why is life so hard? ~Izuku's thoughts~

So I have liked todoroki for a long time, like since the UA sports festival. Every time I try and tell him that I like him I get so nervous and all red. I just can't do it. Ive never really had a crush before, so I've never asked anyone out before either. Me and todoroki hang out a lot so I know a lot about him. His favorite food, game, snack. But even though I know him well I still dont know how he feels about me. Or even if he likes boys. Life is just not fair. I wish he just knew so we could get to the good stuff in life. But sometimes you need to go through the hard times to get to those good times. Take risks to find out what's behind those walls. You know what tonight is the night! I Will take the risk, break down those walls and tell todoroki how I really feel about him. And I won't get scared, red or nervous this time. I can do this! But what if he doesn't like me back. What if I screw this up. What if our friendship is ruined after tonight. No! I have to get this over with! I need to grow up and except my feeling's. I can do this. But how can I ask him, When is the right time, How will I know?