Chapter 40: The Captain's Return

The world! What a glorious place! Seek freedom, and it will lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit, seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall!

"Those morons," Crocodile growled, eyeing the Rebel Army in the distance. "They can sneak through impenetrable defenses to steal a king without getting caught, but can't kill one little princess and a tiny pirate crew. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't really after the country." Cobra's eyes widened. "Tell me, King Cobra, where is the ancient weapon Pluton?"

Cobra shuffled away, something sounding like "I don't know, but even if I did, I'd never tell you, you bastard," working its way around the gag in his mouth. Crocodile sighed. Why couldn't someone just agree for once?

"You won't tell me, then? A pity really. If you had, then I would have left your daughter alone, but if you won't cooperate..." The Warlord twisted into a sandstorm and picked up the king before rocketing toward the army in the dessert. As they got closer, it became clear that a group of people were being weeded out of the ranks, some of them not-so-peacefully if the small pile of wounded soldiers was of any indication.

"We've got another one, Vivi," Coby called, lumbering through the crowd in his Dino Mode and carrying a man who was grasping his stomach and wheezing. Grace lifted the man's right sleeve to show his Baroque Works tattoo.

"And that makes 18," Vivi counted from beside Kohza. The agent said nothing; he only laughed loudly, a yellow design painted on his neck. "I always did wonder why all the Millions and Billions got tattoos of a super-secret criminal organization. I guess it was that time that a huge storm left them all grounded on the island known for it's booze."

"Don't let Zoro-sensei hear there's an island around known for just booze," Coby smirked, changing back. "I'd rather avoid the mutiny he'd start if Luffy refused to go there."

"Yes," Vivi laughed, allowing herself to smile. "Mr. Bushido wouldn't be able to find the island even if he had a hundred eternal poses."

"I'd heard you'd betrayed us, Ms. Goldenweek," Crocodile said emotionlessly, materializing behind Vivi. The princess jumped and backed away from him, her good mood instantly gone. Kohza turned, but he was still in shock that the hero of Alabasta was trying to destroy it. "It seems Mr. 3's report was not exaggerated."

"Crocodile," Coby growled, a deep, animalistic rumble reverberating from his throat as Grace ducked behind him to hide from her old boss. "Where is Captain Luffy?"

"Oh, do back off, boy. I'm out of your league and you know it. I'd kill you just like I did that pathetic captain of yours." He turned to face the princess."I'm surprised you've survived this long, Ms. Wednesday. It's becoming apparent that you were one of my most competent agents. I suppose that's a good thing since I can use your survival to my favor. You're coming with me." He reached toward Vivi, tendrils of sand spiraling out to grab the blunette. Coby interrupted the abduction, leaping in front of the blunette in his Hybrid Mode and batting the sand away with the flat of his blades.

"You'll have to get through me to get to Vivi!" Coby yelled, readying himself. The Warlord's face did not change as he gazed at the foolish child before him. With the slightest twitch on his fingers, sand twisted out like a whip at the other Devil Fruit user. Coby batted away the first strike, but the second caught him off guard. It slammed into his stomach, sucking out water as he was flung into the dessert.

"Coby!" Vivi cried out in worry.

"Colors Trap: Sadness Blue!" Grace's paint splattered onto Crocodile's back.

"Nice try," the sand-man complemented, the area with the paint cracking and falling away. "But that won't work on a logia like me." Sand rose from the desert below the Warlord, blasting the girl backwards. "Now Ms. Wednesday, if you value these children's lives, you'll come quietly like your dear father here." Another gesture and Cobra's struggling form floated over.

"Father!" Vivi wrestled with her emotions. Next to her, Kohza was still in shock at the actions of Alabasta's hero. "Please. You can have me, just let him go."

"I'm afraid that's not how it works," Crocodile smirked, the desert rising to trap the princess. "You see, I need you to get him to tell me what I want to know."

"You basta-" Sand shot up, muffling the female before she could finish her insult. A handful of cracks filled the are as a portion of Kohza's generals and the old Sand-Sand Clan fired at the Warlord, but the bullets did nothing to the Devil Fruit user. Crocodile laughed as he flew away, his lower body nothing more than a sandstorm and both royals captured.

"Damn it!" Coby cried, punching the soft sand beneath him with tears in his eyes. Grace silently rubbed circles on his back, glaring in Crocodile's general direction. "Where's Captain Luffy?! He... He said he'd kick Crocodile's ass!"

"He'll be back," she stated. "If I've learned anything about our captain since joining, it's that he's too stubborn to just die."

Crocodile set down in the middle of the castle lawn, the unconscious forms of many castle guards strewn about. Nico Robin was waiting for him, casually leaning against a column of the palace. Beside her knelt one of Alabasta's Guardians, Chaka the Jackal. The man, who had a hooked nose, a darker complexion, and black hair cut to a medium length was tied up, bruises covering his face and blood staining his clothes. His eyes fluttered as he struggled to remain conscious.

"My Lord," he wheezed, barely making out the king's image. "Princess. I failed. 4:30. There's a bo... a bom..." The man slumped, too weak to remain awake and his warning unfinished.

"It looks like you had fun," Crocodile chuckled, his eyes locking with the dark-haired woman's. "Now I do believe it is time for the information we talked about. King Cobra, where is the Pluton?" Vivi stared, confused. Was this the reason Crocodile was willing to rip apart her country and ruin countless lives? She'd never heard of this Pluton, but, based on Cobra's facial expression, her father had. He didn't answer until the Warlord formed a sword out of sand and pointed it at Vivi's throat.

"I don't know," Cobra ground out, his eyes trying to stare daggers into the man holding him and his daughter prisoner. "I've never seen it. Nor have I wanted to. No man was meant to wield that much power."

"But you are aware of its existence. That is something. We'll compromise then. You can't take me to Pluton, so take me to your Poniglyph instead."

"Please," the king begged. "I will do as you ask, just please, spare my daughter. Even if this kingdom were to fall, even if you kill me, let her live her life."

"Father, no!" Vivi cried, struggling. "But the kingdom-"

"Is not as important to me as you are," Cobra cut her off. "I know it's selfish, but your safety takes priority over my life. And the people of the country are more important than a seat on the World Council of Kingdoms. What do you say, Crocodile?"

"I will not kill her if you take me to the Poniglyph," Crocodile swore, removing his sand sword from Vivi's neck. Her bonds stayed on as those of her father crumpled away. "Come, Ms. Allsunday," Crocodile ordered, moving Vivi to bury her up to her neck in sand against the pillar next to the unconscious Chaka. She cried as the trio made their exit, the sand holding Vivi in place until the three were too far away for her to catch up. The grains fell loosely, allowing her to pull herself out from underneath it. She crawled over to Chaka and checked his vitals. Confirming that he was still alive, the princess moved to care for him and the other guards to save as many of them as she could.

She had to keep her mind off of Crocodile. She couldn't think about how he could be killing her father. She couldn't let her brain admit that, if Crocodile was here, that Luffy had lost. That Luffy was dead.

She couldn't...

But she did. The thoughts came unbidden, surging forward one after another despite her attempts to banish them. Fresh tears fell from her eyes and she finally gave in to the despair within her heart. That was it. Luffy was dead. Crocodile had won.

But just when all hope was lost, a new development made itself known. A giant falcon swooped down from the sky, two people on its back. Luffy stepped forward, Nami sleeping in his arms and a large barrel of water with a hose strapped to his back, as Pell changed back to his human form. The teen had the most serious-looking face Vivi had ever seen, but her surprise at his appearance left that observation unnoticed for the first few seconds. She smiled and ran toward him until Luffy's words stopped her short.

"Where is Crocodile?" The captain's voice was low, deadly. He was in no mood for games. The Warlord's subordinates had nearly killed his girlfriend and he was going to get his revenge.

"Nami...?" Vivi questioned. "Is she...?"

"She's alive," Luffy sighed, a hint of happiness working its way into his tone. "Bird-guy and I found her and Carue on our way here. Carue was pretty beat up, too, but he insisted we bring Nami here first. Now, where is Crocodile?" Vivi flinched at the acid in his tone. She'd heard something similar whenever someone brought up the name of a pirate known as Krieg (who, it turned out, had died while attacking a restaurant a couple of months ago), but this was far deeper. Vivi could swear there was some force pushing on her, telling her to answer his question or fall unconscious.

"He took my father," the princess squeaked after a few seconds. "Crocodile forced my father to take him to something called a Poniglyph."

"No," Pell gasped.

"You know it?" Luffy asked.

"I do," the other Devil Fruit user nodded. "No one knows what it says, but legend has it that it tells of an ancient power."

"Pluton," Vivi muttered. "He said he's after Pluton."

"That's not good," Pell admitted. "Luckily, as one of the king's advisors, I know of the Poniglyph's location."

"Take me," Luffy ordered, leaving no room for debate. "I'll kick Croc's ass there."


"Take. Me. There." Pell did not respond. He only transformed and offered his back. Luffy climbed on and the two took to the sky. Vivi watched them go before turning her attention to Nami. The navigator was covered in wounds, some still lightly bleeding, but most scabbed over. The worst wound was on her left shoulder, where much of the skin had been torn away, and a small hole through her right heel. They probably wouldn't scar if Chopper got to it fast enough. Vivi pulled out the first aid supplies she'd been using to care for the soldiers and started bandaging the pirate. After tying off the last knot, the shell on the other girl's right wrist caught her attention.

The den-den. Of course. Vivi scrambled over and opened the shell. The snail straightened, letting out its dial tone. Several seconds passed before the snail clicked and multiple voices answered.

"Hello?" Grace, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper asked at the same time.

"Guys!" Vivi called, almost crying of joy. "Luffy's back!" The others cheered on their end until a new voice interrupted them.

"Vivi?" Kohza asked. He must have been using Grace's baby den-den. "Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"I'm in the castle," she answered. "How fast can you all get here?"

"I'm not sure. Within 15 minutes, I should think."

"Get over here. You too, Tony. Nami's with me, but she's hurt really badly. We need your help."

"My beautiful Nami-swan is hurt?!" Sanji yelled before hanging up in a hurry.

"Amy and I are on our way," the reindeer responded before he hung up as well.

"I'll see if I can find Zoro," Usopp said. "Who knows where he's gotten himself."

"Thanks, Usopp," Vivi told him before Chaka's unfinished words came back to her. "Be careful. I have a feeling Crocodile has a back-up plan somewhere in the city."

"I'll keep an eye out," Usopp told her before he, too, hung up, leaving Vivi only connected to Grace, Coby, and the Rebel Army.

"Hey, Vivi?" the blunette heard Coby ask over the transponder snail. "You said Captain Luffy was back, right?"


"Good," Coby sighed. "Me, Grace, and the Rebel leaders will head to the palace. Talk to the Royal Army, if you can."

"Sure thing." The line went dead with a CA-CHUCK, the snail going to sleep.

"Everyone, please hurry," Vivi prayed. "And Luffy. Be careful."

Pell dropped Luffy off in front of what looked like a tomb made of white marble. In the yard to the left, an open hidden stairway lay revealed, leading down into the underground.

"I've got it from here," Luffy told him. "Go help the others." Pell nodded before taking off. Luffy ran down the staircase, the walls and ceiling crumbling around him.

"Get ready, Crocodile," he warned, "cause I'm gonna kick your ass into next week."

End of Chapter 40

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