You And Your Obsession With Power!

It took a few days but Luna Conbolt was able to find the information Flint wanted regarding those flights. He scanned the list until he reached Las Vegas. It rang a dim bell.

Hadn't Ruby expressed a desire to go there and have the chance to meet the fire fairies that settled in that area once before? He didn't want to pay for a flight down there only to have his time wasted. It would be better to have Luna do it; if his niece was there, she would be able to sniff her out.

So he told the werewolf to go there on his behalf and got the confirmation as soon as Luna arrived in the airport that Ruby's scent was faintly there. She had gone to Las Vegas after all.

"I can't bring her back for you but I know where she's staying," she informed him over the phone a few hours later.

"That's fine; I'll take care of her myself," Flint said impatiently. "Thank you for your work. Our contract is done."