saw was her husband looking, from a distance, eagerly at a window in the kitchen that overlooked the garden.

- Masaru? What's it? Where's Katsuki? This kid had better not come out! - said Mitsuki

- K-katsuki ... - stuttered Masaru

- Where is he?

- E-on a date ...

- He left home?! Now that I get him!

- No, he didn't.

- So where is he?

- In the garden.

It was then that Mitsuki remembered that he had suggested to Katsuki that the girl could come and paint the fence. But she was being sarcastic, she didn't even believe the girl existed. She ran to the door that led to the garden entrance, seeing something she thought she would never see.

Her son, Katsuki and, guess what, Ochako painting the fence together while laughing and trying to get paint on each other.

- Masaru, pick up the phone that I have the gossip of the century!

And therein lies the reason for Katsuki's change.